LC?MS software
ACD/Labs introduces ACD/IntelliXtract LC–MS software designed for automatic molecular weight determination, component extraction, and sample comparison. The software considers ion adducts, multimers, 12 C/13 C ratios, isotopes, neutral losses, and fragment ions to provide accurate molecular ion identification. Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc., Toronto, Canada;
Circle 45
Horiba Jobin Yvon's LabRAM Raman microscopes combine Raman spectroscopy with near field optics and an atomic force microscope for material analysis in the 200–400 nm range. The LabRAM-HR NANO confocal Raman microscope system reportedly can achieve spatial resolution of 100 nm and can be used in the analysis of semiconductor materials and wafers. The LabRAM-INV NANO inverted Raman microscope system can be used in biological and life science applications. Horiba Jobin Yvon, Edison, NJ;
Circle 46
The model U-0080D photodiode-array spectrophotometer, designed to meet the requirements of biotechnology laboratories, is equipped with standard DNA/RNA analysis software. The spectrophotometer reportedly is capable of measuring the entire wavelength range within 0.05 seconds. The instrument can analyze trace amounts. Hitachi High Technologies America, San Jose, CA;
Circle 47
The S8 TIGER wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer from Bruker AXS features an integrated touch screen, a user interface that reportedly requires minimal training, and automatic recognition of liquid and solid samples to adjust spectrometer conditions for safe handling. It can analyze all elements in a variety of sample types and is designed for industrial process control applications such as petrochemical, mining, steel manufacturing, and cement. Bruker AXS Inc., Madison, WI;
Circle 48
The C-Flow concentric nebulizer for ICP from Savillex Corporation is molded out of PFA and is chemically resistant to most matrices. The nebulizer is designed with a straight, fixed capillary and a one-piece gas port. According to the company, the nebulizer performs consistently at multiple flow rates and provides high sensitivity and low oxides. Savillex Corporation, Minnetonka, MN;
Circle 49
PIKE Technologies' NIR IntegratIR integrating sphere is said to provide high performance qualitative and quantitative analysis of a wide variety of samples. The integrating sphere contains a fully integrated indium-gallium-arsenide detector. Options include a rotating stage for averaging large samples and an automated transmission stage for pharmaceutical tablet analysis. PIKE Technologies, Madison, WI;
Circle 50
NIR analyzers from Thermo Electron include the Antaris Target Blend analyzer for real-time analysis of pharmaceutical blending processes, the Antaris II for making measurements at production point-of-use or in real-time processes, and the Antaris MX and EX FT-NIR analyzers for process control applications. The analyzers are designed to provide simultaneous multipoint measurements. Thermo Electron, Waltham, MA;
Circle 51
XSR Xtreme Solarization-resistant optical fiber assemblies from Ocean Optics are designed for deep-UV applications (< 300 nm), signal transmission to 180 nm, and resistance to UV degradation. The fiber assemblies are available in core diameter sizes of 235 μm and 455 μm and in standard lengths of 25 cm, 1 m, and 2 m. Each assembly has an aluminum coating, stainless steel BX jacketing, and SMA 905 Connectors. Ocean Optics, Dunedin, FL;
Circle 52
The Mechelle 5000 echelle spectrograph from Andor is designed to cover a wavelength range of 200–950 nm and has a spectral resolution of 5000. It is combined with the company's iStar ICCD detector system and reportedly provides sensitivity, fast or slow gating, a wide spectral response, and minimum insertion delay. Applications include combustion, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and laser-induced fluorescence experiments. Andor Technology, Belfast, UK;
Circle 53
Newport Corporation's new product catalog features more than 5000 new products, including Spectra-Physics lasers, Oriel light sources, optics, mounts, vibration and motion control, spectroscopy and photonics instruments. Newport Corporation, Irvine, CA;
Circle 54
Buck Scientific's model 410 mercury analyzer is designed for the analysis of trace levels of mercury in drinking, surface, and saline waters, as well as domestic and industrial wastes. The instrument achieves detection limits of 10 ppt/absolute mass 0.0025 mg with a 400-mm flowcell. Buck Scientific, East Norwalk, CT;
Circle 55
The Prodigy-Mobile Lab transportable simultaneous ICP spectrometer from Teledyne Leeman Labs is designed to provide accessibility to laboratory-quality ICP-AES instrumentation in field operation. The spectrometer includes an integral suspension system to isolate the instrument from drive train, road, and shock hazards. Teledyne Leeman Labs, Hudson, NH;
Circle 56
