Comparing Single Quadrupole with Triple Quadrupole GC–MS-Based Metabolomics
The Benefits of Switching from Helium to Hydrogen as a Carrier Gas
Analysis of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in River Water Samples by UHPLC–TOF-MS
Development of a High Sensitivity Method for the Analysis of Clopidogrel and Clopidogrel Carboxylic Acid Metabolite in Human K2EDTA Plasma Using UHPLC–MS-MS
An Improved Method for Eliminating Ion Suppression and Other Phospholipid-Induced Interferences in Bioanalytical Samples
Application of IC–MS and IC–ICP-MS in Environmental Research
Lean, Green Food-Testing Machines: How Innovations in Microflow LC-MS Can Improve Food Safety Test Methods
Vol 10 No 4 Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry October 2012 Issue PDF