Product Resources
FT-IR analyzer
ABB's MB3000-PH laboratory FT-IR analyzer is designed for QA/QC, formulation, and research and development applications in the pharmaceutical industry. The instrument is equipped with a universal sampling compartment and Horizon MB FT-IR sofware for acquisition, processing, and analysis of spectra. An add-on software module reportedly enables operation in a 21 CFR Part 11–compliant mode. ABB Analytical, Quebec, Quebec, Canada;
NIR spectrometers
The NIR 2.2/2.5 spectrometers from Avantes include an OSC-NIR coating designed to reduce second order effects. The spectrometers also include a temperature compensation feature that reportedly improves temperature stability and internal temperature compensation. AvaSoft 7.3.1 software for use with the spectrometers can be downloaded from the company's website. Avantes BV, Eerbeek, The Netherlands;
Integrated spectral engine
BaySpec's WaveCapture FBG Interrogation Analyzer with Integrated Reference Source is an integrated spectral engine that simultaneously covers multiple wavelengths for fiber bragg grating sensor system measurements. According to the company, the device provides response times up to approximately 5 kHz while maintaining ±15 pm EOL absolute wavelength accuracy. Applications include smart structures, oil–gas down-hole drilling, buildings, bridges, mining safety, electrical grids, perimeter sensing, aerospace, and other harsh environments. BaySpec, Inc., Fremont, CA;
XRD phase analyzer
The D2 PHASER crystalline phase analyzer system from Bruker AXS is designed to collect X-ray powder diffraction data with speed comparable to that provided by larger floor-standing XRD systems. The system is equipped with an integrated PC, monitor, and the company's DIFFRAC.SUITE workflow software. Applications include cement, industrial minerals, geology, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, and educational purposes. Bruker AXS, Inc., Madison, WI;
Notch filters
Edmund Optics' TECHSPEC OD6 Rugate notch filters are designed to provide 92% transmission for wavelengths ranging from 350 to 2000 nm. According to the company, the filters exhibit an OD > 6 rejection for the center wavelength and greater than 99.5% reflectivity at the center wavelength. The filters reportedly are manufactured using a single coating layer with continuous sinusoidally varying refractive index and feature low ripple of less than 5% with no harmonic reflections. Edmund Optics, Barrington, NJ;
ICP spray chamber
The IsoMist programmable temperature spray chamber accessory for ICP from Glass Expansion is designed to allow the analysis of volatile solvents without dilution. The accessory's temperature range is –10 °C to 60 °C. According to the company, the device's greater stability improves accuracy and eliminates the need for daily standardization. Glass Expansion, Inc., Pocasset, MA;
Process probes
Process probes with sapphire optics from Hellma are suitable for use at the high temperatures and pressures of process controls. The probes' measuring head possesses sapphire optics to provide chemical and abrasion resistance, and the barrels are made of stainless steel 1.4571 or material 2.4602. According to the company, the probes use a totally reflective prism to cause the light beam to pass through the solution only once. Hellma GmbH & Co. KG, Müllheim, Germany;
Spectrophotometer sample compartment
A large-sample compartment from Hitachi is available for the company's model U-3900 and U-3900H research-grade UV–vis spectrophotometers. The sample compartment accessory adds the capability for the reflectance and transmission measurement of solid samples. The unit reportedly is stackable on top of the spectrophotometer system and can be used with specular reflectance accessories. According to the company, the compartment accommodates samples as large as 120 mm in diameter for transmission and 50 mm in diameter for reflectance. Hitachi High Technologies America, Inc., San Jose, CA;
1064-nm laser
The SENZA 1064-nm laser from KLASTECH is designed with multipoint thermal management and produces 2 W in a near-perfect Gaussian beam. According to the company, the laser produces a single longitudinal frequency (<1 MHz line width) with a coherence length in excess of 100 m. Applications include Raman spectroscopy and other analytical applications. KLASTECH, Dortmund, Germany;
Hermetic feedthrough
Insulator Seal's hermetic, vacuum-compatible, 2.0 USB feedthrough has an operating temperature of 160 °C and a bakeout temperature of 200 °C. A vacuum-compatible 39-in. USB cable made with Kapton wire is available that has a USB plug on one end and is unterminated on the other. Insulator Seal, Sarasota, FL;
DPSS laser
The SLIM-561-150 CW diode pumped solid state laser from Oxxius operates at 561 nm with 150 mW output power. The laser reportedly has a power dissipation of 15 W. Applications include flow cytometry, confocal microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, holography, and laser Doppler velocimetry. Oxxius, Inc., Santa Clara, CA;
