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Spectroscopy SupplementsSpecial Issues-05-01-2008
Volume 0
Issue 0

Featured products from the spectroscopy marketplace.

Mass spectrometer

Thermo Fisher Scientific's LTQ Orbitrap XL mass spectrometer is designed for protein identification and biomarker discovery. The instrument reportedly features high sensitivity in MS and MSn , a rapid scan rate, high mass accuracy, and up to 100K resolution power. According to the company, the product includes an octupole collision cell for increased flexibility in MS-MS fragmentation applications such as peptide quantitation, PTM analysis, de novo sequencing, and metabolomics research. Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA;

MS software

Applied Biosystems has released their LightSight Software Version 2.0 for metabolite identification, designed to enable pharmaceutical companies and contract research organizations to screen drug candidates more quickly and accurately. According to the company, the software provides efficient workflows to identify and confirm metabolites from data acquired on Applied Biosystems/MDS SCIEX's triple quadrupole and linear ion trap mass spectrometers. Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA,

eLD LC–MS system

The Hitachi NanoFrontier is the first commercial LC–MS system that combines the separation of NanoLC with the high sensitivity of a linear ion trap and the high performance of a time-of-flight mass analyzer, which reportedly allows for operation in LIT mode for MSn (CID and ECD) or Q-TOF mode for MS-MS. According to the company, the product provides high performance (resolution, dynamic range) and tools for the analysis and data processing of small and large bio-molecules. Hitachi High Technologies America, San Jose, CA;

Mass spectrometer

Bruker Daltonics introduces the apex-ultra FT-MS mass spectrometer, which reportedly features a wide dynamic range, high resolving power, high mass accuracy, and fast data acquisition. According to the company, the product is designed for top-down proteomics and the analysis of complex mixtures in applications such as metabolomics or petroleomics. Bruker Daltonics, Billerica, MA;

Portable GC-TMS system

The Guardion-7 portable GC–MS system by Torion features a low-thermal-mass capillary gas chromatograph with ballistic temperature programming and a miniature torodial ion trap mass spectrometer with a mass range of 50–500 Da. According to the company, the system is totally self-contained, hand-portable, and battery operated, and weighs less than 28 pounds. Torion Technologies, Inc., Pleasant Grove, UT;

Mass spectrometer

The Agilent 6410B triple quadrupole (QQQ) mass spectrometer (MS) features polarity-switching scans every 500 msec, allowing complex mixtures of compounds with strong fragmentation in positive and negative ion mode to be analyzed in a single run. According to the company, the product doubles the number of Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) scans that can be performed in a given time segment and also increases the maximum number of MRMs per method to more than 10,000. Agilent Technologies Inc., Wilmington, DE;

HV power supply

The Model 10077 compact HV power supply from EMCO High Voltage is designed for Detector or APD applications such as spectrometers, blood analyzers, DNA analyzers, radiation test and measuring, X-ray scanning, detector arrays, and more. According to the company, standard features include low power consumption of < 300 mW, ripple < 2 mV p-p, high stability, 0 to 100% programmable output voltage, over voltage protection, and voltage monitor. EMCO High Voltage Corporation, Sutter Creek, CA;

Ion sources

Prosolia's Omni Spray Ion sources are a series of ionization sources based on desorption electrospray ionization (DESI). DESI is a versatile ionization method that allows for the direct and rapid sampling of surfaces without any sample preparation and under ambient temperature and pressure conditions. According to the company, with this source, scientists are able to analyze both large and small molecules from a variety of surfaces. Prosolia, Inc., Indianapolis, IN;

Photomultiplier tube

The PHOTONIS Group's XP1322, a 13-mm (0.5 in.) round photomultiplier tube, features a combination of high gain and low noise that covers the spectral range of 270–650 nm. The product is designed for applications such as scintillation counting, high-energy physics, life sciences, and bioluminescence. The product is also available in a photon counting grade model. PHOTONIS Group, Lancaster, PA;

MS system

The Waters Synapt High Definition MS (HDMS) system is designed for researchers working at the limits of conventional MS and who need to further characterize and define complex samples. The system reportedly uses an ion-mobility-based measurement and software to analyze sample ions differentiated by size and shape. According to the company, this additional dimension of separations fidelity leads to improved specificity and sample definition. Waters Corporation, Milford, MA;

