Spectrometers have to be fit for their intended use; however, regulators separate analytical instrument qualification from computerized system validation. We critically review the qualification and validation approaches in the World Health Organization Technical Report Series (WHO TRS) 1019 Annex 3 and its applicability to spectrometer systems.
In December 2023, the Indian Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Requirements of Premises, Plant and Equipment for Pharmaceutical Products regulations (Schedule M) were revised, with Section 12 stating:
The guidelines published by the World Health Organization (WHO) on following aspects relating to GMP through their Technical Report Series from time to time may be considered for general guidance purposes. (4) GMP guidelines for validation (1).
The applicable WHO guideline is TRS 1019, Annex 3 guidelines on validation (2), containing Appendix 5 on Validation of Computerized Systems (3) and Guidelines on Qualification in Appendix 6 (4). A similar approach is taken in EU GMP with Annex 11: Computerised Systems and Annex 15: Qualification and Validation (5,6). Qualification of analytical instruments and validation of computerized systems are Level 1 of the Data Integrity Model (7–9) and the foundation of the Data Quality Triangle in USP <1058> (10). These activities must be undertaken before the analytical procedure validation.
In this column, we highlight gaps and inconsistencies in TRS 1019 when qualifying a spectrometer and validating the application software. We also provide practical advice and interpretation for implementing qualification of spectrometers and validation of the controlling software (such as commercially available USP <1058> Group C systems) (10). Our interpretation is not all-inclusive and is not considered as a step-by-step review.
Let’s see how practical and useful these guidelines are. Spoiler alert—it could be much better. The big gap with computer validation is the lack of mapping and redesigning the analytical process before implementing a system that would provide business benefits (11). Furthermore, there is no mention of how to ensure data integrity, which is a bigger problem. From this stellar start, let’s see how what else remains to be discovered.
Regulated GxP laboratories require a structured qualification and validation approach to ensure an analytical instrument and its associated system demonstrate fitness for intended use. However, GMP regulations for equipment are vague, as seen in 21 CFR 211.63 (12) and EU GMP Chapter 3.34 (13). Regulators treat qualification and validation as separate topics (5,6), but the problem is that you need the software to qualify the spectrometer and the instrument to validate the software, as shown in Figure 1. Therefore, an integrated approach to qualification and validation is essential. US Pharmacopeia <1058> does this under the umbrella of qualification. It connects AIQ and CSV from the instrument‘s perspective and avoids gaps if the two are treated as separate tasks (10).
FIGURE 1: Integrated Instrument Qualification (IQ) and Computerized System Validation (CSV) is essential for spectrometer systems.
One of the problems with comparing regulations is inconsistent terminology; unfortunately, this is present throughout all regulations, including TRS 1019.
Incomplete Definition of Computerized System: As described by Figure 1 in PIC/S PI-011 (14), a computerized system includes the controlled function consisting of equipment (spectrometer) operated by trained people. The TRS 1019 definition is wrong because it lacks the controlled function. It merely mentions peripheral devices, such as printers (2).
Inconsistent Qualification Terms: The 4Qs model shown in Figure 2 where the same terms have different meanings depending on if an analytical instrument is qualified or a computerized system is validated. Figure 2 also illustrates in red a three-phase integrated approach to Analytical Instrument Qualification and System Validation (AIQSV) from the European Compliance Academy (ECA) (15).
FIGURE 2: Terminology used for Analytical Instrument Qualification (AIQ) and Computerized System Validation (CSV).
Misleading use of Validation Master Plan (VMP): In Annex 3 (2), the definition of VMP is the same as PIC/S PI 006-3 (20); however, when used in practice, it is misleading. By definition, a VMP is a high-level document describing the overall approach to validation and qualification, but it is equated to qualification protocol in Appendix 6 clauses 4.11, 9.2, and 10.1 (4). Although the names are similar, a VMP and validation plan have a relationship, but a VMP cannot replace the plan and vice versa (see Figure 5).
SOPs and Training: The availability of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) is not harmonized throughout TRS 1019. In one place, it says available before starting PQ, and in another, at the end of PQ. In practice, SOPs must be available with trained staff before GxP release of the system.
