Appendix III: Components



Volume 29
Issue 5

Appendix III: Components

Manufacturer: Glass Expansion

Product name: InLine filter

Sample filters

New this year: A permanent cleanable filter cased in a rugged body that connects directly to the autosampler capillary. May be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.

Suggested applications: Any ICP application where particulates may be present in the samples

Primary benefits: Prevents clogging of nebulizers and injectors.

Unique features: Can easily be cleaned by back-flushing with the company's Eluo tool and a custom fitting.

Manufacturer: Moxtek, Inc.

Product name: Moxtek 60kV 12W MAGPRO

X-ray source

New this year: X-ray source is designed for the portable and benchtop XRF and XRD instruments.

Used for: Handheld/portable instruments

Weight: ~700 g

Special features: Small, compact design, Lightweight, stable output, small spot size makes it a good choice for X-ray imaging applications. May be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.

Suggested applications: X-ray imaging, material characterization and Identification (XRF and XRD)

Unique features: Maximum transmission of low energy x-rays, corrosion resistant, high mechanical strength, consistent transmission across entire window.

Manufacturer: Moxtek, Inc.

Product name: Moxtek Ultra-thin AP5

X-ray windows

New this year: Carbon-based support structure, provides higher acceptance angles

Used for: Lab applications

Measurement mode: Transmission

Special features: Ultra-thin polymer film, thin-multi-layer coating, carbon support structure, high purity, uniform thickness, vacuum tight, light tight, large areas. Unique geometries possible.

Suggested applications: X-ray detectors, microanalysis

Primary benefits: Increased solid angle and open area with new carbon support structure, up to 11% higher solid angle, and up to 20% more transmission for higher overall count rates.

Unique features: Maximum transmission of low energy x-rays, increased solid angle, increased open area, improved X-ray transmission across entire window, large areas available, unique geometries possible.

Manufacturer: Moxtek, Inc.

Product name: Silicon Infrared High-Contrast Wiregrid Polarizer (SIR)

Near, Mid, Far-IR wiregrid polarizer

New this year: The mid and long-wavelength regions of the infrared are covered by the new SIR series polarizers.

Used for: Lab, process, handheld operation

Measurement mode: Transmission, reflection

Special features: High durability, high contrast, high transmission, multiple wavelength bands; these polarizers can provide excellent transmission, extinction, high contrast over multiple wavelength bands (dB) between 3 μm and 15 μm. Available as separate product, may be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.

Suggested applications: Spectroscopy, wearables, night vision goggles, low light imaging, thermal imaging, microscopy, Faraday isolators, astronomy, forensics, medical, security

Unique features: All inorganic material, ProFlux Nanowire technology

Manufacturer: Omega Optical

Product name: Broadband Hot Mirror

Hot mirror

New this year: Broadband hot mirror that reflects all light above 1500 nm with a user-defined band-pass in the visible (400-1500 nm).

Used for: Lab, processs applications. May be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.

Suggested applications: Microscopy, heat management, lighting

Primary benefits: Typical hot mirrors transmit from about 400 nm to 700 nm and reflect from 700 to about 900 nm., a completely different characteristic.

Manufacturer: Omega Optical

Product name: Coated fiber tips

Transparent conductor, filters

New this year: Coating of customer-supplied or specified fiber tips with BP, LP, SP or AR coatings.

Used for: Lab, process, handheld applications. May be used in other equipment. Compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.

Primary benefits: Enables fiber-based instrumentation with a minimum of freespace optics.

Manufacturer: Omega Optical

Product name: Spectral shaping filters

Optical filters

New this year: Spectral shaping filters change light with one spectral signature to light with a different spectral signature. Customer supplies the starting and ending spectral signature traces.

Used for: Lab, process applications. May be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.

Suggested applications: Light-source optimization, response-flattening of the optical system

Primary benefits: Optical correction instead of using software

Manufacturer: Omega Optical

Product name: Custom Transparent Conductive Oxides

New this year: ITO-coated glass with custom resistivity.

Used for: Lab, process applications. May be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.

Suggested applications: NIR dichroic beamsplitter, conductive transparent electrode or window, static dissipation.

Primary benefits: Omega can tune the resistivity directly, as opposed to limited choices from other suppliers

Manufacturer: OPCO Laboratory Inc.