Reference materials catalog

Inorganic Ventures introduces its 2008–2009 catalog of stocked certified reference materials, featuring standards for ICP, ICP-MS, IC, AA, wet chemistry, and the latest EPA methods. According to the company, products are color-coded by application and indexed by both catalog number and subject. Inorganic Ventures, Lakewood, NJ;

LC–MS system

Shimadzu's LC–MS-IT-TOF LC–MS system features Formula Predictor software, which reportedly takes advantage of multiple levels of fragmentation, isotope pattern verification, and unique fragment-ion filtering techniques to determine the correct formula for unknown components. According to the company, the system addresses the needs of biomarker discovery, trace amount impurity identification, and natural products research. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD;

Mass spectrometer

Shimadzu's AXIMA Performance™ mass spectrometer is designed for high-energy MS-MS interrogation of proteomics and biological and organic samples, including peptides, polymers, oligonucleotides, SNPs, metabolites, and carbohydrates. According to the company, the product features full automation, advanced calibration algorithms, data-dependent workflows, and application-centric software. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD;

Mass spectrometer

The AccuTOF-DART mass spectrometer from JEOL is designed for direct analysis of surfaces, liquids, and gases without sample preparation. Applications include forensics investigations, pharmaceutical testing and development, environmental and homeland security response, and product analysis. JEOL USA, Peabody, MA;

TOF GC–MS system

LECO's TruTOF HT TOFMS system reportedly features continuous full-range mass acquisition rates as high as 80 spectra/s to provide accurate identification of unknown and targeted compounds in complex samples. According to the company, the product also includes data-analysis and environmental-reporting software and offers both electron and chemical ionization sources. LECO Corporation, St. Joseph, MI;

Mass spectrometer

Bruker Daltonics announces its ultraflex III smartbeam MALDI-TOF-TOF mass spectrometer, optimized for MALDI molecular imaging. The product is designed to produce a laser focus size of 10–80 μm, with adjustable repetition rates from 1 Hz to 200 Hz. Bruker Daltonics, Billerica, MA;

LC–MS solvents

Mallinckrodt Baker's J.T. Baker LC–MS laboratory solvents and solvent blends are designed for use in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, environmental, and food and beverage analyses. According to the company, these solvents are filtered through a 0.2-mm filter to remove particles and reduce contaminants. The solvents reportedly are function-tested for LC-UV detection and LC–MS applications. The solvents are available in quantities ranging from 1 L to mini bulk volumes. Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc., Phillipsburg, NJ;

Data management software

Bio-Rad Laboratories' KnowItAll Enterprise data management software is designed for centralizing, securing, and accessing MS, IR, NMR, Raman, UV, and chromatographic data. According to the company, the software enables data management and sharing across any enterprise behind the user's own firewall. Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA;

Mass spectrometer

Bruker Daltonics announces their next-generation Qq-TOF mass spectrometer: the micrOTOF™-Q II, designed for accurate mass LC–MS-MS performance in proteomics, biomarker profiling, metabolomics, and other small molecule applications. According to the company, the product offers the on-the-fly SmartFormula™ 3D method for the unambiguous sum formula determination of small molecules. Bruker Daltonics, Billerica, MA;

MS scanning option

Varian, Inc. announces the TurboDDS, their new data dependent scanning option for the 500-MS Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer, designed to deliver complex tandem mass spectrometry (MS-MS) or MSn measurements automatically, based on limited and simple operator-specified criteria. According to the company, the analysis of complex sequences of mass spectrometric measurements can be accomplished in a single chromatographic separation. Varian, Inc., Palo Alto, CA;

Mass spectrometers

Agilent's 6100 series single-quadrupole mass spectrometers are designed to obtain high-quality MS data across narrow chromatographic peaks. According to the company, the systems provide maximum spectral information confirming that the correct peaks are being identified and faster POS/NEG mode switching. Agilent Technologies Inc., Wilmington, DE;

Tissue-imaging platform

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. announces the launch of a new, sensitive tissue-imaging platform, combining its Thermo Scientific MALDI LTQ XL™ mass spectrometer with ImageQuest™ software, designed for scientists to analyze whole tissue, biological, and polymer samples without extensive sample preparation. According to the company, this tissue-imaging solution provides researchers with high sensitivity and MSn spectral quality of linear ion trap technology as well as fast sample analysis, compared with the standard practice of homogenizing and extracting from tissue. Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA;

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Jeanette Grasselli Brown 
Jeanette Grasselli Brown