Fast and Accurate Sugar, Acid, and Sulfite Analysis Using Automated Discrete Analysis


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Take the stress out of the harvest season with automated sample analysis! Ensure your product is the same year-to-year with fully automated, extremely reliable and specific QC testing throughout the growing process! Live: Friday, Dec. 14, 2018 at 11am EST | 8am PST | 4pm GMT | 5pm CET / On Demand: available after airing until Dec. 14, 2019. Register free:

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The analysis timeline is critical in winemaking to assure the quality of the finished product.  Discrete analyzer systems ensure fast, reliable, and repeatable results by utilizing specific enzyme reactions and robust robotics to streamline laboratory analysis during critical times of the year, like harvest. We will discuss the principles of photometric analysis, important parameters to analyze in grapes and wine, and how a discrete analyzer is used in a wine laboratory.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding what to test for in wine, and when

  • Understanding the principles of photometric analysis

  • Understanding how a discrete analyzer will streamline typical wine lab workflows

Speaker: David Glutz, Product Specialist, Discrete Analyzers, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Time and date: Friday, Dec. 14, 2018 at 11am EST | 8am PST | 4pm GMT | 5pm CET
On demand available after airing until Dec. 14, 2019.

Sponsor: Thermo Fisher Scientific

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