


Volume 26
Issue 5

Product Resources

Distillation system

Milestone's DuoPUR sub-boiling distillation system is designed to make high-purity acids from reagent-grade acids. According to the company, this allows laboratories to increase the purity of the samples they analyze and reduce overall costs. The system reportedly uses a sub-boiling distillation technique that vaporizes liquid by infrared heating of its surface instead of boiling. Milestone, Shelton, CT;

ATR accessory

Pike Technologies' GladiATR single reflection diamond ATR accessory reportedly has expanded temperature control options that can be configured for heating to temperatures as high as 300 °C. According to the company, the accessory can be used for high-temperature kinetic or material degradation studies. The accessory reportedly operates with the company's software and comprises reflective optics and a monolithic diamond for high throughput across the full mid-IR and far-IR spectral ranges. Pike Technologies, Madison, WI;


Stock microprisms from Tower Optical Corporation are designed for the development of fiber-optic and medical products. According to the company, the prisms are available in sizes ranging from 0.5 mm to 5.0 mm for miniature packaging of solid-state lasers and associated optical components. The prisms reportedly are right-angle type, which can be used at 90° to redirect a beam of light or at 180° as a beam retro-reflector, and are one-half of a cube. Tower Optical Corporation, Boynton Beach, FL;

Infrared spectrometer

PerkinElmer's Frontier FT-IR spectrometer is designed as a modular and upgradeable platform for near-, mid-, and far-infrared spectroscopic analysis of samples such as polymers, chemicals, consumer goods, and pharmaceuticals. According to the company, the instrument's automated range changing capability allows the use of multiple techniques, and its optical system allows the addition of microscopy and imaging systems for detailed materials analysis. PerkinElmer, Inc., Seer Green, United Kingdom;

ICP-MS system

The aurora M90 ICP-MS system from Bruker Daltonics reportedly combines the company's CRI II collision reaction interface for interference elimination with the Nitrox 500 accessory to achieve lower limits of detection on elements such as As and Se. The system has an ion mirror and curved-fringe rods designed to provide high sensitivity (1 million counts/s for 1 µg/L), low background noise, and low detection limits. According to the company, the system can be used for environmental, food, and clinical applications. Bruker Daltonics, Billerica, MA;

ICP liquid flow monitor

The TruFlo liquid flow monitor from Glass Expansion is designed to measure and digitally display sample flow rates for an ICP-OES or ICP-MS nebulizer. According to the company, the monitor can report when deviation from specified flow rates occurs or when problems such as worn pump tubing, a clogged nebulizer, or an improperly adjusted peristaltic pump occur. The system reportedly can provide an electronic record of sample flow rates for regulatory compliance. Glass Expansion, Pocasset, MA;

Electron microscopy software

The TEAM EDS 2.0 Analysis System software from Edax Inc. is designed for use with electron microscopes and reportedly streamlines analysis and reporting workflow, boosts user productivity, reduces analysis time, and minimizes error potential. According to the company, the software can compare and review multiple maps simultaneously, extract spectra from the area of interest using a histogram feature, and handle up to 120,000 counts/s. Edax, Inc., Mahwah, NJ;

EDXRF spectrometer

The EDX-LE spectrometer from Shimadzu Scientific Instruments is an energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer designed to screen elements regulated by RoHS/ELV directives. According to the company, the instrument incorporates automated analysis functions and a detector that does not require liquid nitrogen. Users reportedly can customize set-up functions according to management methods, set threshold values for each material or element, and change screening judgment according to the input method used for threshold values. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD;

X-ray source

Moxtek's 50-kV monoblock X-ray source is designed for applications including handheld, portable, and benchtop instrumentation. According to the company, the source is a battery-operated, low-power device that uses passive air cooling and delivers a high intensity flux of approximately 2 × 1011 photons/s/steradian/0.10 µA. The source reportedly weighs ~350 g and provides a variable energy output up to 50 kV, a maximum beam current of 0.20 mA, and a total power of up to 4 W. Moxtek, Orem, UT;


Agilent's 2011–2012 Essential Chromatography and Spectroscopy catalog includes columns and other consumables from the company's acquisition of Varian, Inc. The catalog reportedly contains 50% more content, with compatibility charts, application notes, and maintenance schedules for the company's chromatography and spectroscopy instruments, accessories, and reagents. Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA;

Silicon drift detectors

Amptek's Super silicon drift detectors are designed for XRF applications with OEM handheld instruments and bench-top analyzers. According to the company, the detectors have 125-eV FWHM resolution, an 11.2-µs peaking time, and a P/B of 8200 with an area of 25 mm2 and a silicon thickness of 500 µm. The detectors reportedly are contained inside the same TO-8 package and do not require liquid nitrogen. Amptek Inc., Bedford, MA;

