10 Reasons You Need a Next-Generation ICP-OES for Routine Analysis



Wednesday, June 23, 2021 at 11am EDT| 8am PDT| 4pm BST|5pm CEST

Register Free: http://www.spectroscopyonline.com/spec_w/spectro

Event Overview:

Many elemental analytical needs are best met by a primary market ICP-OES. Such instruments should be capable of a reliable performance for a wide array of applications, ranging from environmental, agronomy and food, to consumer product safety, pharmaceutical and chemical/petrochemical analysis.

While a larger number of different models exist, not all analyzers are designed equal. Conventional spectrometer designs present weaknesses that may lead to significant shortfalls. A newer class of ICP-OES for the primary market addresses the short comings to deliver superior performance. This webcast outlines ten benefits that improved ICP-OES technology can deliver, and addresses advancements made in terms of sensitivity, stability, speed and matrix compatibility, but also form factor, operation requirements and costs. For users looking to upgrade the analytical performance of their instruments, this event will provide detailed information helping to improve their routine analyzes capabilities.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Selecting the correct ICP-OES analyzer for ultimate productivity
  • New advances in plasma viewing and optical design
  • How to lower operating costs dramatically
  • Differences between optical systems and how they impact performance
  • How to improve speed of analysis and improve instrument uptime
  • Latest technology advances

Who Should Attend:

  • Researchers
  • Quality control and quality assurance managers
  • Lab Managers/Supervisors
  • Lab Director
  • Project Leaders
  • Technicians/Research Assistants

For any questions please contact Kelsey Barry: kbarry@mjhlifesciences.com


Olaf Schulz
Product Manager for ICP-OES
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments

Olaf is the product manager for ICP-OES and is responsible for the strategic development of the complete product line including application development and product support. Olaf’s experience in optical emission spectroscopy for material analysis and testing spans more than 30 years. With an engineering degree in physics, he started his career in the auto industry initially at Robert Bosch GmbH and then to Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG. Olaf moved to SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH in 1989 with assignments in application development, sales, and marketing.

Register Free: http://www.spectroscopyonline.com/spec_w/spectro

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