Elemental analysis software
Omnian elemental analysis software from PANalytical is designed for the characterization and analysis of unknown samples. The software is a module of the company's SuperQ software and is intended to be used in conjunction with the company's Axios sequential X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. The software reportedly adjusts automatically to sample and matrix effects as well as sample thickness, volume, and "Dark–Matrix" composition. PANalytical, Natick, MA;
Mercury analyzer
PerkinElmer's SMS 100 mercury analyzer is designed for detecting and measuring mercury in solids and liquids and to minimize sample preparation. Typical samples include those from environmental laboratories, municipalities, power utilities, waste producers, and food companies. The automated analyzer reportedly achieves detection limits as low as 1 ppt (part per trillion). PerkinElmer, Inc., Shelton, CT;
ATR sampling accessory
The PenetrATR sampling accessory for angle-resolved attenuated total reflection (ATR) measurements from Rare Light is designed to work with all FT-IR spectrometers. The ATR accessory reportedly provides a highly collimated beam with a divergence that is controllable with the use of a spatial filter. According to the company, the accessory also includes a nanorotation stage with a millidegree of angular resolution. Rare Light, Inc., Pleasanton, CA;
Holographic wire grid polarizers
Specac's holographic wire grid polarizers are designed for IR applications. They are provided on barium fluoride, calcium fluoride, KRS-5, and zinc selenide substrates and are manufactured at 2500 lines/mm. According to the company, they are available in 25-mm and 50-mm diameters. Applications include the polarization of radiation for unpolarized sources, attenuation of radiation from polarized sources, acting as polarizing beamsplitters, infrared spectroscopy of materials, and NIR and mid-IR thermal imaging. Specac Ltd., Woodstock, GA;
Reference material
SPEX CertiPrep's certified reference material kit is designed for analyzing extractable metals from plastic toys based on ASTM F963-07 — Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety. According to the company, the reference material can be used at 10-fold or 100-fold dilution for analyzing lead and other extractable metals. SPEX CertiPrep, Inc., Metuchen, NJ;
Raman spectrometer
A 785-nm long-wave Raman spectrometer from BaySpec is designed with all appropriate bandpass and blocking filters built into the probe. According to the company, the spectrometer's f/2, volume phase transmission grating design of the spectrograph captures as much as five times more light than conventional reflective grating spectrographs. The system is also available in 1064-nm illumination with cameras from various manufacturers. BaySpec, Inc., Fremont, CA;
FT-IR spectrometer
PerkinElmer's Spectrum 100S FT-IR spectrometer is designed for identifying and validating raw materials in a range of industries and to examine the properties and performance of novel materials and their component parts. According to the company, the spectrometer's increased sensitivity allows the spectrometer to be used to analyze materials that previously required a specialized detector and helps increase productivity by reducing measurement times in materials science laboratories. PerkinElmer, Inc., Shelton, CT;
Mercury analyzer
The model RA-3420 Gold+AFS mercury analyzer from Nippon Instruments North America is designed for analysis according to EPA Method 1631E. Samples are automatically digested and oxidized followed by automated analysis by cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectroscopy. According to the company, no user intervention is required. Nippon Instruments North America, College Station, TX;
Fluorescence lifetime system
The TemPro lifetime system from HORIBA Scientific uses time-correlated single photon counting for fluorescence measurements. According to the company, the desktop system is capable of measuring lifetimes ranging from picoseconds to seconds. The instrument includes interchangeable pulsed laser diode and LED light sources that cover discrete emission wavelengths ranging from 255 nm to near-IR. Optional polarizers enable measurement of rotational correlation times. HORIBA Scientific, Edison, NJ;
Raman software
Thermo Fisher Scientific's OMNIC Specta software is designed for Raman applications. The software features multicomponent searching capability, a contaminant identification capability, and an interface that reportedly enables analysts to visualize the workflow on one screen, including data collection, processing, and final report. According to the company, the software automatically indexes all spectral information on a user's system. Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA;
Desktop high-voltage power supply
