Featured products from the spectroscopy marketplace.
Diamond ATR accessory
The GladiATR diamond ATR accessory from PIKE is now available with an LCD, which enables positioning the sample to desired areas for analysis of visible sample features and for easing product defect analysis. According to the company, illumination and camera image are integrated below the diamond crystal, providing the ability to visualize features from opaque as well as transparent samples.
PIKE Technologies,
Madison, WI;
FT-IR analyzers
A2 Technologies' PAL series of portable FT-IR analyzers are designed for on-site lubrication analysis of turbine generators, diesel engines, compressors, gearboxes, and hydraulic systems in the power industry. According to the company, systems are now able to accurately and precisely quantify the level of water in these oils in the range of 50–5000 ppm with accuracy of better than 5%.
A2 Technologies,
Danbury, CT;
Reference materials catalog
Inorganic Ventures introduces its 2008–2009 catalog of stocked certified reference materials, featuring standards for ICP, ICP-MS, IC, AA, wet chemistry, and the latest EPA methods. According to the company, products are color-coded by application and indexed by both catalog number and subject.
Inorganic Ventures,
Lakewood, NJ;
FTIR system
Ahura's TruDefender FT is a handheld FT-IR system designed to identify unknown chemicals in the field. Built for first responders, the product complements Ahura Scientific's FirstDefender Raman system to maximize coverage of a broad range of unknown solids, liquids, and mixtures.
Ahura Scientific, Inc.,
Wilmington, MA;
X-ray image sensor
Hamamatsu Corporation introduces the C9252DK-14 flat panel sensor, a digital X-ray image sensor designed for CT imaging as well as panoramic and cephalometric imaging. According to the company, the lightweight and compact C9252DK-14 offers a flat panel structure with a large area of 12 cm × 24 cm and allows both partial scan and whole scan modes for use in panoramic and CT imaging, respectively.
Hamamatsu Corporation,
Bridgewater, NJ;
Fourier transform Raman spectrometer
Bruker Optics' new MultiRAM is a fully automated Fourier transform Raman spectrometer for research applications in academia, industry, and government labs. According to the company, the product is ideal for the routine, nondestructive analysis of both organics and inorganics, such as nano-materials and pharmaceutical raw products and formulations.
Bruker Optics,
Billerica, MA;
Spectroscopy software
OMNIC Specta analytical software from Thermo Scientific offers a way of managing and processing spectroscopic data, and searching spectra of unknown multicomponent materials. According to the company, library creation is unnecessary, and all the user's work is on one screen.
Thermo Fisher Scientific,
Waltham, MA;
Sieve shaker
The new AS 200 from Retsch is a tap sieve shaker that offers dedicated versions for 50 Hz and for 60 Hz and covers a measuring range from 20 μm to 25 mm. According to the company, the combination of horizontal circular sieving motion with vertical tapping motion is specified in various standards for particle analysis (abrasives, cement, spices, etc.).
Retsch, Inc.,
Newtown, PA;
Spectrometer function
Avantes introduces a new feature for Avatec spectrometers, called "Store To RAM," which reportedly enables the user to store a high amount of spectra in a short time. These spectra are saved in the internal memory (RAM) of the spectrometer before they are transmitted to the PC. According to the company, the feature is helpful for users in need of in-line high-speed spectral analyses, fluorescence decay measurements, wafer thinfilm mapping, and more.
Avantes Inc.,
Broomfield, CO;
Video microscope sampling system
The BAC151 from B&W Tek is a video microscope sampling system compatible with B&W Tek's complete line of laboratory and industrial Raman probes, featuring a color video camera for alignment and viewing of the measurement field. According to the company, the system also has two LED illuminators, coaxial or off-axis, for clear viewing of various sample materials.
B&W Tek, Inc.,
Newark, DE;
Intracellular Ca+ kit
Hitachi has released a brochure for an Intracellular Ca+ kit for Hitachi fluorescence spectrophotometers. According to the company, the intracellular calcium accessory for their spectrophotometers includes the sampling and software accessories required for fast and easy measurements of cellular activity.