Laser module

The LaserBoxx LBX-532 from Oxxius is a 532-nm CW DPSS laser module designed to provide beam-pointing stability and long-term output power stability for single-mode fiber delivery. According to the company, the system combines power stability (<0.5% over 8 h) with low noise (<0.5% rms from 10 Hz to 20 Hz) and power consumption as low as 10 W. The module reportedly measures 100 mm × 40 mm × 40 mm. Oxxius, Lannion, France;

Near-infrared spectrometer

The MB3600-CH20 near-infrared spectrophotometer from ABB Analytical is designed for qualitative and quantitative analysis of chemical samples, including liquids, powders, pellets, and gels. According to the company, multiple sample properties can be determined using disposable vials and no solvent or reagent. The system reportedly can be operated by users without analytical expertise. ABB Analytical, Quebec, Canada;

Spectra library

Fiveash Data Management's FDM Raman Organics is a library of 500 Raman spectra of model organic compounds. According to the company, the spectra in the library were run in-focus on a 6-cm-1 , white-light-corrected spectrometer with a 780-nm laser, SNR of 500, and a range of 200–3200 cm-1 . The library reportedly is available in most spectral library formats. Fiveash Data Management, Madison, WI;

Immersion probes

Hellma's immersion probes are designed for use in fully automated tablet dissolution UV–vis analysis. According to the company, the probes have custom-built conical measuring heads and modified fiber-optic cables with five different optical path lengths available. Hellma USA, Plainview, NY;

Power supply assembly

The power supply assembly from Evans Analytical Group is designed for Thermo Scientific's Element GD high-resolution glow-discharge mass spectrometry instruments. The power supply reportedly can deliver currents up to 20 A at 2000 V with a frequency up to 10 kHz. According to the company, the power supply is connected to a high-voltage switch that is operated by a programmable square-wave pulse generator and provides atomic layer determination of trace impurities at the boundary interfaces of layered structures such as photovoltaic films. Evans Analytical Group, Sunnyvale, CA;

Raman analyzer

The EZRaman-1-9 portable Raman analyzer from Enwave Optronics is designed to minimize fluorescence and maximize capability of Raman analysis in difficult-to-measure samples. According to the company, the analyzer's excitation wavelength is above 900 nm. Enwave Optronics, Inc., Irvine, CA;

Optical fibers

CeramOptec Industries' noncircular-core fibers are square-core fibers with square cladding designed for use in a fiber bundle for spectroscopic applications. According to the company, the fiber bundle can be packed together at one end to maximize light capture and packed in a line at the other end to maximize entry slit illumination. The fibers reportedly can provide up to 25% greater energy capture and a more uniform slit illumination than that found in circular fibers. CeramOptec Industries, East Longmeadow, MA;

Video imaging ATR accessory

Harrick Scientific's VideoMVP is a video imaging ATR accessory designed to combine the advantages of a diamond ATR accessory with video imaging and optional force sensing capabilities. According to the company, the accessory has a sampling diameter of less than 500, and provides real-time 120× magnified views of the sample through the ATR crystal, displayed on the built-in LCD or digitally captured for a permanent record. The accessory reportedly uses horizontal sampling and has a built-in pressure applicator with an integral slip clutch. Harrick Scientific, Pleasantville, NY;

Certified reference materials catalog

SPEX CertiPrep's 2011–2012 catalog of certified reference materials includes more than 4000 organic and inorganic reference materials and standards. The catalog lists reference materials for inorganic analysis by ICP, ICP-MS, IC, AA, XRF, and ion-selective electrode and organic analysis by GC, GC–MS, HPLC, and LC–MS. The catalog also includes consumer safety products designed for the analysis of phthalates in polyethylene, heavy metals in plastic, and RoHS/WEEE compliance samples. More than 100 PCB congeners are also listed. SPEX CertiPrep, Metuchen, NJ;

UV–vis–NIR miniature spectrometer

The VS7000 UV–vis–NIR miniature spectrometer from HORIBA Jobin Yvon is a preconfigured, low stray light system that includes an uncooled back-illuminated CCD and USB-2 integrated electronics. The spectrometer is designed for OEM low light, high SNR requirement applications. The instrument also includes a selection of slit widths, integrated OSF, and three spectral range selections: 200–860, 380–750, and 200–1050 nm. HORIBA Jobin Yvon, Inc., Edison, NJ;