Audit trail: Regulations for audit trails are focused on computerised systems (Annex 11, 21 CFR Part 11 and PI 041-1). Unfortunately, the definition in Appendix 5 includes paper records, which is inconsistent for computerized systems.
Glossaries Inconsistencies and Gaps: The glossaries throughout TRS 1019 do not provide consistent definition of key terms, as shown in Table I. The list is not exhaustive.
If WHO can’t get consistent definitions and terminology, what disasters remain to be discovered?
TRS 1019 Annex 3 separates qualification and validation, as shown in Figure 3 (2).
FIGURE 3: Structure of WHO TRS 1019 Annex 3 Guidelines on Validation with a focus on Appendices 5 and 6 (2).
Annex 3’s introduction contains an overarching text on qualification and validation concepts (2), but covers a miscellany of items, such as buildings, cleaning, analytical systems, water, and analytical instruments.
Appendix 5 covers specific aspects of computerized systems validation.
Appendix 6 was originally titled Validation on Qualification of Systems, Utilities, and Equipment, but has been changed into Guidelines on Qualification,though it still covers a miscellany of subjects, such as premises, systems, utilities, and equipment.
The guidance has no specific section for the analytical instruments and systems, so it is imperative to provide a practical interpretation, especially for the pharmaceutical companies that use TRS 1019, such as Indian GMP laboratories.
As Figure 2 demonstrates, integrated qualification and validation comprises three levels. Our focus in this section is to see what TRS 1019 says about lifecycle activities.
Annex 3 describes validation as a concept that incorporates qualification, but in 4.2, it states Qualification normally precedes validation, implying a separate activity. As shown in Figure 1, qualification must be integrated with system validation. You can’t do one without the other!
Lifecycles are mentioned throughout TRS 1019 (2) and are consistent with EU GMP (5,6); however, there is no elucidation of what phases a lifecycle should consist of. To define the extent of lifecycle actions and employ an integrated approach, you need to know your instrument criticality, the type of software, and its intended use (10,15). TRS 1019 only lists major equipment, critical utilities and systems, and critical or non-critical instruments, but there is no information provided to define what these terms mean (2).
Spectrometers are USP <1058> Group C systems with three types, ranging from non-configurable, configurable, and configurable with custom extensions (types C1, C2, and C3) (10). More details can be found in the ECA Guide on AIQSV (15). A spectrometer’s optical bench and sampling accessories can be parameterized via the software, but this is not customization.
A current URS is the most important validation document defining a systems intended use (5,6,12,13). It enables you to buy the right system for the right job while protecting the organization’s investment. A generic URS must be written that covers instrument and software requirements, mandatory GxP, data integrity, and Pharmacopoeial requirements before starting selection. Suppliers typically express instrument specification in a way that maximizes the impression of performance (for example, signal to noise), so it is important not to copy and use the supplier specifications as the URS.
Appendix 5 (3) has the best URS description, but there are no instrument control features. This is an example of how separation of validation and qualification can lead to a gap at the start of the project (see Table II). For instance, you need to define adequate size for the spectroscopic systems (12) and describe mandatory Pharmacopoeial requirements. Without documenting your intended use, you cannot select the right instrument and supplier, and vice versa. For examples, the questions you may need to ask are:
System selection must have a written URS to evaluate the commercially available systems.
Appendix 5 (3) section 8.6 states:
Prior to the initiation of the system qualification phase, the software program and requirements and specifications documents should be finalized and subsequently managed under formal change control.
Specifications are living documents and need to be updated with approved versions as a project proceeds. In Figure 4, a new project requires at least two URS versions. The first is a generic URS to select the system and identify if there are gaps against your requirements. The gaps should be addressed either through updating the URS or improving the application by the supplier. New user requirements can be added during evaluation. The second version is generated after installation and user training to reflect the configured application and workflows (15,21). It is also essential to define user roles and the associated access privileges, as these are unknown during system selection, as shown in Figure 4.
FIGURE 4: User requirements and configuration specifications must be updated.
In Appendix 5 Clause 5.3, a series of bullet points about URS content is presented, as shown in Table II (3). Some of these list separate items that need careful evaluation and interpretation.