Hitachi High Technologies America,
San Jose, CA;
Atomic absorption spectrometers
Thermo Fisher Scientific's iCE 3000 Series of atomic absorption spectrometers has been designed to facilitate prolonged and trouble-free operation and accommodate both flame and furnace analyses. According to the company, the instruments primarily address the analytical needs of users working in food safety as well as environmental, clinical, pharmaceutical, metals, and materials industries.
Thermo Fisher Scientific,
Waltham, MA;
TXRF system
Bruker AXS has launched the S2 PICOFOX, a new portable ultra-sensitive benchtop TXRF System to quantify elemental concentrations from 0.1 ppb to % levels. According to the company, the product was made for the analytical laboratory and for field use, thus enabling TXRF ultra-high sensitivity elemental analysis in clinical, nutritional, environmental, and mining applications.
Bruker AXS Inc.,
Madison, WI;
Mercury analyzer
Nippon Instruments' PE-1000 Mercury Analyzer is a fully automated mercury analyzer that offers simplicity of operation, high throughput to increase laboratory efficiency, and detection limits as low as 0.01 ppb in hydrocarbon samples. According to the company, the product utilizes sealed sample vials, a liquid injection autosampler, and a revolutionary design, complete with their new atomic fluorescence detection system.
Nippon Instruments North America,
College Station, TX;
Multimode optical fibers
Fiberguide's Superguide SPCH (high OH) and Anhydroguide APCH (low OH) are large core multimode optical fibers with N.A. of 0.39 employing a Hard Clad Silica coating and an N.A. of 0.22. According to the company, this coating reportedly provides high fiber strength, reduces static fatigue in humid environments, and has high connection alignment and no fiber pistoning.
Fiberguide Industries,
Stirling, NJ;
Analytical software
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. has added the AnalyzeIt™ Polymer IR to its KnowItAll® Informatics System to aid researchers in the interpretation of the bands found in an infrared spectrum of polymeric compounds. According to the company, polymer researchers can use this method of spectral interpretation for identification of IR spectra of unknown polymers, classification/pattern characterization of polymers, and interpretation of polymers in conjunction with spectral database searching.
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.,
Hercules, CA;
NIR spectral engines
BaySpec's SuperGamut Series NIR Spectral Engines reportedly use proprietary Volume Phase Grating technology to achieve high spectral resolution and measurement accuracy. According to the company, both reflectance and transmission modes of spectroscopic measurements and process applications are supported.
BaySpec, Inc.,
Fremont, CA;
Product catalog
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments has completed a new full-color product catalog, "Solutions for Spectroscopy," for its line of UV-VIS, FT-IR, fluorescence, ICP, AA, and EDX instruments and software. A brief description of each product is given, providing recipients with information on Shimadzu's full breadth of spectroscopy instruments.
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments,
Columbia, MD;
Surrogate standards
SPEX CertiPrep's Tinted Indicator surrogate standards enable users to verify that surrogate standards have been added. According to the company, the surrogate standards will change to an orange tint in the presence of neutral or basic solutions and a red tint for acidic solutions.
SPEX CertiPrep,
Metuchen, NJ;
Automated fusion machines
Katanax Electric Fluxers from SPEX SamplePrep are automated fusion machines tied to an electric furnace that reportedly meet the demands of both small and large sample preparation applications. According to the company, the fluxers come equipped with everything users need to prepare both disks and solutions for XRF, AA, and ICP. Both disk and solution units are included, and they can readily do peroxide or pyrosulfate fusions.
SPEX SamplePrep LLC,
Metuchen, NJ;
FT-IR software
The new ChemID software from Smiths Detection is designed for use with the IdentifyIR miniaturized FT-IR analysis system. According to the company, the software allows the user to easily search library databases for sample identification, while modules within the software allow peak picking and functional group analysis of the sample.
Smiths Detection Scientific,
Danbury, CT;
Rinse accessory
Glass Expansion's Niagara Rapid Rinse accessory is designed to synchronize a three-way valve with the autosampler of an ICP-OES or ICP-MS spectrometer, reportedly achieving up to 30% higher productivity and faster sample turnaround times. According to the company, the programmable valve rinses the sample introduction system while the sample is being drawn to waste.