Product name: Grating Ruling Engine

New this year: OPCO Laboratory announces a new capability to manufacture custom ruled gratings. The company's ultra-precision grating ruling engine is now in service and can be used to produce any custom grating to suit specific spectroscopy needs. Once a grating master is produced, OPCO replication technology can be used to make infinite copies of the grating for production requirements.

Used for: Process, handheld/portable operation

Suggested applications: A grating ruling engine allows the production of specific ruled gratings for ideal spectroscopy results.

Primary benefits: The availability of custom ruled gratings that are specific to new requirements or instruments.

Manufacturer: Photonis

Product name: Gen2

Time-of-flight detectors

New this year: The Photonis Gen2 time-of-flight detectors are optimized for flatness and reduced time jitter.

Measurement mode: pS FWHM

Special features: features an 18-mm, 2-μm pore microchannel plate to improve mass resolution. This offers the fastest TOF detector on the market.

Suggested applications: TOF mass spectrometry

Primary benefits: 15% reduction in time jitter, improved mass resolution

Unique features: Complete plug and play assembly; can be customized for additional sizes or instruments.

Manufacturer: Pixelteq

Product name: PixelSensor

Multispectral sensors (detector)

New this year: New mulitispectral sensors that pack up to eight wavelength-selective photodiodes into a < 1 cm2 device.

Used for: Process, handheld applications

Dimensions: 8.9 x 8.9 x 2.4 mm (0.35 x 0.35 x 0.1 in.)

Measurement mode: N/A

Specialty accessory description: Developer Board powerful toolkit for developing and prototyping multispectral sensors using wavelength-selective photodiode arrays.

Special features: Eight-band spectroscopy (vis–NIR), novel on-chip filtering, simplifies optical sensor design for small footprint spectral sensors, OEM customization of spectral bands and package. Component, detector in LCC (leadless chip carrier) package which can be surface or socket mounted. Si photodiodes, vis–NIR 400-1000 nm standard version splits the visible spectrum into eight discrete narrowband colors.

Software: Includes a GUI application: Arduino IDE firmware modifications. May be used in other equipment.

Suggested applications: Biomedical instrumentation (non-invasive monitors, plate readers, etc.), colorimeters and monitors, industrial sorting & sensing, portable optical sensors, OEM multispectral devices.

Manufacturer: RedShift Systems, Inc.

Product name: TopTIR

Broadly tunable mid-IR laser

New this year: TopTIR mid-IR laser is the first broadly tunable quantum cascade laser (QCL) source to be thermo-optically tuned by solid state MEMS filters.

Used for: Lab, process, handheld/portable measurements; may be used in other equipment, sompatible with other manufacturers' equipment.

Dimensions: Nominal 60 x 40 x 25 mm

Special features: The novel filter technology provides significant advantages over conventional tuning techniques, including improved wavelength precision and accuracy and low noise. The TopTIR is capable of scanning continuous wave (CW), mode hop free, at up to 200 scans per second at a laser linewidth of 0.0001 cm-1 for gas phase measurements, or in pulse or CW mode over the full QCL gain range at ~1.0 cm-1 resolution for condensed phase measurements.

Suggested applications: High sensitivity gas phase measurements for CEM, environmental, automotive, safety, industrial applications, Isotope ratio measurements for C, N, S, standoff and imaging, IR microscopy, highly absorbing samples such as aqueous phase samples

Primary benefits: Milliwavenumber precision and accuracy, very low noise, high stability source, high vibration immunity

Unique features: OEM packaging,

Manufacturer: SCIEX

Product name: CESI 8000

High performance separation – ESI module

New this year: The CESI 8000 is a new front-end separation and ionization technology which combines the high efficiency and ultralow flow of capillary electrophoresis (CE) with an integrated electrospray ionization source.

Used for: Lab applications

Special features: OptiMS cartridge with plug-and-spray design, open-tube capillary that provides decreased injection-to-injection time, also CESI mobile design due to a height adjustable mobile bench.

