Diffuse reflectance accessory
Thermo Fisher Scientific's DRA-EV-300 diffuse reflectance accessory is designed for material science and general QC measurements on solid materials. The accessory has a wavelength range of 220–1100 nm and is designed with a sintered PTFE internal coating. According to the company, the accessory's prealigned configuration on a kinematic mount simplifies installation. The instrument's horizontal reflectance sample mounting holds samples in place with gravity. Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Madison, WI;
Custom instrument benches
Mobile laboratory benches from OMNI Enclosures are designed for mass spectrometers. The benches reportedly optimize laboratory space and provide a quieter environment. The benches feature integrated accessories designed for comfort, organization, and safety. According to the company, the bench systems are available in various sizes and will support mass spectrometers and related equipment from all manufacturers. OMNI Enclosures, San Diego, CA;
IR–FTIR supplies catalog
A 52-page catalog of IR–FTIR supplies and accessories is available from New Era Enterprises. The catalog includes application notes and lists products such as infrared optics windows, lenses, ATR elements, and optical coatings; liquid, solid, and gas transmission accessories; HATR crystal plate mount and liquid transmission cell reconditioning. New Era Enterprises, Inc., Vineland, NJ;
Spectroscopy modeling software
Photon Engineering's FRED Optimum software is designed for modeling all types of spectroscopic systems. The 3D CAD optical engineering software can simulate the propagation of light through any optical–illumination system modeling source radiative phenomena and arbitrary optomechanical geometry with algorithms to model fluorescence, polarization, interference, scatter, diffraction, transmission, reflection, and absorption at any surface. Photon Engineering, LLC, Tucson, AZ;
Particle extraction system
The ALPXS aerosol-to-liquid particle extraction system from Meinhard Glass Products collects and concentrates airborne metals into a liquid sample for on-site or laboratory analysis. Particles in air are drawn through the device at rates as high as 200 L/min, are charged at 8000 V, and are collected in a liquid volume of 10–20 mL. Applications include real-time sampling of welding fumes, workplace exposure measurement, and environmental metal particle monitoring. Meinhard Glass Products, Golden, CO;
Digital line scan camera
Sensors Unlimited's model SU1024LDH SWIR digital line scan camera is designed for high-speed NIR spectroscopy and machine vision. The camera includes an uncooled linear InGaAs image sensor system with 1024 25 μm × 25 μm pixels. Quantum efficiency reportedly is greater than 70% from 1.0 to 1.6 μm. The camera reportedly sees beyond the visible range and outputs 14-bit Camera Link at frame rates greater than 46,000 lines/s. Sensors Unlimited, part of Goodrich Corporation, Princeton, NJ;
ICP liquid flow monitor
Glass Expansion's TruFlo device measures and digitally displays the sample flow rate to an ICP-OES system or ICP-MS nebulizer. According to the company, the device can be programmed to sound an alarm when a deviation from specified flow rates occurs. It reportedly also can provide an electronic record of sample flow rate for regulatory compliance. Glass Expansion, Pocasset, MA;
Cryogenic grinding mill
The CryoMill from Retsch is designed for cryogenic grinding. The mill is continually cooled with liquid nitrogen from an integrated cooling system before and during the grinding process. Grinding parameters can be stored, and LEDs in the display indicate the current state of operation. The mill has a vibrational frequency of 25 Hz. Samples mainly are ground by impact but are also ground by friction, which reportedly provides finer grind sizes. The mill includes one grinding station for grinding jar volumes of 25, 35, and 50 mL. An optional adapter holds as many as four 5-mL grinding jars. Retsch Inc., Newtown, PA;
Silicon drift detectors
Xflash 5000 liquid-nitrogen-free silicon drift detectors from Bruker AXS are designed for use with the company's QUANTAX EDS microanalysis systems. The detectors reportedly provide energy resolutions as low as 123 eV at Mn-Ka and a 100,000-cps input count rate. According to the company, the detectors are equipped with electron traps that support interference-free X-ray detection. Bruker AXS, Madison, WI;
Reflection probe
Hellma's model 668.006-NIR reflection probe is designed for diffuse reflection measurements in the visible and NIR ranges. The probe reportedly was developed for online analysis of scattering goods. The probe includes seven circularly arranged illumination fibers with a core diameter of 200 μm each for homogeneous lighting of samples. The probe's central reception fiber has a diameter of 600 μm and directs the diffuse reflected light back to the spectrophotometer's detector. Applications include determining the composition of bulk goods or pastes and monitoring the moisture content of powders or granulates. Hellma GmbH & Co. KG, Muellheim, Germany;