Glass Expansion, Inc.,
Pocasset, MA;
Raman microscope
Enwave introduces the new μSense series of Raman microscopes, which reportedly feature a spectral resolution of ~5.5 cm-1, spectral range of ~100–3000 nm, and high sensitivity, and achieve spatial resolution of better than 5 μm. According to the company, the Raman unit can be detached from the microscope and used as portable instrument.
Enwave Optronics, Inc.,
Irvine, CA;
FT-IR spectrometer
Varian, Inc. announces its new 600-IR series of FT-IR spectrometers, microscopes, and imaging solutions, comprising a range of products for both routine analyses and advanced research applications. According to the company, the new range of spectrometers and microscopes enables users to run samples faster, while maintaining high accuracy.
Varian, Inc.,
Palo Alto, CA;
Fiber-optic sample compartment
Quantum Northwest's qpod temperature control system for fiber-optic spectroscopy features a cuvette holder in the center designed to provide precision, Peltier-based temperature control from –30 °C to +105 °C. According to the company, the cuvette holder has magnetic stirring and a dry gas purge.
Quantum Northwest,
Spokane, WA;
ICP emission spectrometer
Thermo Scientific's iCAP 6500 spectrometer is designed for a wide range of industries and specifically suited to the needs of general and elemental analysis laboratories in the petrochemical industry. It features a unique radial plasma, ideal for testing the condition of car engine oils, lubricants, and hydraulic fluids. According to the company, a distributed purge system offers reduced gas consumption, whereas the inherent capabilities of fully automated wavelength calibration and offset correction ensure high long-term stability.
Thermo Fisher Scientific,
Waltham, MA;
Multifrequency fluorometer
The MF2 multifrequency fluorometer from Horiba Jobin Yvon is designed to apply all frequencies simultaneously to isolate the lifetime behavior of a substance instantaneously. According to the company, LEDs or laser diodes are available for the UV-NIR range, or users can switch to pockel-cell modulation of a xenon lamp.
HORIBA Jobin Yvon,
Edison, NJ;
Spectroscopy DVD
AABSPEC has released a new DVD describing the product range for infrared spectroscopy and microscopy and for Raman spectroscopy and microscopy. Products described include interfacing for GC, LC, SFC, and EGA, and for sampling at low and high temperature plus vacuum to high pressure.
Waterford, Ireland;
NIR miniprobes
Specac's Prospect fiber-optic transmission probes are designed for NIR process applications. Constructed of stainless steel and using gold/nickel bonding with sapphire windows, the probes are reportedly capable of operation at temperatures as high as 250 °C and pressures as high as 100 bar. The probes are available with pathlengths of 1, 2, and 5 mm with probe lengths of 100, 200, and 500 mm.
Specac Inc.,
Woodstock, GA;
Raman system
The LSI XL-FT flow-through Raman system from Lambda Solutions reportedly features a quartz flow cell custom designed and integrated with proprietary illumination and signal detection optics, provides high sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratios, and includes a built-in independent absorption measurement function for UV or visible wavelengths.
Lambda Solutions, Inc.,
Waltham, MA;
NIR spectrometers
The Near Infrared Digital Transform Spectrometer (DTS) product family offers an alternative to conventional spectroscopy methods, using a MEMS spatial light modulator in a portable form factor, featuring a single InGaAs detector and no moving parts. The devices also feature low power consumption, utilizing a standard USB connection for both communications and power interfaces. The DTS product family can be configured to operate in various scanning modes, including a monochromator mode, NDIR mode, chemometric mode, and digital transform mode.
Wilmington, MA;
Power supply
The PSD 186 R&D Deuterium Lamp Power Supply from Heraeus is a high-performance power supply that is reportedly compatible with virtually all 30-watt deuterium lamps. According to the company, the user can select heater voltages of 2, 2.5, 3, 6, 9, 10, and 12 Volt, while the LCD displays allow the user to select and monitor operating parameters.