Varian, Inc. offers two OMIX Array solid phase extraction devices for bioanalytical sample preparation. The micro extraction pipette tips for TOMTEC's Quadra instruments reportedly eliminate the need for vacuum processing. The 96-well plates feature small-bed processing capabilities in an SBS-compatible device designed to interface with standard 96-well liquid-handling equipment used in bioanalytical research. Varian, Inc., Palo Alto, CA;
Circle 57
Bruker Optics' RamanScopeIII Raman microscope is designed to be coupled to the company's FT-Raman spectrometers for fluorescence-free, nondestructive analysis of microscopic samples. It can be combined with the company's grating-based dispersive Raman microscope to provide excitation wavelengths ranging from 1064 nm to 532 nm on a single microscope. Bruker Optics, Billerica, MA;
Circle 58
Avantes' AvaSpec-3648-USB2 spectrometer supports an integration time ranging from 10 μs to 10 min (in steps of 10 μs) for applications such as LIBS and plasma monitoring. According to the company, the spectrometer has 3648 pixels resolution to cover the 200–1100 nm wavelength range and an FWHM resolution of 0.025 nm. The spectrometer reportedly allows precise online monitoring and a spectrum transfer time of 3.7 ms. Avantes, Boulder, CO;
Circle 59
The SpectraPro HRE echelle spectrograph from Princeton Instruments/Acton is designed for general spectroscopy as well as laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. The spectrograph is designed to sample continuously wavelengths ranging from 190 to 1050 nm. The spectrograph is designed to work with the company's camera systems and to be controlled by the company's WinSpec software. Princeton Instruments/Acton, Trenton, NJ;
Circle 60
The 56 RCS series of diode laser assemblies from Melles Griot provide output wavelengths of 408 nm (> 50 mW), 442 nm (> 36 mW), or 638 nm (> 28 mW). The platform reportedly incorporates advanced optics positioning techniques with far field circularity of > 95 %, precisely controlled beam divergence, and accurate waist location. The instruments are equipped with a user interface that includes an hour meter and diagnostic LEDs. Melles Griot, Carlsbad, CA;
Circle 61
PANalytical's Axios-Minerals wavelength dispersive, sequential XRF spectrometer is designed to meet the needs of users in the mining and minerals industries. The system includes a set of 19 synthetic multielement wide-range oxides standards. It provides data across the elemental range from fluorine to uranium in concentrations ranging from parts per million to 100 wt%. PANalytical, Natick, MA;
Circle 62
Innov-X's Alpha Series handheld X-ray fluorescence analyzers are designed to provide fast, precise, and nondestructive elemental identification in materials ranging from plastics, soils, and alloys to liquids, powders, and coatings. Applications include electronics RoHS/WEEE screening, scrap metal recycling, quality assurance of precious metals, and environmental monitoring. Innov-X Systems, Woburn, MA;
Circle 63
Hellma's BestCELLERS 2006 catalog contains information on common spectroscopy cells, immersion probes, secondary standards, microplates, and other accessories. It emphasizes the company's ultra-micro TrayCell for 4–5 μL and solid and liquid calibration standards. Hellma, Plainview, NY;
Circle 64
Ahura's Identifier handheld Raman instrument is designed for in-the-field identification and verification of liquid and solid samples. The instrument weighs less than 4 lb. It is reportedly chemically resilient, operates through glass or plastic, avoids contamination, requires no calibration or consumables, and is ready for use within seconds of turn-on. Ahura Corporation, Wilmington, MA;
Circle 65
The VERAX Raman spectrometer from InPhotonics is a fiber-coupled system designed for laboratory analyses, ranging from research to rapid sample verification to process development. The instrument, which can be used with the company's RamanProbe models, is configured for 785nm excitation, offers 4 cm-1 spectral resolution, and spans the 230–1800 cm-1 region. Different range/resolution combinations are available in the visible and near-infrared spectral regions to be used with various excitation lasers. InPhotonics, Inc., Norwood, MA;
Circle 66
Semrock's RazorEdge short-wave-pass thin-film filters are designed to attenuate a designated laser-line by six orders of magnitude while maintaining a typical edge steepness of 0.5% of the laser wavelength. The filters reportedly are suitable for anti-Stokes Raman applications and are matched to the company's laser-line cleanup filters. Semrock, Rochester, NY;
Circle 67
GFS Chemicals uses its high purity acids to manufacture salts and solutions used in trace metal analysis. According to the company, a metals basis purity of 99.999% characterizes many of its matrix modifiers and ionization buffers, such as NH4H2PO4, NH4NO3, Ni(NO3)2:6H2O, Mg(NO3)2:6H2O, Pd(NO3)2:H2O, LaCl3:7H2O, La(NO3)3:6H2O, KCl, KNO3, and LiNO3. GFS Chemicals, Inc., Powell, OH;
Circle 68
Instruments and supplies
SCP Science's Instruments and Supplies catalog includes products such as the company's high-volume DigiPREP LS metal digestion system, a variety of DigiSEP solid phase extraction cartridges, and PlasmaPURE Plus high purity acids. SCP Science, Champlain, NY;
