Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for Analysis of Aerosol Particles: The Path Toward Quantitative Analysis
The author discusses the evolution of thought with regard to LIBS-based analysis of aerosol systems and provides insight into future research directions.
The Role of Naturally Occurring Stable Isotopes in Mass Spectrometry, Part III: Small Gas Molecule Calculations
In the third installment of this tutorial, the authors discuss the determination of the isotopic composition of a sample from a mass spectrometric measurement.
From the Editor
Introduction to this month's issue by David Walsh.
Columnist David W. Ball discusses how a scarf featuring the visible emission spectrum of hydrogen inspired his latest column, on color.
Mass Spectrometry Forum: Ion Lenses
Columnist Kenneth L. Busch looks at the impact ion lenses can have on the performance of the mass spectrometer.
Product Resources
Vol 24 No 9 Spectroscopy September 2009 Regular Issue PDF
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