Katsuhiro Kanda is with Hitachi High-Technologies, Hitachinaka, Ibaraki, Japan.
Mass spectrometers are effective for identifying and quantifying unknown molecules, such as disease-related proteins and small molecules in pharmaceutical research and medical diagnosis. In addition, mass spectrometry (MS) can be particularly powerful when analyzing molecules with complex structures, such as posttranslationally modified proteins. Among various MS approaches, high-resolution multistep tandem MS (MS-MS) is an emerging methodology for accurate identification of complex molecules. In this article, we describe a new approach for mass analysis with enhanced quantitative capability combined with high-resolution multistep MS-MS, where the dynamic range of quantitation covers four orders of magnitude.
Serum protein profiling using mass spectrometry (MS) is one of the most promising approaches for biomarker identification. The authors adopted a nano liquid chromatography (nLC)–linear ion trap time-of-flight (LIT-TOF) MS system and newly developed software known as information-based acquisition (IBA) to identify biomarkers in human serum. IBA is a data processing protocol for repetitive MS analyses. Peptides selected for the first-pass MS-MS analysis are automatically excluded from the MS spectrum such that subsequent MS-MS analyses are performed on different peptides to minimize overlapping analyses, resulting in the identification of relatively low-abundant peptides.