Heraeus Noblelight GmbH,
Hanau, Germany;
Modular spectroscopy sensing suite
Ocean Optics' Jaz Modular Spectroscopy Sensing Suite is a family of modular optical sensing instruments designed to be adaptable for the field, lab, or process environments. According to the company, the suite is a family of stackable, modular, and autonomous components that share common electronics and communications, able to operate together or separately, and reportedly incorporate a powerful microprocessor and onboard display.
Ocean Optics,
Dunedin, FL;
NIR spectrometers
StellarNet's NIRX-SR spectrometers are designed for the 0.9–2.2 μm wavelength range with a 512-element InGaAs photodiode array and a USB 2.0 interface. According to the company, the optics have no moving parts, for shockproof durability in a portable environment. Optional accessories include attachments for spectroradiometry, optical spectroscopy, chemical analysis, and remote sensing.
StellarNet, Inc.,
Tampa, FL;
Regenerative amplifier
High Q Laser's picoREGENTM UC-INDUSTRIAL is a regenerative amplifier designed for a wide range of applications in nano- and microprocessing, such as solar cell structuring and scribing, thin film ablation, as well as hole drilling or precision cutting. According to the company, the product integrates all pump laser diode modules, the seed oscillator, and the amplifier into a single all-in-one compact housing.
High Q Laser Production GmbH,
Bregenz, Austria;
Raman microscope
HORIBA Jobin Yvon introduces the XploRA Raman microscope, designed to combine microscopy and chemical analysis. The system retains the full functionality of the user's microscope coupled with high-performance Raman spectroscopy. According to the company, the product has a minimal footprint and includes the GO! Guided Operation wizard for ease of use.
HORIBA Jobin Yvon,
Edison, NJ;
Mass spectrometer
The Agilent 6410B triple quadrupole (QQQ) mass spectrometer (MS) features polarity-switching scans every 500 msec, allowing complex mixtures of compounds with strong fragmentation in positive and negative ion mode to be analyzed in a single run. According to the company, the product doubles the number of Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) scans that can be performed in a given time segment and also increases the maximum number of MRMs per method to more than 10,000.
Agilent Technologies Inc.,
Wilmington, DE;
Universal controllers
CVI Melles Griot introduces Universal Controllers that reportedly run DPSS or diode lasers from 405 nm to 660 nm in cw or modulation mode where appropriate. According to the company, a common format and command set simplifies integration, and CDRH/CE turn key and OEM versions are available.
CVI Melles Griot,
Carlsbad, CA;
FT-IR spectrophotometer
Shimadzu Scientific's IRAffinity-1 FT-IR spectrophotometer is designed for high-precision infrared analysis to confirm, identify, and detect foreign matter in raw materials, medical products, packages, and coatings. According to the company, the product achieves a high level of sensitivity by using a high-energy ceramic light source, temperature-controlled, high-sensitivity DLATGS detector, and high-throughput optical elements.
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments,
Columbia, MD;
Insulator seal
MDC Vacuum's ISI insulator seals reportedly use the latest in ceramic-to-metal sealing technology, and are able to use BeCu material for the conductors to get a full 40 amp rating for this feedthrough. According to the company, ISI offers the full line of 3, 5, and 8 pin versions.
MDC Vacuum Products,
Hayward, CA;
Best of the Week: What You Missed from Pittcon and AAFS
March 14th 2025Top articles published this week include a video interview on the role of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy in food and bioanalysis, a recap of an important session at Pittcon, and a dynamic video that summarizes the highlights of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) Conference.
Raman Spectroscopy Aflatoxin Detection Enhances Peanut Safety
March 11th 2025A research team from Jiangsu University has developed a Raman spectroscopy-based method to detect aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in peanuts with improved accuracy and efficiency. By employing a two-step hybrid strategy integrating backward interval partial least squares (BiPLS) and variable combination population analysis (VCPA), the new model significantly enhances the precision of AFB1 detection, providing a more reliable approach for food safety monitoring.
Advancing NIR and Imaging Spectroscopy in Food and Bioanalysis
March 11th 2025Our full-length interview with Huck covers more than just NIR spectroscopy in food and bio analysis. Spectroscopy sat down with Huck to also discuss current trends going on in spectroscopy, delving into what challenges spectroscopists face today and how they can solve these concerns.