Software included: 21CFR11 compliant, cGMP compliant, cmpatible with other manufacturers' equipment

Suggested applications: Biologics characterization

Primary benefits: The ESI 8000 system provides orthogonal and superior results compared to dual-method LC–MS-based approaches, including identity and purity information, heterogeneity information, and stability information, higher throughput, high resolution separation, no lost time due to clogging, no sample carryover

Unique features: Ultralow-flow ESI-MS system minimizes ion suppression, maximizes ionization efficiency, increases sensitivity, identified, and quantified

Manufacturer: Sensor Electronic Technology, Inc. (SETI)

Product name: UVCLEAN275SMD42-10mW

UV LED in SMD package

New this year: The company has introduced the world's first single chip UV LED in a SMD that produces 10 mW of output power.

Used for: Lab, process, handheld applications

Measurement mode: All

Special features: Small footprint – 4.2 mm X 4.2 mm; reflow solderable; may be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.

Suggested applications: Sterilization, medical, and sensors

Primary benefits: The UV LED SMD provides a high power, single-point light source that eliminates imaging.

Manufacturer: Shimadzu

Product name: FD-1001

One-dimensional detector for XRD

New this year: The FD-1001 1-D detector for use with the company's XRD-6100/7000 X-ray diffractometers,

Used for: Lab analysis

Primary benefits: 100 times more sensitive than scintillation detectors; wide-angle measurement without a goniometer; high-speed quantitative analysis

Unique features: Achieves high-sensitivity analysis; state-of-the-art user interface and measurement software; three measurement modes: high-resolution, standard and fast

Manufacturer: Texas Instruments

Product name: DLP 0.45 WXGA NIR Chipset

New this year: The first ever Texas Instruments DLP device optimized for use with near infrared light.

Used for: Lab, process, handheld/portable applications

Dimensions: Footprint 9.1 mm x 20.7 mm

Special features: The chipset consists of the DLP4500NIR digital micro-mirror device (DMD) and DLPC350 digital controller for fast, easy and reliable control of the DMD. DLP4500NIR DMD acts as a spatial light modulator (SLM) and can enable new markets for spectrometers, single pixel cameras, laser marking equipment, NIR projection and more. DLP4500NIR is optimized for 700-2500nm light, over 1 million micro-mirrors, (912 x 1140 array), side illuminated for simplified optics, polarization independent aluminum micro-mirrors. DLPC350 gives convenient, reliable DMD control, high speed pattern rates up to 4225 Hz, pixel accurate pattern sequence mode, two configurable I/O triggers. Available with package FQE with simple connector interface, package FQD with enhanced thermal interface. Software may be used in other equipment, is compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.

Suggested applications: Spectrometers, process analyzers, laboratory equipment, dedicated analyzers, compressive sensing, 3D biometrics, machine vision, infrared scene projection, laser marking, optical choppers, microscopes, optical networking.

Primary benefits: Over one million digitally programmable micro-mirrors, allows the use of a single-element detector while providing wavelength selection agility, speed, and mechanical stability. DLP4500NIR is optimized for use with 700 to 2500 nm light, also enables improved signal-to-noise ratios greater than 30,000:1.

Unique features: The unique architecture of the DLP DMD facilitates using a larger, single detector instead of an expensive array detector.

Manufacturer: Texas Instruments

Product name: DLP NIRscan™

Evaluation module

New this year: Brand new product, of first-ever spectroscopy development platform, to design a high performance, affordable near-infrared spectrometer.

Used for: Lab, process, handheld/portable applications

Dimensions: 7.5 x 4.5 x 3.75 in.

Measurement mode: Transmission sampling module included, is compatible with reflective and fiber sampling modules.

Special features: Programmable data acquisition, free portable GUI, complete open source reference design

Software: Embedded Linux based operating system with open source BeagleBone Black architecture. Software may be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.

Suggested applications: For development of high performance, portable, and affordable NIR spectrometers

Primary benefits: The DLP NIRscan is a complete evaluation module (EVM) to design a high performance, affordable spectrometer from 1350 nm to 2450 nm. Can be paired with the DLP NIRscan EVM's single-element Extended InGaAs Detector, reduces the typical bill of materials cost. Designed for signal-to-noise ratios greater than 30,000:1 over measurement periods of less than a second for up 1824 data points. Provides small form factor and flexibility to create systems for use in the field or factory. Contains pre-loaded Linux operating system and integrated web server, based on the BeagleBone Black architecture.

Manufacturer: Waters Corporation

Product name: Waters ACQUITY QDa detector

Detector for mass spectrometer

New this year: A small, easy-to-use and affordable mass detector

Used for: Lab analysis

Measurement mode: Single-quadrupole mass detector with electrospray ionization source

Special features: Generates the high quality mass spectral data of a single-quadrupole mass spectrometer in a detector no larger than a photodiode-array (PDA) detector.

