Manufacturer: 1st Detect
Product name: iONTRAC
Process monitor mass spectrometer
For: Process applications
Measurement mode: MS or GC–MS
Software features: Compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.
Unique features: Chemicals to be monitored or potential threats and contaminants can be pre-programmed and the abundances reported in real time. Unlike other process analyzers, the ion-trap mass analyzer allows the iONTRAC to always measure an entire stream or environment so that data is always available to excursion events and to determine the presence of unanticipated contaminants.
Suggested applications: Real-time monitoring of process streams and ambient environments, such as food and beverage products, using high-performance MS and GC–MS, ambient monitoring critical facilities for fugitive releases, Airborne molecular contamination monitoring, optimization of processes for chemical manufacturing and petrochemical, critical infrastructure threat monitoring.
Manufacturer: BaySpec, Inc.
Product name: Portability
Mass spectrometer
For: Laboratory analysis, process applications, handheld or portable use
Weight: 17 lb
Dimensions: 13 x 11 x 9 in. (330 x 280 x 230 mm)
Software: Portability UI
Software features: Available as separate product, 21CFR11 compliant, cGMP compliant, may be used with other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.
Measurement mode: Mass spectrometry with electron ionization (EI) ion source with membrane inlet–atmospheric pressure sampling, thermal desorption-ESI (TD-ESI), and FAPA (plasma) ionization probe.
Unique features: This is one of BaySpec's newest portable instruments, which can service a variety of bulk or trace detection applications in the field. It is small enough to be carried by one person, and is compatible with in situ and direct-analysis techniques. With appropriate sample ionization probes, it can sample solid-, liquid-, and gas-phase samples from atmosphere. There is also an onboard EI source for low pressure or passive gas and vapor monitoring.
New this year: New product.
Suggested applications: Military, civilian first responders, counter-terrorism, forensics, biomedical, environmental, process control, and research laboratories.
Manufacturer: Excellims Corporation
Product name: MA3100
High-performance ion mobility spectrometer (HPIMS) add-on for Thermo Scientific mass spectrometers
For: Laboratory analysis
Measurement mode: Ion mobility drift time (flight time)
Software name: VisIon Control and VisIon Analysis
Software features: Available as separate product, 21CFR11 compliant
Unique features: High-resolving power ion mobility size–structure separation before MS analysis. It mounts–dismounts without breaking vacuum, fully integrated HPIMS software control for Orbitrap models. Flexibility of operation and a range of interchangeable atmospheric pressure ionization and sample introduction methods (electrospray, thermal desorption, corona discharge) availability. Directspray ESI source ionizes directly from the sample syringe.
Suggested applications: MA3100 HPIMS provides additional control over the ions before MSn sampling and analysis, reducing spectral complexity in mixtures or multiple charge-state distributions such as biomolecules or complex samples in many areas of life science and chemical analysis. The orthogonal size–shape separation of ion mobility spectrometry compensates for mass-to-charge coincidences encountered with isomers and isobaric compounds , along with the ability to select charge states for MS-MS interrogation and the measurement of collision cross sections.
Manufacturer: Excellims Corporation
Product name: GA2100
Mobile high-performance ion mobility spectrometer
For: Laboratory analysis, process applications, handheld or portable use
Measurement mode: Ion mobility drift time (flight time)
Software name: VisIon Control and VisIon Analysis
Software features: Available as separate product, 21CFR11 compliant
Unique features: New mobile-mount platform, bring ion mobility out of the laboratory and into the field. Directspray electrospray ionizes directly from a sample syringe. An array of other quickly interchangeable atmospheric pressure ionization sources is available.
New this year: Portable mobile-mount platform provides vibration isolation for transporting, safeguarding, and operating a GA2100 in vehicle-based laboratories. Sturdy construction with easy-to-use handles. Portability and robust HPIMS performance is maintained in the field.
Suggested applications: Adds portability to the separating capabilities of the GA2100 HPIMS analyzer, adoption for international use in on-site screening for accidental and deliberate adulteration detection. Food safety and counterfeit drug detection transferred to field use. Applications to security screening.
Manufacturer: Hiden Analytical, Inc.
Product name: Compact SIMS Workstation
For: Laboratory analysis, process applications
Software name: MASsoft V7.0 Pro
Software features: May be used with other equipment. Compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.
Unique features: Designed for fast and easy characterization of layer structures, surface contamination and impurities with sensitive detection of positive ions being assisted by an oxygen primary ion beam and provides isotopic sensitivity across the entire periodic table. The ion gun geometry is optimized to be ideal for nanometer depth resolution and near surface analysis.
Suggested applications: Depth profiling, 3D characterization and imaging, mass spectra, isotopic analysis, analysis on the nanometer scale, positive SIMS and SNMS, solar cells, glass coatings, metallic thin films
Manufacturer: IONICON Analytik
Product name: PTR-QiTOF
Mass spectrometer
For: Laboratory analysis, process applications
Measurement mode: Direct injection chemical ionization mass spectrometry
Unique features: Quadrupole ion guide (Qi). The PTR-QiTOF achieves a mass resolution of more than 6000 (up to 10,000 m/Δm FWHM), a limit of detection well below 1 pptv (in 30 s), and sensitivity of more than 1500 (up to 4500 cps/ppbv).