NIR spectrometers

Avantes' AvaSpec NIRLine dispersive, near-infrared spectrometers are designed to measure long wavelengths. The instruments reportedly come with toroidal focusing mirrors and dynamic dark correction. According to the company, the instruments can perform a variety of applications, including moisture content measurement, qualitative and quantitative measurement of volatile organics, plastic characterization, material identification, and irradiance measurements. Avantes, Eerbank, The Netherlands;

Raman microscope

Renishaw's inVia Raman microscope can be used for nondestructive testing of sperm DNA for assessing the healthiness of sperm cells. The instrument can be customized to integrate optical tweezing, which enables researchers to immobilize sperm cells with a tightly focused laser beam. The resulting Raman spectra contain information about the vibrations of molecules within the sperm cells and can be used to assess the state of its DNA. Renishaw, Hoffman Estates, IL;


StellarNet's Black-Comet-HR concave grating spectrometer is designed for high-resolution applications. According to the company, the system is available for measurements in two ranges, UV (200–600 nm) and visible (380–750 nm), and can achieve resolving resolutions of 0.4 nm. The system reportedly is USB-2 powered, shock-proof, and vibration tolerant with no moving parts. StellarNet, Tampa, FL;

FT-IR sampling system

FT-IR sampling systems from Thermo Fisher Scientific are designed to characterize the chemical composition of biological systems, such as lipids in algae. According to the company, the sampling systems combine instrumentation, accessories, and software in four different configurations: ATR spectroscopy, transmission spectroscopy, reflectance spectroscopy, and infrared microscopy. Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Madison, WI;

Ion-trap GC–MS

Agilent Technologies' model 220 and 240 Ion Trap GC–MS systems are designed with the multiple ionization and scan modes of an ion-trap mass spectrometer and the capillary flow technology of a gas chromatograph. According to the company, the model 240 has MS-MS and MSn capabilities and can perform EI, CI, and MS-MS in the same run. The model 220 reportedly is designed for educational laboratories and laboratories needing rugged operation for high-throughput routine testing. Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA;

Raman system

The LabRam HR Raman system from Horiba Scientific is available with an ultralow frequency (ULF) module that enables measurements of Raman spectra with shifts as low as 5 cm-1 relative to the exciting laser line. According to the company, the system can be used to determine chain lengths in polymers and differentiate similar crystal forms (polymorphs) in pharmaceutical products, among other applications. Horiba Scientific, Edison, NJ;

FT-NIR analyzer

The MPA multipurpose FT-NIR analyzer from Bruker Optics is designed for the analysis of liquids, solids, powders, and tablets. The analyzer's transmission head reportedly can be combined with an autosampling unit and optional tablet holders. According to the company, the analyzer can be connected via Ethernet to a laptop computer and can be placed on a utility cart. Permanent online diagnostics reportedly monitor the instrument continuously and advise users of any problems. Bruker Optics, Inc., Billerica, MA;


Cecil Instruments' double- and single-beam spectrophotometers are designed with USB ports for direct use with PC control. The instruments operate with the company's software, which permits data to be viewed, manipulated, processed, and saved. According to the company, the systems include options for high-performance wavelength scanning, multiple wavelength analyses, multicomponent analyses, kinetic analyses, calibration curves, and spectral derivatives. Cecil Instruments Limited, Cambridge, United Kingdom;

Mercury analyzer

The Model RA-3000F Gold+ mercury analyzer from Nippon Instruments Corporation is designed for EPA Methods 1631E and 245.7. According to the company, the instrument simplifies low to sub-ppt mercury analysis and reduces reagent consumption and wastes by as much as 80%. Nippon Instruments North America, College Station, TX;

Laser module

B&W Tek's CleanLaze laser module is designed for Raman spectroscopy. The module has a linewidth of 0.03 nm and TEM00 beam at 785 nm. The module reportedly is available in free space, single, or multimode fiber-couple versions. According to the company, the module provides power stability, low wavelength drift, and modulation up to 100 kHz. The module is available in turnkey and OEM configurations. B&W Tek, Inc., Newark, DE;

Mercury analyzers

The Hydra IIAF mercury analyzer from Teledyne Leeman Labs is designed for fluorescence detection with a detection limit of 0.1 ppt or less for laboratories that employ EPA Method 245.7 or European Standard EN 3506. The Hydra IIAF Gold analyzer is designed for the requirements of EPA Method 1631 and European Standard 12338, reportedly utilizing a short sample cycle and a 270-position autosampler. According to the company, both analyzers can transition from cold vapor atomic fluorescence to cold vapor atomic absorption to satisfy compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act. Teledyne Leeman Labs, Hudson, NH;

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Jeanette Grasselli Brown