Software: Empower 3 chromatography data software and MassLynx 4.1 mass spectrometry software. Available as separate product, 21CFR11 compliant, cGMP compliant, may be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.

Unique features: Automatic calibration, adjustment-free, push-button simplicity, disposable sample aperture, pre-optimized electrospray ionization source. Mass range: 30–1250 Da; dynamic range: up to four orders of linear dynamic range.

Manufacturer: XIA LLC

Product name: FalconX

High count rate digital signal processing (DSO) electronics for X-ray and gamma-ray spectrometers

Used for: Lab, process applications

Special features: Count rate = 1 Mcps (with 10% dead-time), high resolution digital pulse processor for X-ray and gamma-ray spectroscopy, count rate. Less than 50ns pulse-pair resolution. 16 digital I/O lines for custom applications. Compatible with SDD, PIN diodes,& most types of X-ray and gamma-ray detectors.

Software: Control and data acquisition software included, may be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.

Suggested applications: Signal shaping and MCA functions at high count rate X-ray or gamma-ray spectroscopy. Low dead-time, low pile-up at high data throughput, such as XRF analysis, electron beam microanalysis, or synchrotron X-ray spectroscopy.

Primary benefits: Effects of pulse pile-up virtually eliminated, strong technical support for setting up initial application.

Unique features: List mode option with time and energy stored for each event, external I/O for controlling off-board peripherals.

Manufacturer: XIA LLC

Product name: DXP Mercury

High rate and high resolution dual-channel digital pulse processor for X-ray spectroscopy.

Used for: Lab, process analysis

Specialty accessory description: Single and multi-channel digital signal processing electronics.

Special features: Front-end signal conditioning, output count rates to 1 Mcps with pulse pile-up protection, single or four channel options. Dual onboard memory, list mode option, external I/O.

Software: Control and data acquisition software included, may be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.

Suggested applications: Signal shaping and MCA functions for high resolution and high count rate XRF analyzers, electron beam microanalysis, or synchrotron X-ray spectroscopy. Fast scanning and list mode applications. Single or multi-channel systems. Compatible with SDD, PIN diodes, and most other types of X-ray detectors.

Primary benefits: Permits deadtime-free data transfer, suitable for benchtop or embedded applications, multichannel option, available with power supply and housing, or as an OEM card.

Unique features: Four independent signal channels, dual 4 MB onboard memory, list mode option, external I/O.

Manufacturer: XIA LLC

Product name: MicroDXP

Low-power DSP card for X-ray and gamma-ray spectrometers

New this year: Increased operating speed and data throughput, improved energy resolution, improved ADC precision

Used for: Lab, process, handheld applications

Dimensions: 3.38 x 2.13 in., weight = 1 oz.

Special features: Low power digital pulse processor for X-ray and gamma-ray spectroscopy, front-end signal conditioning, output count rate > 500 kcps, pulse pile-up protection. Firmware on-board non-volatile memory for firmware. External I/O Compatible with virtually all detector types. Suitable for portable or benchtop applications. Compatible with SDD, PIN diodes, proportional counters, HPGe and scintillator detectors, and most other types of X-ray detectors. Software: Control and data acquisition software included, may be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment. Ballistic deficit correction firmware included.

Suggested applications: Signal shaping and MCA functions for X-ray and gamma-ray spectroscopy: handheld and benchtop XRF analyzers. Embedded process control applications.

Primary benefits: Customized firmware (on request). Adaptable to other applications. Low power. External I/O signals for instrument control.

Unique features: Low power, compatible with virtually all detector types, firmware stored on-board in non-volatile memory, external I/O for off-board peripherals, suitable for portable, bench-top or embedded X-ray and gamma-ray spectroscopy, and process control applications.

Manufacturer: XIA LLC

Product name: PIXIE-16

16-channel DSP PXI card for gamma-ray spectrometers

New this year: ADC speed Increased to 250 MHz.

Used for: Lab, process, handheld/portable applications

Special features: 16-channel card in PXI format, expandable to more channels. 16-channel digital signal processing electronics in 6U PXI format, 250MHz ADC.

Software: Control and data acquisition software included, may be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.

