January 6th 2025
We critically review the qualification and validation approaches in the World Health Organization Technical Report Series (WHO TRS) 1019 Annex 3 and its applicability to spectrometer systems.
Advancing Agriculture for Future Generations: The Impact of Spectroscopy on an Important Field
February 1st 2024Welcome to our Advancing Agriculture for Future Generations content series! Begin your exploration by checking out a compilation of our articles that spotlight how spectroscopy is revolutionizing the agriculture industry.
The 2024 Emerging Leader in Atomic Spectroscopy Award
January 1st 2024This year’s Emerging Leader in Atomic Spectroscopy Award recipient is Eduardo Bolea-Fernández. For the past decade, Bolea-Fernández’s research has focused on the development of a newly introduced technique, termed tandem ICP-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS/MS), for ultra-trace elemental and isotopic analysis. Senior technical editor Jerome Workman discusses Bolea-Fernández’s work here.
The 2023 Emerging Leader in Atomic Spectroscopy Award
January 1st 2023Andreas Riedo of the Physics Institute at the University of Bern, the 2023 winner of the Emerging Leader in Atomic Spectroscopy Award, is using laser ablation–desorption ionization mass spectrometry (LIMS) to chemically analyze complex mineral surfaces found in space exploration.
2020 Salary Survey: What Are Today’s Career Trends?
March 1st 2020The 2020 Spectroscopy salary and employment survey shows an increase in salaries from previous survey years. Salary, however, does not tell the whole story. We look at broader employment trends, including job satisfaction, workload, workplace bullying, the job market for spectroscopists, and more.
Emerging Trends and Opportunities in Discrete-Frequency Infrared and Raman Spectroscopic Imaging
June 1st 2016Recent advances in instrumentation have enabled new forms of vibrational chemical imaging, including discrete frequency infrared (DFIR) microscopy and stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) microscopy. These technologies may represent a fundamental shift in how we approach spectroscopic imaging: rather than collecting full spectra which contain redundant information, measuring a few important spectral frequencies may enable significant gains in speed, throughput, signal to noise ratio, and/or image quality. For infrared microscopy, these advantages may be compounded by High Definition IR microscopy. Here we discuss recent advances in infrared and nonlinear Raman imaging through the lens of 'discrete frequency' approaches, including several examples of applications and critical issues in instrumentation that are likely to be dominating research themes in the near future.
Trends in Spectroscopic Instrumentation: Complex Measurement Needs Drive Instrument Design
March 1st 2016This article discusses emerging trends in the design and use of spectroscopic instrumentation. It focuses on recent research using new or modified spectroscopic techniques that are advancing scientists’ capability to obtain high-content, high-resolution data from ever-smaller sample sizes. To illustrate this trend, the article surveys novel approaches to complex measurement problems across a wide range of critical fields such as disease research, food safety, environmental monitoring, and drug development.
Trends in Spectroscopy: A Big-Picture Look at Recent Innovations and Future Directions
March 1st 2015Recent federal science and technology initiatives are focusing public attention and funding on the need for innovative research in environmental quality, sustainability, medicine, and advanced materials.
Emerging Technology Trends in Atomic Spectroscopy Are Solving Real-World Application Problems
March 14th 2014A look at ICP–MS, ICP–OES, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy in the areas of research and development, marketing, application, and use of these techniques.