The Burgener Nebulizer and Burgener Research: An Interview with John Burgener


At the Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Spectroscopy magazine sat down with John Burgener of Burgener Research Inc. to discuss his career working with mass spectrometers, inductively coupled plasma (ICP), and developing the Burgener nebulizer.

In part 1 of our interview, Burgener discussed the origins of Burgener Research and his experience working with inductively coupled plasma (ICP) instrumentation. Part 2 of our interview with Burgener focused on discussing careers in ICP, and he offered a couple important tips to young people just starting a career in ICP and spectroscopy.

In the final part of our conversation with Burgener, he answers the following questions:

  • What would you consider to be the greatest achievement in your career? What did you accomplish that you are most proud of? (00:16–02:43)
  • Can you talk about Burgener Research’s Mira Mist and the new nebulizers you are showcasing at the Winter Conference? (02:44–05:17)
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