Raman systems
Nunavut Raman systems from BaySpec integrate volume phase grating–based spectrographs, deep-cooled cameras, light sources, and a fiber-optic probe in a portable enclosure. Available systems include 785-nm and 1064-nm options. According to the company, the systems are designed for high throughput and long life. BaySpec, Inc., Fremont, CA;
Diamond ATR accessory
The GladiATR diamond ATR accessory from Pike Technologies can be used for analysis of hard objects such as coated metal wires, polymer pellets, and geological samples. Crystal plate options include germanium and choices for heating and cooling. The accessory is available with a liquid-crystal display. According to the company, the video display enables users to position the sample to desired areas for analyzing visible sample features. Illumination and camera image are integrated below the diamond crystal. Pike Technologies, Madison, WI;
XRF spectrometer
The Axios FAST simultaneous X-ray fluorescence system from PANalytical is designed for high speed and throughput for routine analysis and dedicated real-time process control in applications such as mining exploration and steelmaking. The instrument reportedly allows simultaneous fixed-channel measurements of as many as 28 elements. Features include a 4-kW X-ray tube, a high-throughput sample loading turret mechanism, externally mounted channels, self-monitoring facilities for remote diagnostics, and dedicated software and hardware interfaces. PANalytical, Natick, MA;
Custom standards
Custom inorganic standards from Inorganic Ventures can be used in applications such as ICP, ICP-MS, atomic absorption, and ion chromatography. Each standard is supplied with a certificate of analysis that details NIST traceability, certified values, and trace impurities. The standards reportedly are manufactured in a "green" manufacturing facility. Inorganic Ventures, Lakewood, NJ;
Miniature spectrophotometer
The AvaSpec-2048-ULS ultralow straylight miniature spectrophotometer from Avantes has an optical bench with a dual internal modestripper and multiple compound parabolic concentrators for straylight reduction. The instrument is designed to provide a factor of 20 decrease in strain sensitivity. Multiple configuration options are available from 200 nm to 1100 nm. Avantes, Inc., Broomfield, CO;
Raman-AFM system
An integrated Raman–atomic force microscopy system from Renishaw plc and NT-MDT (Russia) is designed for confocal Raman spectroscopy and tip-enhanced Raman scattering. The AFM head reportedly provides low drift and high stability. According to the company, scanning probe microscopy is complementary to light microscopy but has nanoscale resolution and can measure physical properties under controlled conditions. Renishaw Inc., Hoffman Estates, IL;
CCD spectrometer
Edmund Optics' back-thinned CCD spectrometer for UV–NIR measurements is designed to minimize stray light to improve throughput. The spectrometer's software is configurable for high dynamic or high sensitivity modes. According to the company, the spectrometer can be used for various UV–vis–shortwave NIR applications. Edmund Optics, Barrington, NJ;
Neutral density filters
Circular variable neutral density filters for laser applications such as multiphoton microscopy and ultrafast spectroscopy are available from Newport Corporation. The filters include a metallic coating on a 2-mm fused-silica substrate and reportedly can be used with short pulses. The filters are available in multiple sizes and optical density variations and are designed to attenuate low energy laser light in the 200–2000 nm range. Newport Corporation, Irvine, CA;
Sample identification software
SLICE software from HORIBA Jobin Yvon is designed to archive, query, and compare X-ray spectra. According to the company, the software has been extended to contaminant analysis in a wide range of industries, including pharmaceutical, automotive, engine wear, and semiconductor. HORIBA Jobin Yvon, Edison, NJ;
Fiber-optic accessories
The Omni-Diff and Omni-Spec diffuse and specular reflection fiber-optic accessories from Harrick Scientific connect via 1.5-m cables to the company's FiberMate 2 interface installed in a spectrometer. According to the company, selection of the appropriate fiber cables allows operation in wavelength regions ranging from UV to the mid-infrared. An optional USB-compatible camera is available. Harrick Scientific Products, Pleasantville, NY;
Mercury analyzer
