Appendix VI: NIR



Volume 30
Issue 5


Manufacturer: ABB Measurement & Analytics
Product name: MB3600-CH80
PET packaging analyzer
For: Laboratory analysis
Measurement mode: Transmission
Software name: Horizon MB Software Suite
Software features: Available as separate product; 21CFR11 compliant; may be used with other equipment.
Unique features: Nondestructive sample analysis, precalibrated for % crystallinity in PET bottles with results in ~15 s; chemometrics package included.
Suggested applications: Analysis of % crystallinity, intrinsic viscosity, moisture, thickness, OH value, acid value, and other key characteristics of PET containers.


Manufacturer: Art Photonics GmbH
Product name: MoiSens
NIR spectral fiber moisture sensor
For: Laboratory analysis, process applications
Measurement mode: Transmission, diffuse reflection
Unique features: This instrument is designed to measure and control moisture in media using absorption bands in the near-IR range. This is implemented with rapid scan of specific LED wavelengths to illuminate media and collect signal from either diffuse reflection or transmission mode. Mode selection is determined by media type using Trans-Flex or diffuse reflection fiber probe for selected media. Data are sent by LAN for remote control, giving customized calibration along with fast data acquisition. Each sensor sends data via LAN using a unique IP-address.


Manufacturer: Avantes
Product name: AvaSpec-NIR-HSC
High-sensitivity NIR spectrometer
Unique features: Greater sensitivity in the 2000–2500 nm region; lower size and weight; replaceable slit.
New this year: This is the successor of the AvaSpec-NIR256-2.5, based on a new optical bench design (f=100mm; NA 0.13). High sensitivity in the 2000–2500 nm region gives better signals in the NIR. Compact design makes it easier to integrate into an OEM application. Replaceable slit makes the instrument suitable for different kind of applications.
Suggested applications: Bioscience, food and agriculture, pharmaceutical industry, environmental science.


Manufacturer: Bruker Optik GmbH
Product name: TANDEM IIIA
FT-NIR spectrometer
For: Process applications
Weight: 170 kg
Dimensions: Approximately 120 x 70 x 96 cm
Measurement mode: Transmission
Software features: 21CFR11 compliant, cGMP compliant
Unique features: Precise measuring of tablet weight, thickness, diameter, and hardness; reliable orientation of a tablet shapes; Swiss quality components; fully compliant with current USP and EP requirements; user-friendly PC software; modular design allows customization to individual needs; professional QC and automatic IPC.
New this year: Enhanced, faster, and more reliable tablet handling mechanism.
Suggested applications: Pharmaceutical on-line tablet testing.



Manufacturer: Bruker Optik GmbH
Product name: TANGO
FT-NIR spectrometer
For: Laboratory analysis
Weight: 19.7 kg (18.6 kg w/o data system)
Dimensions: 30 x 44 x 18cm (plus 24 cm height for monitor)
Measurement mode: Transmission or reflection
Software name: OPUS
Software features: 21CFR11 compliant, cGMP compliant.
Unique features: Automatic background measurements ensure precise prediction results.
New this year: The TANGO now is equipped with a powerful data system with capacitive touch screen display. The user interface supports 17 languages.
Suggested applications: Food, feed, agriculture, chemical, pharma, petrochemical.


Manufacturer: B&W Tek, Inc.
Product name: i-Spec Plus
NIR spectrometer
For: Laboratory analysis, handheld or portable use
Weight: 17.5 kg (19.5 lb)
Dimensions: 400 x 260 x 250 mm
Measurement mode: Transmission or reflection
Unique features: A complete reflection spectrophotometer system; includes an integrating sphere and tablet PC for mobile applications. On-board software and battery pack option allows users to take laboratory NIR analysis with them anywhere.
Suggested applications: Feed and forage, clothing fabrics and sheets, food, counterfeit detection, edible oil and petroleum industry.


Manufacturer: Guided Wave Inc.
Product name: NIR-O
NIR spectrometer
For: Laboratory analysis, process applications
Unique features: NIR-O is a dual-beam, full-spectrum, post-dispersive NIR process analyzer–spectrometer platform designed for reliable performance in process environments. Different enclosure configurations permit user-defined analyzer placement. Up to 12 independent sample points (insertion probes or flow cells) are connected via high-efficiency fiber-optic cables within the same or among different processes.
Suggested applications: Liquid and gas phase applications within chemical, petrochemical, hydrocarbon processing, polymer–resin, pharmaceutical, consumer products, and similar markets.