Circle 69
Parker Balston introduces the SOURCE LCMS-5000 LC–MS gas generation system, which produces nitrogen, zero air, and exhaust pump gases. It combines a compressor with coalescing filters, catalysts, and hollow-fiber membranes to produce these gases. Parker Hannifin Corporation, Haverhill, MA;
Circle 70
International Crystal Labs introduces the E-Z Quick Table Top press. It is constructed from stainless steel, chrome-plated steel, and anodized aluminum. According to the company, the press mounts vertically, which enables the use of body weight and shoulder muscles. The press uses the 7-, 4-, and 2-mm die sets that are used in the company's Quick Press and Port-A-Press presses. International Crystal Laboratories, Garfield, NJ;
Circle 71
Jasco's model DT-810 dissolution tester is designed to provide fully automated dissolution testing of up to eight samples with either the standard paddle method or the optional rotating-basket method. The tester offers a circular design for uniform water temperature and an automatic centering mechanism that provides hands-free positioning of the dissolution vessels and drive shafts. Jasco, Inc., Easton, MD;
Circle 72
Amptek's model X-123 X-ray spectrometer is a low power (1.2 W) module that includes an X-ray detector and preamplifier, a digital pulse processor, and a power supply. The spectrometer includes a USB or RS 232 computer connection and is designed to work with the company's detectors. Amptek, Inc., Bedford, MA;
Circle 73
Glass Expansion announces the Tracey PFA44 spray chambers for ICP-MS. According to the company, the spray chambers' ultrapure PFA material makes them suitable for ultratrace ICP-MS analyses. The material is inert, allowing the spray chamber to be used with all common solutions. Glass Expansion, Inc., Pocasset, MA;
Circle 74
Thermo Electron's iCAP 6300 and 6500 ICP emission spectrometers are designed to be the most compact ICP emission spectrometers available on the market. The spectrometers feature the company's charge injection device detector; a high-power, solid-state RF generator; a distributed purge system; and automated wavelength calibration. Thermo Electron, Waltham, MA;
Circle 75
SPEX CertiPrep's sub-boiling acid stills employ infrared heaters to distill impurities through surface evaporation without boiling. A single distillation can reduce most impurities below parts per billion. Acids are available in dimensions of 27W x 27D x 60H. The PTFE still handles all acids except sulfuric acid, and the Quartz still handles all acids except hydrofluoric acid. Both stills produce 50 mL/h of operation. SPEX CertiPrep, Metuchen, NJ;
Circle 76
The AccessATR from Harrick Scientific is designed for ATR measurements of solid, liquid and paste samples. The accessory is equipped with a built-in trough to contain liquids and a press for solid sampling. Harrick Scientific Products, Inc., Ossining, NY;
Circle 77
The ExplorerPLS microwave synthesis system from CEM is built on the company's Discover platform. The system has a 24-place reaction deck with four independent autosampler racks. Its dimensions are 14.5"W x 27"H x 21"D to fit into standard hoods. CEM Corporation, Matthews, NC;
Circle 78
Two ICP-MS instruments from Varian are designed for elemental analysis of complex samples. The model 810-MS and 820-MS instruments contain high-efficiency 90-degree ion optics and a double off axis quadrupole designed to provide low background noise and gigahertz sensitivity. The model 820-MS also includes the company's collision reaction interface, which reportedly enables the use of collision and reaction gases such as helium, allowing lower detection limits and more accurate quantitation for difficult elements in complex samples. Varian, Inc., Palo Alto, CA;
Circle 79
B&W Tek's Cleanlaze NIR laser for Raman spectroscopy offers output power ranging from 25 mW to over 1 W at 785 nm. The laser is also available at 980 nm and custom wavelengths. Multimode models feature a 0.2-nm FWHM while single mode versions feature 0.02-nm linewidth. The laser can be used for process, portable, and laboratory applications. B&W Tek, Inc., Newark, DE;
Circle 80
The S-303 high-speed phase shifters from Physik Instrumente reportedly offer angstrom-level resolution and microsecond responsiveness. The shifters are designed for mirrors and optics up to 1-in. diameter and can be mounted in any orientation. Open- and closed-loop versions are available. Physik Instrumente, Auburn, MA;
Circle 81
StellarNet's miniature fiber-optic spectrometers, coupled with the company's optic sampling accessories and SpectraWizR software are designed for light measurement applications in the UV-Vis-NIR ranges. The instruments' multiple channel systems span wavelengths ranging from 190 nm to 2100 nm. StellarNet, Tampa, FL;
Circle 82
Inorganic Ventures offers its line of custom standards. Designed to perform with efficient precision, the standards come with a certificate of analysis, which is included to provide chemists with the information they'll need to achieve successful analyses. Inorganic Ventures, Lakewood, NJ;
