TechnoSpex is a technology solution provider specializing in micro-spectroscopy. With a team of industrial veterans providing optical-spectroscopy, microscopy, and imaging solutions with more than 20 years of practical experience, we offer high performing yet cost effective and versatile optical and spectroscopy system.
Technospex work closely with customers from academics to industries to provide unique solutions to solve their problems which are often covered by non-disclosure agreements.
TechnoSpex is located in Singapore with the R&D team working hand in hand with renown local research institutes and world top 100 ranked universities.
TechnoSpex Pte Ltd.
1092 Lower Delta Road
#04-01 Singapore 169203
+65 6276 6928
+65 6276 1558
New Fluorescence Model Enhances Aflatoxin Detection in Vegetable Oils
March 12th 2025A research team from Nanjing University of Finance and Economics has developed a new analytical model using fluorescence spectroscopy and neural networks to improve the detection of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in vegetable oils. The model effectively restores AFB1’s intrinsic fluorescence by accounting for absorption and scattering interferences from oil matrices, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency for food safety testing.
New Study Shows FT-MIR Spectroscopy Can Authenticate Parmigiano Reggiano Farming Practices
March 11th 2025A new study published in the Journal of Dairy Science demonstrates that FT-MIR spectroscopy can effectively authenticate farming practices and dairy systems in Parmigiano Reggiano production but has limited ability to verify animal welfare parameters.
Advancing NIR and Imaging Spectroscopy in Food and Bioanalysis
March 11th 2025Our full-length interview with Huck covers more than just NIR spectroscopy in food and bio analysis. Spectroscopy sat down with Huck to also discuss current trends going on in spectroscopy, delving into what challenges spectroscopists face today and how they can solve these concerns.
The State of Forensic Science: Previewing an Upcoming AAFS Video Series
March 10th 2025Here, we provide a preview of our upcoming multi-day video series that will focus on recapping the American Academy of Forensic Sciences Conference, as well as documenting the current state of the forensic science industry.