Spectroscopy in Pharmaceutical Analysis



Webinar Dates/Times: Wednesday and Thursday, November 30th and December 1st, 2022 Morning Sessions: 9:30am - 12:00pm EST Afternoon Sessions: 2:00pm - 4:00pm EST

What are the current capabilities of spectroscopic techniques in pharmaceutical development, formulation, process development, and manufacturing? What capabilities can we foresee in the near future? Join us for this insightful two-day virtual symposium—presented jointly by Spectroscopy, the Society for Applied Spectroscopy, and the Coblentz Society—to get the answers to these questions and more.

Register Free: https://www.spectroscopyonline.com/spec_w/spec_pharma

Event Overview:

What are the latest capabilities of spectroscopic techniques in pharmaceutical analysis? What is the current state of implementation of these techniques? How do the latest techniques and applications fit into the current regulatory context? Join us for this insightful two-day virtual symposium—presented jointly by Spectroscopy, the Society for Applied Spectroscopy, and the Coblentz Society—to get the answers to these questions and more, as we look at the application of a range of spectroscopic techniques for different types of analyses in the pharmaceutical industry, from early R&D through manufacturing. And ask your own questions during the live question-and-answer sessions with the speakers.

Each day, there will be a morning session and an afternoon session. The morning sessions will provide a series of 30-minute talks, followed by an interactive question-and-answer (Q&A) and discussion period with all the speakers. In the afternoon sessions, leading instrument suppliers will give 20-minute talks discussing troubleshooting, tips-and-tricks, and applications.
We wish to extend a special thank you to our symposium committee, of members and officers of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy and the Coblentz Society, for developing this program:

  • Benoit Igne of Vertex Pharmaceuticals
  • Larry McDermott of Vertex Pharmaceuticals
  • Brandye-Smith Goettler of Merck
  • John Wasylyk of Bristol Myers Squibb
  • Ellen V. Miseo, a consultant
  • Andrew Whitley of Horiba Scientific
  • Adam Hopkins of Metrohm USA, Inc.

Key Things You Will Learn About:

  • Innovative uses of spectroscopic tools
  • The still large potential for more uses of spectroscopic techniques when combined with contemporary computing power and artificial intelligence
  • The combination of mid-IR, Raman, and focused beam reflectance measurements as a “smart” system to optimize crystallization processes
  • The full context of spectroscopic techniques in the tests and procedures of the USP-NF
  • The verification of USP compendial procedures and validation of alternative procedures
  • Using NIR spectroscopy to characterize multiple direct compression (DC) blends, complementing existing formulation development tools
  • How machine learning and hyperspectral imaging are advancing biocatalysis
  • The current state of the art and near future of application-driven PAT innovation
  • Best practices in managing the lifecycle of approved PAT methods
  • Using the unique chemical fingerprints of drug products obtained with Raman, IR and NIR spectroscopy to identify counterfeits or authenticate legitimate products
  • The role of low-frequency Raman spectroscopy in solid-state characterization of pharmaceuticals, as an alternative to XRPD


Stephen Hammond
Steve Hammond
Consulting LLC

Edmond Biba
Principal Scientist,
General Chapters Department,
Science Division
The United States

Zhenqi Shi
Senior Principal Scientist,
Small Molecule
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Genentech Inc.

Joseph P. Smith
Associate Principal
Scientist, Analytical
Research & Development

Martin Warman
Martin Warman
Consultancy Ltd

Larry McDermott
Process Analytics and
Control Scientific Fellow
Vertex Pharmaceuticals

Ravi Kalyanaraman
Scientific Director,
Forensics and Innovative
Technologies (FIT)
Bristol-Myers Squibb

Huzeyfe Yilmaz
Research Scientist,
Division of Complex Drug
Analysis, Center for Drug
Evaluation and Research
U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA)

Times and Date:

Wednesday and Thursday, November 30th and December 1st, 2022

Morning Sessions:
9:30am - 12:00pm EST

Afternoon Sessions:
2:00pm - 4:00pm EST


Advion Interchim Scientific

Bruker Optics





Ocean Insight

Oxford Instruments WITec

Register Free: https://www.spectroscopyonline.com/spec_w/spec_pharma