High-Performance Sample Introduction Kits to Maximize Performance, Minimize Down Time for ICP-OES
February 7th 2023Learn how careful selection of a HP-SIS can help your laboratory achieve optimum analytical performance and reduce operating costs with your inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES).
ICP-MS Cones 101 and Microwave Digestion Tips for Low-Level Analysis
November 2nd 2020*** Live: Tuesday, November 3, 2020 at 11am EST| 8am PST| 4pm GMT| 5pm CET***Join us for a great educational opportunity for the ICP-MS analyst. Learn tips on ICP-MS cone selection, conditioning, and maintenance, in addition to best microwave digestion practices to achieve low level analysis with minimal background interferences. ***On demand available after final airing until Nov. 3, 2021***
A High-Performance Sample Introduction System for the Agilent ICP-OES
August 14th 2020The analytical performance of your ICP can often be improved by a careful choice of torch, spray chamber and nebulizer components by taking into account the type of samples that will be analyzed. In this article, we focus on the “hard to measure” ICP-OES elements, As, Se and Pb to determine whether we can improve detection limit performance by selection of appropriate sample introduction components.
A Robust, High Performance, Revolutionary Demountable ICP Torch
February 1st 2020Glass Expansion designed and patented the D-Torch, a revolutionary, demountable torch. The D-Torch uses high-precision engineering to provide the benefits of a demountable torch, such as lower running costs, chemical inertness, and configurable injector geometry, without compromising usability, performance, or durability. In this report, we discuss the effects of harsh matrices on torches, as well as the features, benefits, and improvements in analysis achieved with the D-Torch.
A Simple, Low-Cost Approach to Improving ICP Productivity
August 26th 2019The Niagara Rapid Rinse is the simplest, lowest-cost method of improving throughput for ICP-MS applications. Time saved with the Niagara is typically 30%, with little to no changes to the current method settings and no degradation in performance.
A Simple, Low-Cost Approach to Improving ICP Productivity
November 30th 2016An accessory to an ICP optical or mass spectrometer is described which speeds sample analysis and reduces carryover. This streamlined switching valve accessory is easy to install and uninstall, requires minimal training, and has a dramatically lower price point