Circle 83
RoMack introduces their new line of fiber optic flow cells designed for absorption and fluorescence measurements. The cells offer path lengths from 1 mm to 1 meter and cover the applications ranging from UV through NIR. Features include application in harsh environments, including high temperature and aggressive chemicals. RoMack, Inc., Williamsburg, VA;
Circle 84
The Eagle III XPL micro-EDXRF spectrometer from EDAX is now available with an optional primary-beam-filter accessory that reportedly improves detection limits. The spectrometer uses capillary optics, CCD video imaging cameras, and a motorized xyz stage for nondestructive small-spot analysis correlated with video imaging. Features include simultaneous detection of elements ranging from Na through U, and little or no sample preparation requirements. Typical applications include forensics, failure analysis, coating thickness-composition measurement, quality control, and chemical imaging. EDAX, Mahwah, NJ;
Circle 85
PerkinElmer's Spectrum 100 FT-IR and 100N FT-NIR spectrometers are designed with a UATR accessory that is designed to offer higher efficiencies for the analysis of a wide range of samples. The instruments also feature a fiber-optic NIT probe, an updated version of the company's Spectrum and AssureID software packages, and a Go Button feature, which reportedly allows continuous analyses of multiple samples at the instrument. PerkinElmer, Wellesley, MA;
Circle 86
Spellman High Voltage introduces the model MX10 high-voltage module for mass spectrometry. The DC-DC converter features hot switchable polarity reversal at 10 kV between 100 and 250 ms, and low peak-to-peak ripple performance. Applications include security detection systems, LC–TOF dynodes, sample ionization, as well as capillary electrophoresis and electrostatic printing. Spellman High Voltage, Hauppauge, NY.
Circle 87
Renishaw offers its Raman microscope with additional confocal laser scanning microscopy capabilities. The confocal laser scanning (CLS) microscope is designed to combine the imaging, resolution, contrast, and optical sectioning capabilities of CLS microscopy with the characterization power of Raman spectroscopy. Renishaw, Hoffman Estates, IL;
Circle 88
Remspec Corporation offers its ValveView system for spectroscopic analysis of the interior surfaces of small parts such as valves and nozzles. The system uses mid-IR fiber optics to deliver IR signal to the inside of objects held in an adjustable jig, allowing examination for cleaning validation and surface characterization. Remspec Corporation, Sturbridge, MA;
Circle 89
BURLE Electro-Optics' 5905 MAGNUM detector is designed to provide high dynamic range, increased gain stability, and near elimination of feedback noise. A proprietary glass formulation reportedly facilitates long detector life. The detector is designed specifically for Thermo Finnigan mass spectrometers; the electron multiplier cartridge is a plug-in replacement that fits directly in to the Thermo Finnigan mounting assembly. Its one piece construction eliminates fastener and connection problems. BURLE Electro-Optics, Sturbridge, MA;
Circle 90
Foss NIRSystem's XDS MasterLab features the company's XDS near-infrared technology. Users can perform automated reflectance or transmission analysis of a tray of multiple tablets or vials. An integrated variable spot-size feature lets enables adjustment of the sample illumination based on the diameter of the tablets/vials being used. Foss NIRSystems, Laurel, MD.
Circle 91
SPECTRO's GENESIS SOP (Side-On-Plasma) ICP-OES system with radial plasma observation is designed to simultaneously determine more than 70 elements with a detection range of 175–777 nm. Applications include examination of industrial wastewater, analysis of wear metals and additives in oils, examination of soils and sludge in the agricultural industry, and examination of saline solutions. SPECTRO Analytical Instruments, Inc., Marlborough, MA;
Circle 92
A fluorescence spectroscopy system from Horiba Jobin Yvon offers fluorescence-lifetime measurement on a microscope. The system uses time-correlated single-photon counting components adapted for a microscope to achieve lifetime measurements from 100 ps up to 100 μs. Interchangeable pulsed diode light sources include deep-UV diodes with wavelengths of 280, 295, and 340 nm. Horiba Jobin Yvon, Edison, NJ;
Circle 93
Mass Spectrometry for Forensic Analysis: An Interview with Glen Jackson
November 27th 2024As part of “The Future of Forensic Analysis” content series, Spectroscopy sat down with Glen P. Jackson of West Virginia University to talk about the historical development of mass spectrometry in forensic analysis.
Detecting Cancer Biomarkers in Canines: An Interview with Landulfo Silveira Jr.
November 5th 2024Spectroscopy sat down with Landulfo Silveira Jr. of Universidade Anhembi Morumbi-UAM and Center for Innovation, Technology and Education-CITÉ (São Paulo, Brazil) to talk about his team’s latest research using Raman spectroscopy to detect biomarkers of cancer in canine sera.