ICP nebulizer
The C-Flow 700d concentric nebulizer from Savillex is designed to be a universal nebulizer for inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry. According to the company, the nebulizer is chemically inert and has an uptake line with a zero-dead-volume connection. Savillex, Eden Prairie, MN;
3D confocal Raman microscope
WITec's modular alpha300/500 Raman microscope is designed for analysis of the chemical characteristics of a sample three-dimensionally, underneath and at the surface. According to the company, the microscope provides high spectral quality and spatial resolution for minute sample structures. WITec, Knoxville, TN;
EDXRF spectrometer
Shimadzu's EDX-LE energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer is designed for screening elements regulated by RoHS/ELV directives. According to the company, the spectrometer is equipped with automated analysis functions and a detector that does not require liquid nitrogen. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD;
ATR accessory
Diamond, Ge, and Si crystal options and a specular reflection plate from PIKE Technologies are designed for use with its MIRacle single-reflection attenuated total reflection (ATR) accessory for FT-IR applications. According to the company, an optional force sensor connected to a digital readout, a liquid retainer, a flow-through attachment, a selection of clamps, and dedicated pressure tips for use with various sample types are also available for the ATR accessory. PIKE Technologies, Madison, WI;
Filter systems
Ondax's SureBlock notch filters and XLF-series filters are designed to enable capture of Raman spectra in the terahertz spectroscopy regime (10– 200 cm-1 , or 300 GHz to 6 THz) with any single stage spectrometer. According to the company, the filter systems also capture simultaneous Stokes and anti-Stokes Raman signals up to greater than 5000 cm-1 (150 THz) with throughput up to 80%. Ondax, Monrovia, CA;
Spectroscopy detector systems
Andor's Newton electron-multiplying CCD spectroscopy detector systems are designed with low noise electronics, cooling to -100 °C, up to 95% peak quantum efficiency, multi-MHz readout, USB 2.0 connectivity, and various readout modes. According to the company, the instrument uses the company's electron multiplying CCD platform with sensor formats optimized for ultralow-light-level spectroscopy applications. Andor Technology, South Windsor, CT;
LED light source
A full-spectrum fiber-coupled LED light source with an SMA connector for spectroscopy applications is available from Mightex. According to the company, the LED source covers the range from 380 nm to 780 nm continuously, and the spectral range can be expanded by adding more LEDs in both ends of the spectrum. Mightex, Pleasanton, CA;
Digital multichannel analyzer
Amtek's MCA8000D compact digital multichannel analyzer is designed to digitize an input signals to measure the pulse height and obtain the pulse height spectrum. Free display and acquisition software and a free software development kit are included. Amptek Inc., Bedford, MA;
The Exemplar Plus "smart" spectrometer from B&W Tek is designed with a low stray light unfolded Czerny-Turner spectrograph. According to the company, the spectrometer has a TE cooled back-thinned CCD detector that is linearly summed for high dynamic range and provides data over the 190–1100 nm spectral range. B&W Tek, Newark, DE;
IMS analyzer
An ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) analyzer from Photonis is designed for simple integration with most spectrometers. According to the company, the analyzer combines the company's resistive glass products with an ion gate design to create a compact platform that can be scaled or customized to interface with a variety of instruments for IMS analysis that can be performed at room temperature. Photonis, Sturbridge, MA;
Lead contamination application note
An application note from SPEX CertiPrep describes an examination of lipstick for lead contamination and to determine if any other potentially toxic metals were present. According to the company, 48 lip products were tested for the presence of toxic elements by ICP-MS.SPEX CertiPrep, Metuchen, NJ;
Nebulizers for ICP and ICP-MS
Plus series nebulizers from Meinhard are designed with low internal volume and A-type nozzles. According to the company, the TR+ (borosilicate glass), the TQ+ (quartz), and the SilQ (high purity quartz) nebulizers include gas and liquid fittings in high purity PFA with a variety of options, and natural aspiration is 500 µL/min for 1 L/min argon at 50 psi (340 kPa), with a useful range of 10–700 µL/min. Meinhard – Elemental Scientific, Golden, CO;
Miniature spectrometer
The AvaSpec-Mini spectrometer from Avantes is designed to provide a resolution of up to 0.2 nm. According to the company, the device weighs 155 g and is equipped with an industry-standard SMA-905 connector. Avantes, Bloomfield, CO;
Sulfur analysis application note
An application note from Rigaku describes sulfur analysis in petroleum products using the company's ZXS Primus wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. According to the company, the report contains information about sample preparation, method calibration, and repeatability. Rigaku Corporation, Tokyo, Japan;
UV–vis–NIR detector
The Syncerity 1024 X 256 CCD detector for UV–vis–NIR spectroscopy from Horiba Scientific is designed as a research-grade spectroscopy camera for OEM and research applications. The instrument reportedly provides a slow scan speed of 45 kHz, a dynamic range of 92.5 dB in image mode, readout noise and nonlinearity of <0.4%, and TE cooling to -60 °C. According to the company, the instrument is intended for low-light-level detection in spectroscopic applications where ultimate deep cooling is unnecessary. Horiba Scientific, Edison, NJ;
Card extraction LC–MS system
Agilent's AACE automated card extraction LC–MS system is an integrated instrument for the analysis of dried blood spots and other dried media. The system is based on the company's 6400 Series triple-quadrupole LC–MS system, and data processing is performed using the company's MassHunter software. According to the company, the system features a shorter overall cycle time from one injection to the next that is achieved by overlapping the extraction step and analytical cycle. Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA;
Detector array sensor
Andor's iDus InGaAs detector array series is designed for spectroscopy applications at wavelengths up to 2.2 µm. According to the company, the instrument is capable of cooling to -90 °C without liquid nitrogen, and providing wavelength coverage from 600 nm to 17 µm and 800 nm to 2.2 µm. Andor Technology, South Windsor, CT;
Data analysis software
The Unscrambler X software from CAMO Software is designed for analyzing spectroscopic data. According to the company, the software combines multivariate data analysis with data visualization, and is suitable for analyzing data from NIR, FT-IR, MS, Raman, NMR, UV–vis, X-ray diffraction, and other spectroscopic techniques. CAMO Software, Woodbridge, NJ;
UV polarizers
Moxtek's UV wire-grid polarizers are designed for use at wavelengths as low as 250 nm with high transmission, extinction, and angular aperture. According to the company, the product's materials are metal and glass, making it suitable for harsh environments and demanding applications.Moxtek, Orem, UT;
Raman filters
BragGrate Raman filters from OptiGrate are designed to enable standard Raman systems to upgrade for ultralow-frequency measurements. According to the company, Stokes and anti-Stokes Raman bands in the terahertz frequency range (5–200 cm-1 ) can be accessed with a single-stage spectrometer and a set of volume Bragg grating-based filters. OptiGrate, Oviedo, FL;
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