Spectroscopy magazine is pleased to announce the addition of Bernhard Lendl to its editorial advisory board.
Spectroscopy magazine is pleased to announce the addition of Bernhard Lendl to its editorial advisory board.
Lendl heads the research division on environmental and process analytical chemistry at the Technische Universität Wien (TUW) in Wien, Austria, where he was appointed full professor of vibrational spectroscopy in 2016. He received his PhD in technical chemistry from TUW in 1996, where he was a research assistant from 1994–2001. He worked as a guest professor at the Universidad de Córdoba, in Spain. In 2008, he founded the TUW spin-off company QuantaRed Technologies GmbH.
Lendl’s research focuses on advancing analytical sciences through the development of novel analytical techniques and instrumentation based on infrared and Raman spectroscopy and their application to environmental and process analytical chemistry, material characterization, and bio-medical diagnostics. His scientific work is documented in more than 200 papers published in international journals, 12 book chapters, and several patents. He received the Robert Kellner Lecture DAC (EuCheMS) in 2015, the FACSS Innovation Award in 2011, the Dr. Wolfgang Houska Award (B&C Foundation) in 2008, the Christian Doppler Award (government of Salzburg) in 2004, and the Fritz Pregl Award (Austrian Academy of Sciences) in 2002.
In July 2015, Lendl organized the 8th International Conference on Advance Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICAVS-8) in Vienna, Austria, drawing 650 participants.
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