Manufacturer: JDSU
Product name: MicroNIR PAT
NIR spectrometer
For: Process applications
Weight: 1.4 kg
Dimensions: <160 mm per side.
Software name: Harry
Software features: Available as separate product; 21CFR11 compliant; cGMP compliant; may be used with other equipment. Includes regression and classification model development, real-time monitoring, and prediction.
Unique features: Ultracompact wireless NIR spectrometer for on-line process monitoring applications. Integrated lithium ion battery. User-selectable WiFi, Bluetooth, or ethernet for data communication. Integrated PC with data store and forward. IP65 housing. Internal and external triggering for data acquisition. Sanitary tri-clover flange for mounting. Wavelength regions: 950–1650 nm or 1150–2150 nm.
Suggested applications: Pharmaceutical drug manufacturing processes such as determining end point of a blending process, moisture content in a fluid bed dryer, ribbon density on a roller compactor, API concentration of powder in a tablet press, and batch and continuous processes.


Manufacturer: ASD Inc., a PANalytical company
Product name: QualitySpec Trek
NIR spectrometer
For: Laboratory analysis, process applications, handheld or portable use
Weight: 2.5 kg (with battery)
Dimensions: 31 x 10 x 30 cm
Software name: QualitySpec Trek Manager
Unique features: A truly portable full-range, hand-held, contact spectrometer. The instrument includes an integrated internal light source, on-board GPS, voice audio recorder, internal white reference, lightweight rechargeable batteries, automated internal wavelength validation, integrated computer and LCD display with easy push button navigation and a PC-based project and data management software ecosystem.
Suggested applications: Spectral profiling of soil horizons, spectral characteristics of man-made materials, plant physiology studies, spectral characterization of snow–ice profiles and characterization of industrial raw and finished materials.



Manufacturer: Real-Time Analyzers, Inc.
Product name: Benchtop Fuel Quality Analyzer
For: Laboratory analysis, handheld or portable use
Weight: 5.2 lb
Dimensions: 9.63 x 8 x 3.75 in.
Measurement mode: Transmission
Unique features: This benchtop fuel analyzer provides the ability to rapidly determine fuel quality and also chemical and physical properties of multiple fuel types: diesel, gasoline, kerosene, jet fuel, and biodiesel. The analysis is preformed in less than 10 s.
New this year: The previous version was based on Raman spectroscopy and the new version is based on dispersive NIR.
Suggested applications: Fuel quality assessment for gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel.


Manufacturer: Real-Time Analyzers, Inc.
Product name: Portable Fuel Quality Analyzer
For: Laboratory analysis, process applications, handheld or portable use
Weight: 14 lb
Dimensions:16 x 13 x 7 in.
Unique features: This portable fuel analyzer provides the ability to rapidly determine fuel quality and also chemical and physical properties of multiple fuel types: diesel, gasoline, kerosene, jet fuel, and biodiesel. The analysis is performed in less than 10 s.
New this year: The previous version fuel analyizer was based on Raman spectroscopy and the new version is based on dispersive NIR.
Suggested applications: Fuel quality assessment for gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel.


Manufacturer: Si-Ware Systems
Product name: NeoSpectra (Generation: SWS62221)
NIR spectrometer
For: Laboratory analysis, process applications, handheld or portable use
Measurement mode: Transmission or diffuse reflectance probes can be attached.
Software name: SpectroMOST
Unique features: Compact core sensing module; low-cost embedded solution; designed for high volume production; semiconductor manufacturing; economies of scale; wide spectral ranges; fast data processing; alignment-free optics; operation in harsh environment; selectable resolutions and scan time; compatible with conventional analysis methods.
Suggested applications: The NeoSpectra spectral sensing module is designed to be easily integrated to added-value systems in application areas such as agriculture and food, pharmaceuticals, oil and gas, polymers, and biotechnology.


Manufacturer: StellarNet Inc.
Product name: StellarCase NIR
NIR spectrometer
For: Laboratory analysis, handheld or portable use
Weight: 11 lb
Measurement mode: Reflection
Software name: SpectraWiz
Software features: Available as separate product, 21CFR11 compliant, cGMP compliant
Unique features: A rugged and fully integrated portable case system for material identification and composition analysis. The StellarCASE-NIR includes interior mounting of spectrometer instrumentation preconfigured for "open and measure" application. With a simple press of the "analyze" button instantaneous match results or sample % composition can be displayed on your screen.
Suggested applications: Chemical and industrial, fuels, chemicals, mixtures, plastics/polymer sorting and recycling, agriculture: product composition analysis, % moisture, total nitrogen, ash, protein; food and beverage: product qc, % fat, % ingredients; pharmaceutical and nutraceutical identification, and custom applications.


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