Table II does not mention how to specify the instrument operating ranges and Pharmacopoeial requirements. Although this guide only provides generic advice, there should be reference to other sources for specific instrument requirements. Here, only software functions are considered. Separating qualification of analytical instruments from software validation is a major problem, and regulations need to take an integrated approach, such as USP <1058> (10).
If you want to buy a spectrometer system without a URS, STOP! Make sure your resume is up to date, and apply for a job in a supermarket. The reason? You will be following the “Alice in Wonderland” approach to system purchasing: if you don’t know your requirements, you can end up buying anything.
Traceability of requirements throughout the life-cycle is a regulatory requirement (5). There is a critical omission of requirements traceability in TRS 1019. Traceability only refers to components installed during Installation Qualification (IQ) and calibration materials. All requirements must be traceable from URS to the test or verification documents, and vice versa (11).
A supplier assessment should be considered under Annex 11 3.1 and 4.5 (5). While TRS 1019 refers to supplier management (3), assessment is a better term that meets regulatory requirements. The focus in TRS 1019 is on the supplier’s Quality Management System (QMS), although it should also cover software development and testing to reduce in-house User Acceptance Testing/ Performance Qualification (UAT/PQ) testing (11,22). For a Group C system with category 3 software, the assessment is based on risk, but for category 4 software, supplier assessment should be performed (18). Appendix 5 (3) considers supplier assessment as an ongoing process. In our opinion, supplier requalification is dependent on your internal company procedures.
The hard work of selecting a system can be undone by the Purchasing Department picking an alternative to save money. It’s a spectrometer, isn’t it? Buying on cost can end up with a bigger total cost of ownership (TCO) if the substitute has poor compliance functions and is used as a hybrid system instead of an electronic system. To limit the risk of inappropriate decisions by purchasing, some laboratories use the supplier’s specification so that only one instrument can be selected. But typically, this cannot be tested. Bring purchasing into the selection process and explain why a specific system and supplier are required. A selection report is strongly recommended, as shown in Figure 2. The purchase order also defines the initial configuration of the system, which is an input to the IQ, as mentioned in TRS 1019 Annex 3 (2).
A system risk assessment is performed early in a project to determine how much work needs to demonstrate fitness for intended use, as shown in Figure 5. A risk assessment was published in an earlier Focus on Quality column with coauthor Chris Burgess (23), with an updated version being found in the European Compliance Academy (ECA) guide (24). The outcome determines if an integrated validation document suffices for simpler systems (22), or if a full validation project is required. TRS 1019 mentions general principles of quality risk management but lacks any advice at a system level.
FIGURE 5: VMP, System Risk Assessment, Validation Plan, and Summary Report.
After the system risk assessment, you need to write a plan for the tasks that you are going to conduct over the validation lifecycle. The guidance uses the phrase of qualification and validation protocols to describe validation activities (2), though we suggest naming it a validation plan, which is a regulatory expectation in Annex 15 (6). The validation plan describes the overall intent of a validation and the documents to be written, as shown in Figure 5.
As shown in Figure 2 and Figure 6, the work here is also covered under IQ and OQ.
Plan for Installation: All regulations are consistent that equipment needs to be suitably located. Depending on the complexity of the purchased system, an installation plan may be required for covering any specialist power, such as gas supply, network connection, network server, or printer. Any preparatory work should be undertaken before the qualification work starts.
Platform Installation: First, the IT platform is installed, configured, and qualified. This is typically a standalone workstation provided by the IT department, or by the supplier that should be connected to the network.
System IQ and OQ: The supplier installs the system components and integrates them together following an approved IQ protocol. Next, the OQ is performed by the supplier on the unconfigured software. Any data generated should remain on the system and not an engineer’s laptop to avoid orphan data (25) or being handed over with documentation. IQ and OQ can be separate documents or integrated into a single document. The latter approach is supported by both TRS 1019 (2) and Annex 15 in clauses 2.5 and 3.10 (6). Regardless of the approach, commissioning, or OQ activities, are performed on unconfigured software. Prototyping and configuration of the system occurs after OQ, as shown in Figure 6, and when users have been adequately trained. The writers of TRS 1019 Appendix 5 are shown to lack practical validation experience in clause 9.1, as it states that the software should be configured in the IQ (3). This is rubbish.
