Webinar Date/Time: Tue, Jun 27, 2023 11:00 AM EDT
Your environmental challenges have never been greater. Learn from thought leaders in environmental analysis about the latest analytical and regulatory developments from the comfort of your laboratory, home, or office.
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Event Overview:
Your challenges have never been greater, whether analyzing contaminants in wastewater or drinking water, measuring indoor air quality, or identifying emerging contaminants. Environmental analysis must be done more reliably, more efficiently, and with even higher quality results than ever before. Learn from thought leaders in environmental analysis about the latest analytical and regulatory developments from the comfort of your laboratory, home, or office.
Symposium Key Learning Objectives
Symposium Who Should Attend
A Bold New Regulatory World: Understanding the Testing Needs for the New PFAS Drinking Water Regulations
Agustin Pierri, PhD, Technical Director, Weck Laboratories
Tarun Anumol, PhD, Director, Global Environment Market, Agilent Technologies
The USEPA has recently announced its decision to formally regulate six PFAS in drinking water in the United States by proposing national primary drinking water regulation (NPDWR). This includes establishing legally enforceable maximum contaminant limits (MCLS) and proposed MCL goals for these six PFAS in drinking water. These are the first contaminants to be proposed for final regulation with set MCLs in the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) in over two decades. The proposed rule, along with regulatory limits and requirements for monitoring, testing, and reporting will be discussed in this webinar.
In addition, we will present details about the analytical methods approved by the US EPA to do this testing including how these can be setup in a lab to obtain the highest quality data for PFAS with no contamination and low background. Finally, we will get the perspective of a commercial laboratory testing PFAS in water for over 10 years and their take on the analytical testing requirements and capabilities available to meet this new regulatory proposal.
Unravelling the PFAS Ppuzzle with Comprehensive Targeted & and Untargeted Workflows
Emily Parry, PhD, LCMS Application Scientist, Agilent Technologies
Tarun Anumol, PhD, Director, Global Environment Market, Agilent Technologies
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) pose an increasing threat to the environment, animals, and human beings due to extreme chemical stability and bioaccumulation potential. PFAS analysis is a complex problem that is best addressed with complementary targeted and non-targeted approaches. A comprehensive workflow was developed for the PFAS analysis in wastewater based on the existing EPA draft Method 1633 with additional PFAS of varying size and functional group. Strategies for sensitivity will also be discussed.
However, targeted assays only cover a small fraction of PFAS. Therefore, non-targeted methods and software are very important to understand the health risks of PFAS. We introduce our comprehensive software, FluoroMatch suite, which covers peak picking, annotation, homologous series detection, assigning confidence, and PFAS data visualization. We show different workflows which take advantage of Agilent's iterative exclusion approach, as well as integrate Profinder non-targeted peak picking.
Automated Microplastics Analysis Using a Laser-Based IR Microanalyzer
Louis Tisinger, Application Chemist
Microplastics have become a pervasive pollutant in the environment, the extent to which is now being studied. A good initial step to understand how they are impacting the environment is to engage in testing/monitoring programs for the analysis of water to detect and identify microplastics. Unfortunately, these analyses can be very complex, requiring significant expertise for the operation of intricate instrumentation. This presentation will introduce and discuss a new, automated approach, utilizing laser-based molecular microspectroscopy, to simplify the analysis of microplastics
IC-ICP/MS Analysis of Trace Chromate
Christopher LeValley, Student and Researcher, University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Yan Cheung, ICP-MS Application Scientist, Agilent
Dr. Jay Gandhi, Sr. Market Development Scientist, Metrohm USA
By dedicating themselves to the problem, academics and analytical chemistry experts have delivered a creative, practicalpractical, and incredibly effective approach to chromium analysis that doesn’t sacrifice selectivity or sensitivity. Since chromium can exist in two forms, with one of them highly toxic, separation of the different chromium species is a critical first step in the analysis followed by use of an optimal detector.
In this webinar, we will hear from Chris LeValley, chemistry major and research contributor at the University of Wisconsin Parkside, on how he combined IC with ICP-MS to develop a robust and sensitive method for determination of chromium (VI) and chromium (III) in tap water. In addition to understanding how to run the hyphenated system, he’ll also share information regarding detection limits, spike & and recovery results and system stability. A basic overview of IC and ICP/MS will be given, with an emphasis on how the two techniques complement each other.
You will also hear from and get the chance to interact with a panel of additional experts who will be ready to answer your questions during the live Q&A session.
Plan to attend if you:
• Are interested in learning more about IC-ICP/MS and its capabilities.
• Are interested in learning how IC and ICP-MS instruments can work together to complement each other.
• Work in the environmental testing industry.
Key learning points:
• Develop an understanding of how IC and ICP-MS can complement each other to provide enhanced selectivity and sensitivity.
