Determination of Low Levels of Chromium in Biological Samples by ICP-MS Using Hydrogen as a Reaction Gas
The 2017 Emerging Leader in Atomic Spectroscopy Award
Automated Flow Injection Coupled with ICP-MS for the Online Determination of Trace Silver in Seawater
The C-O Bond, Part I: Introduction and the Infrared Spectroscopy of Alcohols
Next-Generation Mid-Infrared Chemical and Biological Sensors: Combining Quantum Cascade Lasers with Thin-Film and Hollow Waveguides
Book Review: The Concise Handbook of Analytical Spectroscopy Theory, Applications, and Reference Materials
Measuring Wheat Flour Purity Using Quantitative NIR Chemical Imaging
Microwave Digestion for Elemental Impurities Analysis According to ICH and USP Guidelines
Vol 32 No 1 Spectroscopy January 2017 Regular Issue PDF