The USBHV high-voltage power supply from EMCO High Voltage Corp. reportedly requires only a USB cable to operate and power the unit. After the control software has been installed on a Windows-compatible computer, users reportedly can enter the desired output voltage and click the enable button to activate the unit. The software displays a continuous read-back of the generated voltage. The power supply is available with programmable ranges of 0–200 V, 0–500 V, 0–1000 V, 0–1250 V, and 0–2000 V at 1 W of output power. EMCO High Voltage Corp., Sutter Creek, CA;
Portable Raman spectrometer
The innoRam portable Raman spectrometer from B&W Tek features an integrated touch-screen computer and is designed for research-grade performance. The spectrometer reportedly includes a TE-cooled CCD that provides a spectral resolution of 2 cm-1 . According to the company, the system's laser and Raman probe have a near-excitation cut-on at 65 cm-1 . B&W Tek, Inc., Newark, DE;
Temperature controller
The PTC Series temperature controller from Wavelength Electronics reportedly is a compact chassis mount package that can be paralleled to drive up to 20 A current. The temperature controller is designed to operate with the company's PLC Series laser diode drivers. According to the company, the controller provides user-configurable setpoint, a TTL-compatible remote disable, adjustable proportional gain, and PI control with large load/thermal delay circuitry. Wavelength Electronics, Bozeman, MT;
ATR accessory
The GladiATR Vision attenuated total reflection device is designed to couple small-area infrared analysis with simultaneous viewing. According to the company, the device's diamond crystal enables analysis of thick or nontransparent samples. The accessory reportedly is compatible with most FT-IR spectrometers. Pike Technologies, Madison, WI;
Silicon drift detector
The XR-100SDD Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) from Amptek reportedly enables extremely high count rate applications with high energy resolution. According to the company, the product is designed for XRF applications from OEM handheld instruments to benchtop analyzers. Amptek, Inc., Bedford, MA;
Portable Raman instrument
The portable EZRaman-I instrument from Enwave is designed to provide approximately 50 times better sensitivity than most other portable Raman instruments. According to the company, the instrument's spectral resolution is approximately 6 cm-1 and its spectral range is 100–2000 cm-1. Enwave Optronics, Inc., Irvine, CA;
Cryogenic grinding mill
The CryoMill from Retsch is designed for cryogenic grinding. The mill is continually cooled with liquid nitrogen from an integrated cooling system before and during the grinding process. Grinding parameters can be stored, and LEDs in the display indicate the current state of operation. The mill has a vibrational frequency of 25 Hz. Samples mainly are ground by impact but are also ground by friction, which reportedly provides finer grind sizes. The mill includes one grinding station for grinding jar volumes of 25, 35, and 50 mL. An optional adapter holds as many as four 5-mL grinding jars. Retsch, Inc., Newtown, PA;
Custom standards
Custom inorganic standards from Inorganic Ventures can be used in applications such as ICP, ICP-MS, atomic absorption, and ion chromatography. Each standard is supplied with a certificate of analysis that details NIST traceability, certified values, and trace impurities. The standards reportedly are manufactured in a "green" manufacturing facility. Inorganic Ventures, Lakewood, NJ;
ICP–AES method development
HORIBA Scientific's CLIP (collection of line intensity profiles) is designed to assist analysts in the development of methods for high-resolution sequential ICP–atomic emission spectroscopy. According to the company, the profile of each line is calculated according to the instrument's configuration, including focal length, slit combination, diffraction grating, and order used. The product is available as an upgrade module for the company's ULTIMA instrument. HORIBA Scientific, Edison, NJ;
Optical filters
Optical filters designed with sputtered coatings are available from CVI Melles Griot. The narrowband, broadband, and edge filters for fluorescence, microscopy, flow cytometry, and image processing reportedly provide 5–6 OD blocking and maintain a transmission of greater than 98%. According to the company, standard and custom designs are available. CVI Melles Griot, Carlsbad, CA;
AA spectrophotometers
The AA-7000 Series atomic absorption spectrophotometers from Shimadzu are designed with a 3-D optical system for flame and furnace analysis. According to the company, the instruments achieve flame detection of Pb at 0.015 ppm and furnace detection of Pb at 0.00005 ppm. The spectrophotometers combine the flame and furnace system mounts in the same compartment. Safety features include a vibration sensor that extinguishes flames automatically, a multimode automatic gas leak check, automatic air–nitrous oxide switching, and an argon gas pressure monitor. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD;
Laboratory press
