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FT-IR Microscopy, Part 2: Mid-IR Sampling with DRIFTS, IRRAS, and ATR
February 14th 2025Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) microscopy using reflection methods (diffuse reflection, reflection/reflection-absorption, or attenuated total reflectance) typically requires less sample preparation than transmission. However, optimal results will depend upon the sample and, in particular, the sample surface.
Key Points to Remember When Using Internal Standards for Sample Analysis by ICP-OES
August 2nd 2023Using internal standards is a common technique to correct for variations in sample matrices and the effect this has on analyte intensities. There are several basic criteria to be considered when using internal standards: selection of appropriate internal standards, the concentration added to the solutions analyzed, setting up in the correct view (axial vs. radial), how to introduce the internal standard to the solutions to be analyzed, and evaluating the resulting data. Each of these topics are considered and suggestions presented.
A Brief Look at Optical Diffuse Reflection (ODR) Spectroscopy
August 1st 2023In this short overview, we consider cases for diffuse reflection spectroscopy and introduce the Kubelka-Munk diffuse reflectance formula. We conclude by comparing diffuse transmittance, diffuse reflectance, logarithmic transforms of both, and the Kubelka-Munk transform for mid-infrared spectroscopy of the same sample.
Key Steps to Follow in a FRET Experiment
August 1st 2022Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) is a versatile part of the toolbox of fluorescence methods. This through-space, photon-less energy transfer process between a donor fluorophore and an acceptor chromophore is perhaps most famous for its utility as a “molecular ruler” that can resolve nanometer-scale distances. FRET is also a popular and advantageous basis for biomolecular assays and sensors.