The Hydra-C Appendix K mercury analyzer is designed for analyzing mercury emitted from coal-fired power plants. The instrument was developed to analyze the sorbent material contained within specialized short- and long-term mercury traps. The unit reportedly also can be used for analyzing mercury in coal and fly ash. The analyzer includes a 70-position autosampler. Teledyne Leeman Labs, Hudson, NH;
USB laser diode controller
The model FL593FL USB laser diode controller from Wavelength Electronics includes a driver, a Windows control interface, and an application programming interface for building custom applications. The controller can be used with USB hubs to control multiple units from a single port. Configurations can be saved and reloaded. Applications include remotely controlling multiple laser diodes such as burn-in racks and L-I characterization systems. Optional analog inputs reportedly facilitate up to 500 kHz modulation in constant current mode, and the data acquisition period can be set for 100-ms to 10-s intervals. Wavelength Electronics, Bozeman, MT;
ICP–AES system
The ACTIVA-S ICP–AES system from HORIBA Jobin Yvon features a spectroscopic quality CCD covering the 160–800 nm spectral range. The system's SMARTVIEW function is designed to provide a rapid and accurate semiquantitative image of a sample through automatic and reprocessable calculations. According to the company, the system can be used for petrochemistry and agricultural applications such as biofuel or fertilizer analysis. HORIBA Jobin Yvon, Inc., Edison, NJ;
Silicon drift detector
The XR-100SDD Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) from Amptek reportedly enables extremely high count rate applications with high energy resolution. According to the company, the product is designed for XRF applications from OEM handheld instruments to benchtop analyzers. Amptek, Inc., Bedford, MA;
Fluorescence measurement system
Hitachi's Quantum Yield measurement system for the company's model F-7000 fluorescence spectrophotometer is designed for fast measurements and calculations of internal and external QY, absorption, absorption amount, and fluorescent amount of powder samples. The system includes the accessories required for spectral correction and quantum yield measurements in the range of 240–800 nm. Hitachi High Technologies America, Inc., Pleasanton, CA;
Portable Raman instrument
The portable EZRaman-I instrument from Enwave is designed to provide approximately 50 times better sensitivity than most other portable Raman instruments. According to the company, the instrument's spectral resolution is approximately 6 cm–1 and its spectral range is 100–2000 cm–1. Enwave Optronics, Inc., Irvine, CA;
Handheld XRF instrument
Bruker's TRACERturboSD handheld X-ray fluorescence instrument include's the company's Xflash silicon drift detector. The unit is designed to provide fast analysis of sophisticated metals such as light element alloys without the use of a vacuum or helium attachment. Bruker AXS, Kennewick, WA;
XRF inorganic elemental analyzer
EDAX's Orbis micro-XRF inorganic elemental analyzer is designed to perform nondestructive measurements that require minimal sample preparation and provide improved sensitivity over SEM and EDS methods. The analyzer includes a motorized turret for coaxial sample view and X-ray analysis. Primary beam filters can be used with X-ray optics for micrometer to millimeter spot elemental analyses. Applications include forensics, materials analysis, failure analysis, and elemental imaging. EDAX Inc., Mahwah, NJ;
Hard-clad silica fibers
Large-core multimode hard-clad silica and silica/silica fibers from Fiberguide Industries are designed to provide increased fiber strength, reduced static fatigue in humid environments, and robust bonding to prevent pistoning. The fibers are available as hard-clad silica with N.A. of 0.39 and hard-clad silica/silica with N.A. of 0.22. Fiberguide Industries, Inc., Stirling, NJ;
Magnetic-base beam block tool holder
Newport's BB-L magnetic-base beam block tool holder is designed to combine the features of a beam blocker and beam aligner with a ball driver tool holder. The device's front surface has a grid pattern of 0.25-in squares that can be used a reference for aligning or leveling an optical beam. Two sets of four holes in the top enable users to mount various sizes of ball drivers in either English or metric. The device is manufactured from black-anodized aluminum and includes a three-element magnetic base for mounting on a stainless steel optical table surface. Newport Corporation, Irvine, CA;
ICDD's PDF-4/Organics 2009 database contains 370,844 entries and is designed for rapid materials identification. According to the company, the database can be used for formulation analysis, drug and tablet stability, and identification of polymorphs, excipients, and drugs. Other possible applications include the identification or fingerprinting of crystalline and noncrystalline phases. The database reportedly was produced by combining drug active compounds with polymers, common inorganic salts, excipients, and pharmaceuticals. ICDD, Newtown Square, PA;