• Learn how IC-ICP/MS is an optimal technique for speciating low levels of chromium(VI) and chromium (III) in drinking water.
Agustin Pierri, PhD
Technical Director
Weck Laboratories
Dr. Agustin Pierri obtained his B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Southern California and his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of California Santa Barbara where he worked on synthesizing photoactive pharmaceuticals and nanocarriers. He has authored many scientific publications and has given numerous presentations at technical meetings on topics ranging from inorganic photochemistry to environmental analytical chemistry. At Weck Labs, he has worked as an analyst in all sections of the laboratory, and has worked on developing methods for emerging contaminants by LC-MS/MS, GC-MS/MS, and ICP-MS. Since becoming the laboratory technical director, he continues to be active in developing methods for emerging contaminants, as well as modernizing legacy analytical methods to lower detection limits and improve data quality. In 2020, he was appointed to the Environmental Laboratory Technical Advisory Committee, an advisory body to California ELAP.
Tarun Anumol, PhD
Director, Global Environment Market
Agilent Technologies
Tarun Anumol is the director for global environment market for Agilent Technologies. Previously, he was an LC-MS applications scientist at Agilent, focused on developing analytical methods for trace contaminants on LC-MS/MS and LC-Q/TOF in food and environmental matrices. Tarun has a strong history of working in the environmental & food testing industry, with a background in technical and applied science, with over 30 peer-reviewed journal publications in this area.
Prior to joining Agilent, Tarun graduated with a Ph.D. in chemical and environmental engineering from the University of Arizona with a focus on emerging contaminant attenuation including PPCPs, PFAS, and DBPs in water reuse schemes.
Emily Parry, PhD
LCMS Application Scientist
Agilent Technologies
Emily Parry has focused her career on developing methods of measurement for environmental contaminants in both human and environmental matrices. She brings 10 years of laboratory experience using both targeted and untargeted techniques to her role of LCMS Application Scientist at Agilent Technologies. Prior to joining Agilent, she worked as a researcher at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Public Health Institute. She received her Ph.D. degree in environmental chemistry from the University of California, Davis where she was recipient of the National Science Foundation Fellowship.
Louis Tisinger
Application Chemist
Agilent Technologies
Louis (Lou) Tisinger has a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, where his graduate research involved the study of ATR imaging and microscope performance in vibrational spectroscopy. Most of his career has been related to pre- and post-sales support of FTIR spectrometers, microscopes, imaging systems, and thermal analytical instruments, focusing on analyzing customer samples, demonstrations, post-sales training, troubleshooting, and R&D.
Christopher LeValley
Student and Researcher
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Christopher LeValley is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside where he's involved in the finishing touches on the data for tap water analysis, as well as the bulk of data of several bottled waters, apple juice, and orange juice. Chris is seeking an undergraduate bachelor’s degree in professional chemistry and criminal justice, with a certificate in green chemistry and is currently an intern at PPG. His experience involves sample preparation and operating for IC-ICPMS, focusing on the analysis of trivalent and hexavalent chromium in different beverages.
Yan Cheung
ICP-MS Application Scientist
Yan Cheung is a ICP-MS Application application Scientist scientist at Agilent Technologies who received a Ph.D. in Analytical analytical cChemistry from Indiana University Bloomington. She brings over 15 years of experiment experience in both ICPMS and ICPOES techniques. She has worked at Chevron where she used ICPMS and ICPOES and alsoand did work at Phillips 66 as the ICPMS and ICPOES subject matter expert before joining Agilent.
Dr. Jay Gandhi
Sr. Market Development Scientist
Metrohm USA
Dr. Jay Gandhi is the Vertical Markets Manager at Metrohm USA. He brings over 30 years of experience in analytical instrumentation and techniques in medical research and in various fields including environmental, petrochemical and pharmaceutical. He has held positions at Varian and NASA and has shepherd several ASTM and USEPA methods. Dr. Gandhi is a non-paid adjunct faculty member at the University of Houston-Clearlake where he enjoys guiding graduate and post graduate students in their independent study program.
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Can Fluorescence Spectroscopy Evaluate Soil Dissolved Organic Matter Dynamics?
February 20th 2025A new study published in Chemical Engineering Journal by researchers from Northeast Agricultural University in China reveals that biochar aging, influenced by environmental factors like UV exposure and wet-dry cycles, alters dissolved organic matter composition and affects its effectiveness in remediating cadmium-contaminated soil.
Using Automated Raman Microspectroscopy to Detect Microplastics in Potable Water
February 10th 2025In part 2 of our interview with Oskar Hagelskjaer of Microplastic Solution, he discusses the benefits of using automated Raman microspectroscopy to detect and analyze microplastics in drinking water.