Boost Productivity and Eliminate Waste in Raw Material ID



Webinar Date/Time: Thu, Aug 17, 2023 11:00 AM EDT

Join our webinar to learn how cutting-edge technology enables zero-waste workflows in Raw Material Identification (RMID), helping you achieve efficiency, quality, and sustainability goals simultaneously.

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Event Overview:

Raw material identification (RMID) is a regulatory-enforced step in drug manufacturing for pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical organizations. While a critical step in ensuring quality and safety, conventional approaches create unnecessary waste, including:

  • Misallocation of resources – conventional approaches cause logistical bottlenecks and inundate highly trained scientists with tedious work- delaying the release to production.
  • Environmental waste – physical sampling of raw materials causes unnecessary environmental waste, creating challenges in reaching sustainability goals.
  • Economic waste – conventional approaches require resource-intensive processes to move raw materials from receipt to production.

Taking a new approach to Raw Material ID with Spatially Offset Raman Spectroscopy (SORS) provides zero-waste workflows from an economic and environmental perspective. Handheld SORS enables non-invasive verification through opaque and transparent containers. This approach eliminates waste from conventional sampling and boosts sustainability in drug manufacturing. This webinar will review how Agilent helps individuals reach their efficiency, quality, and sustainability goals simultaneously.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how the Vaya SORS technology and usability enable rapid RMID by basic operators in the warehouse for the fastest release to production.
  • Explore how the Vaya Raman achieves zero-waste workflows in RMID, helping reach sustainability goals without compromising data quality or efficiency.
  • Understand the holistic and long-term benefits of choosing true through-barrier verification for one’s RMID.

Who Should Attend:

  • QC lab managers, analysts, and scientists
  • PAT Scientists
  • Manufacturing managers and warehouse managers
  • Process development managers
  • VP of quality and/or operations


Soleil Grise
Product Manager,
Handheld Raman ID Solutions
Agilent Technologies

Soleil Grise is the Product Manager for Handheld Raman Identification products at Agilent Technologies. Soleil leads the product development and commercialization of spatially offset Raman spectroscopy-based solutions, particularly for verifying raw materials at reception. She joined Agilent Technologies in 2022 and has a background in scientific instruments designed for biopharmaceutical development.

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