The model 3635 X-press laboratory press is designed for repetitive pressing of sample pellets for XRF and other analytical methods. The automated, programmable 35-ton press features an LCD touch-screen interface with adjustable parameters such as maximum pressure, dwell time, and release time. According to the company, a pressing cycle can be saved in the system's memory and initiated with one touch. The press includes a safety door with an interlock that prevents opening of the shield during operation. SPEX SamplePrep, Metuchen, NJ;
XRF inorganic elemental analyzer
EDAX's Orbis micro-XRF inorganic elemental analyzer is designed to perform nondestructive measurements that require minimal sample preparation and provide improved sensitivity over SEM and EDS methods. The analyzer includes a motorized turret for coaxial sample view and X-ray analysis. Primary beam filters can be used with X-ray optics for micrometer to millimeter spot elemental analyses. Applications include forensics, materials analysis, failure analysis, and elemental imaging. EDAX Inc., Mahwah, NJ;
ICP-MS cones
Type A and B Nickel Sampler and Skimmer cones for Nu Instruments Plasma ICP-MS systems are available from Spectron, Inc. Spectron, Inc., Ventura, CA;
FT-IR system
The IRAffinity-1 FT-IR system from Shimadzu is designed for high-precision infrared analysis to confirm, identify, and detect foreign matter in various application areas. According to the company, the compact system features long-term stability, protection from humidity, increased reliability, and analysis support systems. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD;
Instruments for film thickness measurements
Using a fiber optic spectrometer coupled to a reflectance probe and fiber optic light source, it is possible to measure film thickness by detecting the sinusoidal fringe pattern from the sample's specular reflectance. StellarNet offers EPP2000 model spectrometers that range from 190–2300 nm. Dual channel configurations, extended range detectors, or high-resolution optics can be employed to suit your optical requirements. StellarNet, Inc., Tampa, FL;
Optical filters
Optical filters from Semrock, part of IDEX Health & Science, are available for fluorescence, Raman spectroscopy, and laser systems. StopLine ion-beam sputtered notch filters reportedly have deep laser-line blocking and UV to near-IR passbands in six wavelengths from 405 nm to 808 nm. According to the company, notch filters block laser lines and transmit adjacent wavelengths and provide long lifetimes. IDEX Health & Science, Oak Harbor, WA;
Spectroscopy modeling software
Photon Engineering's FRED Optimum software is designed for modeling all types of spectroscopic systems. The 3D CAD optical engineering software can simulate the propagation of light through any optical–illumination system modeling source radiative phenomena and arbitrary optomechanical geometry with algorithms to model fluorescence, polarization, interference, scatter, diffraction, transmission, reflection, and absorption at any surface. Photon Engineering, LLC, Tucson, AZ;
MS software
LECO's ChromaTOF 4.20 software integrates acquisition, processing, and reporting features and includes functions for signal deconvolution, peak identification, semiquantitation, and EPA reporting. The software is supplied with the company's Pegasus HT GC–MS and 4D GC x GC–MS systems, TruTOF HT GC–MS systems, GC x GC system, and Unique HT LC–MS instruments and will also be available as an upgrade for existing versions of the software. LECO Corporation, St. Joseph, MI;
New Fluorescence Model Enhances Aflatoxin Detection in Vegetable Oils
March 12th 2025A research team from Nanjing University of Finance and Economics has developed a new analytical model using fluorescence spectroscopy and neural networks to improve the detection of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in vegetable oils. The model effectively restores AFB1’s intrinsic fluorescence by accounting for absorption and scattering interferences from oil matrices, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency for food safety testing.
New Study Shows FT-MIR Spectroscopy Can Authenticate Parmigiano Reggiano Farming Practices
March 11th 2025A new study published in the Journal of Dairy Science demonstrates that FT-MIR spectroscopy can effectively authenticate farming practices and dairy systems in Parmigiano Reggiano production but has limited ability to verify animal welfare parameters.
Raman Spectroscopy Aflatoxin Detection Enhances Peanut Safety
March 11th 2025A research team from Jiangsu University has developed a Raman spectroscopy-based method to detect aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in peanuts with improved accuracy and efficiency. By employing a two-step hybrid strategy integrating backward interval partial least squares (BiPLS) and variable combination population analysis (VCPA), the new model significantly enhances the precision of AFB1 detection, providing a more reliable approach for food safety monitoring.