Integrated Instrument and Software IQ and OQ: As shown in Figure 6, supplier commissioning covers the documented GMP activities for spectrometers and their controlling software. Therefore, we need both the instrument and software to perform OQ, as shown in Figure 1. Table III positions OQ for all the system components.
FIGURE 6: Typical timeline of qualification and verification activities of a spectrometer system.
Documenting the application configuration is a regulatory expectation for ensuring data integrity (26–28), and TRS 1019 Appendix 5, 6.3 covers configuration specification (3) as follows:
The system design and configuration specifications may include, as applicable, a software design specification, in case of code development, and configuration specifications of the software application parameters, such as security profiles, audit trail configuration, data libraries and other configurable elements.
This is a poor place to discuss configuration specifications under software design. Software design, code development, and testing occur at the supplier level. However, prototyping and configuration of the software are the responsibility of the laboratory after commissioning. Prototyping is an informal and optional step that can be performed by trained users to understand how the system software operates and select the best configuration settings for operational use, as shown in Figure 6.
Configuration can cover:
In addition, during prototyping, work can be started on developing some software test scripts and updating the URS, as necessary.
As shown in Figure 6, this is testing the configured system against the URS. Let’s see what TRS 1019 Annex 3, 10.23 says about (PQ/UAT):
Normally, PQ should be conducted prior to release of the… system (2).
At least they have this right! However, Appendix 5 mentioned that commercial software is tested against the URS (right) and DQ (very wrong) (3).
PQ or UAT is performed on the configured system to demonstrate that the system meets its intended use, as defined in the updated URS and configuration specification. Testing and verification will include:
Although TRS 1019 refers to test, live, or production environments, for most spectrometers, testing will be conducted in the production environment.
A Validation Summary Report (VSR) should summarize all validation work. TRS 1019 expects separate reports to be written for the IQ, OQ, and PQ phases (3). This approach does not align with the principles in USP <1058> (10) and Annex 15 (6), where some stages can be combined. IQ and OQ is typically performed by the supplier, and each protocol should have a proforma report avoiding a need for a separate report. PQ testing can be summarized in the VSR.
A VSR is also the first calling point of a computerized system inspection, according to clause 23.10 in PIC/S PI-011 (14). It is important that what was intended in the validation plan is delivered in the VSR. Figure 5 shows that the VSR must tell the story of the validation, including any changes, incidents, deviations, additions, problems, and amendments to the validation plan, plus all deliverables from the work, such as the results of the PQ testing.
Following GxP release, the system and instrument must remain validated and qualified over the lifecycle. There are four control levels shown in Figure 7, with each level being compared to TRS 1019. System retirement is out of scope.
FIGURE 7: Control levels during the operational use.
We provide a critical interpretation of TRS 1019 on practical qualification and validation for computerized spectroscopic systems. It is another example of separating qualification and validation when systems require an integrated or combined approach. We highlight the inconsistencies and identify the gaps, such as the content of a URS, use of DQ, no requirements traceability, having no mention of process improvement or data integrity, or when to configure software, along with unharmonized glossary definitions. However, TRS 1019 is a requirement under Schedule M of Indian GMP, and it is not clear how it can be applied to analytical systems.
Because regulations separate AIQ and CSV, there is a reason to explain fitness for intended use from both perspectives. Combining the above two approaches benefits quality and the company‘s business. Qualification is done on the hardware components, whereas validation is of a process (of use) and the overall system.
Separation can result in a hole in your validation and qualification project, as discussed in this column.
In contrast, the USP <1058> takes a combined approach with much more detail, as found in the recent ECA guide, which uses a three-phase life cycle approach. A draft update of USP <1058> is anticipated to be published next year, which may contain an integrated approach.
We wish to thank Behnusch Athenstaedt, Chris Burgess, Markus Dathe, Paul Smith, and Stefan Wurzer for their constructive review comments during the preparation of this column.
R. D. McDowall is the director of R. D. McDowall Limited and the editor of the “Questions of Quality” column for LCGC International, Spectroscopy’s sister magazine. Direct correspondence to: SpectroscopyEdit@MMHGroup.com●
Mahboubeh Lotfinia works as a Qualified Person and Quality Partner at F. Hoffmann-La Roche and is trained in GMP/GDP audit execution and CSV (Computerized System Validation). ●
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