Suggested applications: Signal shaping, MCA functions for high channel number spectroscopy, including segmented HPGe detectors, silicon strip detectors and arrays of scintillator detectors. Complex timing, coincidence and gating applications, waveform analysis, pulse shape discrimination.

Primary benefits: 16-channel system expandable, internal trigger, gating and multiplicity functions, good for fast rising signals, trigger distribution and run synchronization supported, onboard pulse-shape analysis.

Unique features: Accepts input signals with decay times of150 ns to 10 ms, waveforms up to 80 μs length acquired synchronously.

Manufacturer: XIA LLC

Product name: PIXIE-500E

4-channel DSP PXI Express card for gamma-ray spectrometers.

New this year: PCI Express data interface

Used for: Lab applications

Special features: Four-channel high count rate DSP (digital signal processing) electronics in PXI Express format. Four-channel card in 3U PXI Express format, expandable to a high number of channels with the use of additional cards. 500MHz ADC: Suitable for fast rising signals and high rate spectroscopy. Performs signal shaping and MCA functions, providing MCA or list mode data. Separate waveform function with onboard pulse-shape analysis and 20ps timing resolution, PCI Express data interface.

Software: Control and data acquisition software included, may be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.

Suggested applications: Signal shaping, MCA functions for multichannel spectroscopy including fast scintillators and HPGe detectors. Fast timing applications, including coincidence gating between channels.

Primary benefits: Increased data transfer rate by approximately x8, high rate and high resolution spectroscopy, fast timing, waveform analysis. List mode options. Four-channel system expandable.

Unique features: Can detect and analyze signals with rise times in the few ns range. List mode option with time and energy stored for each event, with data stored in output FIFO to allow acquisition to continue during readout. Waveform analysis and constant fraction timing gives timing resolution down to 20ps. State-of-the-art energy resolution with HPGe detectors.

Manufacturer: Zaber Technologies

Product name: ASR Series

Motorized XY microscope and scanning stage

Used for: Lab applications

Software: Zaber Console (open-source application for all our devices). Available as separate product, may be used in other equipment.

Suggested applications: Scanning and imaging applications

Primary benefits: Large aperture (160 x 110 mm) allows mounting a source and a detector on opposite ends, also accommodates different inserts.

Unique features: Low profile: 42 mm overall height, microstep size down to 0.15625 μm, maximum speed to 85 mm/s.

Manufacturer: Zaber Technologies

Product name: T-LSM Series

Miniature motorized linear stages with built-in controllers

Used for: Lab applications

Software: Zaber Console (open-source application for all our devices). Available as separate product, may be used in other equipment.

Suggested applications: Scanning and imaging applications

Primary benefits: Can move small distances at a constant speed, maximum speed up to 29 mm/s, low profile (21 mm high), compact size.

Unique features: Range of travel: 25 mm up to 200 mm, can be set up in XY or XYZ configurations.

Manufacturer: Zaber Technologies

Product name: T-LSM-SV2 Series

High vacuum compatible miniature linear stages with built-in controllers

Used for: Lab applications

Special features: High vacuum compatible to 10-6 Torr

Software: Zaber Console (our open-source application for all our devices). Available as separate product, may be used in other equipment.

Suggested applications: Mass spectrometry applications

Primary benefits: Vacuum compatibility allows for use in mass spectrometry applications in a vacuum chamber.

Unique features: Range of travel: 25 mm up to 200 mm, can be set up in XY or XYZ configurations, Zaber's vacuum devices daisy-chain inside the vacuum chamber to reduce wiring clutter.

Manufacturer: Zaber Technologies

Product name: T-NA-SV2

High vacuum micro linear actuators with built-in controllers

Used for: Lab analysis

Special features: High vacuum compatible to 10-6 Torr

Software: Zaber Console (our open-source application for all our devices). Available as separate product, may be used in other equipment.

Suggested applications: Mass spectrometry applications

Primary benefits: Vacuum compatibility allows for use in mass spectrometry applications in a vacuum chamber.

Unique features: Up to 8 mm/s speed and up to 46 N thrust, Hardened removable ball-tip (flexibility for built-in threaded tip or a flat tip), Zaber's vacuum devices daisy-chain inside the vacuum chamber to reduce wiring clutter.

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Jeanette Grasselli Brown 
Jeanette Grasselli Brown