New this year: 25x more sensitivity, one order of magnitude lower detection limit, and 20% higher mass resolution than its predecessor product.
Suggested applications: Cutting-edge applications like eddy-covariance flux measurements. The high time-resolution and sensitivity of IONICON PTR-TOF instruments enable flux measurements of biogenic VOCs and study of active atmosphere-ecosystem exchange of a vast number of BVOCs.
Manufacturer: IONICON Analytik
Product name: PTR-TOF 1000
TOF mass spectrometer
For Laboratory analysis, process applications
Measurement mode: Direct injection chemical ionization mass spectrometry
Unique features: The smallest, lightest and most affordable TOF-based PTR-MS ever developed, The mass range is measured in split seconds, faster and more sensitive for complex mixtures,
New this year: Integrated data acquisition and treatment tools.
Suggested applications: VOC analysis and monitoring applications, typically in field studies or laboratory use but also deployment in research aircraft. The instrument demonstrated its reliability and robustness but also its remarkable technical abilities and speed during various international research flight campaigns and is ideally suited for analysis of VOCs at a very high time resolution.
Manufacturer: Shimadzu Scientific Instruments
Product name: Nexera UC
Unified chromatography SFE–SFC–MS system
For: Laboratory analysis
Unique features: World's first fully automated system that combines on-line SFE and SFC and MS in a single flow path. Automatic extraction of up to 48 samples followed by transfer to SFC–MS for high-sensitivity detection MS; eliminates complicated sample preparation; high target analyte recovery rate; reduces the possibility of human error during analysis; significantly reduces the quantity of organic solvents used. This product won the Gold Editor's award at Pittcon.
Suggested applications: Monitoring pesticides in food products, searching for disease biomarkers, drug discovery research in pharmaceuticals, cleaning validation, analyzing additives in polymer samples.
Manufacturer: Waters Corporation
Product name: Waters Full Spectrum Molecular Imaging System
Imaging mass spectrometer
For: Laboratory analysis
Software name : High Definition Imaging (HDI) and MassLynx
Software features: Available as separate product (Masslynx only); may be used with other equipment (Masslynx only).
Unique features: This is the first system ever to allow scientists to access enhanced matrix-assisted laser desorption–ionization (MALDI) and desorption electrospray ionization (DESI) with ion mobility separation (IMS) in a single mass spectrometry platform, enabling research laboratories to pinpoint with greater specificity the distribution of molecules within tissue samples. This product won the Silver Editor's Award at Pittcon.
New this year: Waters, as a single vendor, can now supply and support the DESI/MALDI/SYNAPT system; DESI is now fully integrated with the Waters MS imaging workflow, with improvements to hardware control, data acquisition, processing, and visualization.
Suggested applications: This can benefit cancer, cardiovascular and neuro-degenerative research. MS imaging also allows researchers to identify different tissue types based on their molecular composition.
Manufacturer: Waters Corporation
Product name: Waters Xevo G2-XS Q
Tof Mass Spectrometer
For: Laboratory analysis
Software name: MassLynx or Unifi
Software features: Available as separate product, May be used with other equipment.
Unique features: Combined Stepwave ion optics and the XS collision cell provides sensitivity and mass resolution at UPLC-compatible speeds. The Xevo G2-XS QTof works seamlessly with separations and industry relevant informatics solutions, providing a single work flow for qualitative and quantitative work.
New this year: The newly designed XS collision cell is a segmented quadrupole that focuses the ion beam better than ever before, improving both sensitivity and mass resolution.
Suggested applications: Targeted and nontargeted screening, across many application areas such as food, environmental, chemical materials, clinical, and life sciences.
Manufacturer: Waters Corporation
Product name: Xevo TQ-S micro
Mass Spectrometer
For: Laboratory analysis
Software name: MassLynx
Software features: Available as separate product, 21CFR11 compliant, cGMP compliant. May be used with other equipment. Compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.
Unique features: The Xevo TQ-S micro is the smallest high-performance quantitative system, minimizing laboratory footprint while maximizing quantitative performance. Maximize sample coverage through seamless integration with ACQUITY UPLC, UPC2, Waters' universal ionization sources, and APGC.
Suggested applications: Food safety (for example, pesticide and veterinary drug residue analysis), environmental monitoring (pesticide, pharmaceutical, personal care product, and sweetener analysis), clinical research (for example, toxicology confirmation, steroid and biogenic amine analysis), and pharmaceutical applications (for example, genotoxic impurities, bioequivalence and metabolite confirmation).
New Study Shows FT-MIR Spectroscopy Can Authenticate Parmigiano Reggiano Farming Practices
March 11th 2025A new study published in the Journal of Dairy Science demonstrates that FT-MIR spectroscopy can effectively authenticate farming practices and dairy systems in Parmigiano Reggiano production but has limited ability to verify animal welfare parameters.
Advancing NIR and Imaging Spectroscopy in Food and Bioanalysis
March 11th 2025Our full-length interview with Huck covers more than just NIR spectroscopy in food and bio analysis. Spectroscopy sat down with Huck to also discuss current trends going on in spectroscopy, delving into what challenges spectroscopists face today and how they can solve these concerns.