Circular dichroism spectrometer
The model J-815 circular dichroism spectrometer from JASCO measures circular dichroism, absorbance, and fluorescence versus wavelength and temperature. The instrument can analyze as many as six samples at a time. JASCO, Easton, MD;
Ti:sapphire laser
The Mai Tai eHP DeepSee Ti:sapphire laser from Newport Corporation is designed to provide high peak power for nonlinearly excited fluorescence applications including multiphoton microscopy. The laser's pulse width reportedly is 70 fs. According to the company, the laser features full automation and computer control. Newport Corporation, Irvine, CA;
Custom standards
Custom inorganic standards from SPEX CertiPrep are available in volumes of 100 mL, 250 mL, 500 mL, and 1 L. Organic standards are available in 1-mL ampules or any required size. Each custom standard is supplied with a certificate of analysis and a material safety data sheet. SPEX CertiPrep, Metuchen, NJ;
Multifrequency fluorometer
The MF2 multifrequency fluorometer from Horiba Jobin Yvon is designed to apply all frequencies simultaneously to isolate the lifetime behavior of a substance instantaneously. According to the company, LEDs or laser diodes are available for the UV-NIR range, or users can switch to pockel-cell modulation of a xenon lamp. HORIBA Jobin Yvon, Edison, NJ;
Mercury analyzer
The Model RA-3000 Gold+AFS mercury analyzer from Nippon Instruments Corporation is designed for EPA Method 1631E, which allows for the determination of mercury at a minimum level of 0.5 parts-per-trillion in water. According to the company, the analyzer simplifies low to sub-parts-per-trillion mercury analysis. Nippon Instruments North America, College Station, TX;
Miniature UV–vis light source
StellarNet's SL4-DLT miniature UV–vis light source is designed to cover the 200–1700 nm wavelength range in one unit. According to the company, the deuterium–tungsten light source's high output power enables it to be used for reflectance measurements. A shutter button on the front panel blocks light output of both lamps, which reportedly is necessary for dark reference spectrums without turning off the source. The source can be connected to a battery pack for field operations. StellarNet, Inc., Tampa, FL;
FT-IR spectrometer
The IRAffinity-1 FT-IR spectrometer from Shimadzu is designed for high-precision infrared analysis to confirm, identify, and detect foreign matter in various application areas. According to the company, the instrument features long-term stability, protection from humidity, increased reliability, and analysis support programs. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc., Columbia, MD;
NIR miniprobes
Specac's Prospect fiber-optic transmission probes are designed for NIR process applications. Constructed of stainless steel and using gold/nickel bonding with sapphire windows, the probes are reportedly capable of operation at temperatures as high as 250 °C and pressures as high as 100 bar. The probes are available with pathlengths of 1, 2, and 5 mm with probe lengths of 100, 200, and 500 mm. Specac Inc., Woodstock, GA;
Lab equipment marketplace
Since 1995, LabX has been a highly specialized business-to-business marketplace for the lab equipment community. According to the company, LabX serves more than 680,000 worldwide users per month. LabX, Toronto, Ontario, Canada;
Your Guide to the European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry
February 27th 2025The 20th European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry (EWCPS 2025) is scheduled to take place from March 2 to 7, 2025, in Berlin, Germany. Here, we provide a conference insider regarding what spectroscopists should consider checking out, as well as the topics that will be discussed at the conference.
IoT-based Spectral Sensing Brings Real-Time Grape Ripeness Monitoring to Vineyards
February 26th 2025A team of researchers from the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) in Braga, Portugal, has developed an autonomous Internet of Things (IoT) spectral sensing system designed to monitor grape ripening in real-time. The study, led by Hugo M. Oliveira, Alessio Tugnolo, Natacha Fontes, Carlos Marques, and Álvaro Geraldes, was published in Computers and Electronics in Agriculture and introduces a novel approach to non-destructive, in-situ optical monitoring of grape maturity.
Pittcon 2025: Highlighting Talks on Atomic Spectroscopy
February 26th 2025At Pittcon this year, there will be numerous sessions dedicated to spotlighting the latest research that uses atomic spectroscopy or elemental analysis techniques. We highlight some of these talks below that might pique the interest of spectroscopists and researchers attending the conference this year.