Appendix VIII: Raman



Volume 29
Issue 5

Appendix VIII: Raman

Manufacturer: AcuTech Scientific Inc.

Product name: AcuScan1500

Raman chemical analyzer and universal scanner

New this year: Robotic control automated Raman spectrometer

Used for: Lab, process analysis

Accessories: Includes SERS, 96 well, 384 well, 2 mL vial, 5 mL vial, 8x8 drug tablet plate, SERS fast dry heater.

Measurement mode: Raman scattering and SERS

Special features: Ultrafast: 0.1 s, sensitivity = <0.1 ppm melamine; reproducibility = 0.15% Software: Windows 7 compatible for control and user interface, XYZ auto-positioning and laser focusing universal sample scanner, SERS–Raman scattering intensity enhancement plate; available as separate product, 21CFR11 compliant, cGMP compliant, may be used in other equipment, sompatible with other manufacturers' equipment.

Suggested applications: Identification and quantification of pharmaceuticals, food and food contaminants/additives, explosives, hazardous materials, REACH, counterfeit identification, narcotics and intermediates or precursors, environmental contaminants chemicals, illicit street drugs, hazardous materials, chemical warfare agents, rocks

Primary benefits: Integrates Raman spectroscopy into test and measurement instrumentation; integrates robotic control on laser focusing for quantification

Unique features: Includes robotic controlled self-focusing vacuum heater dried-SERS (RFD-SERS) Raman chemical analyzer, universal scanner for 3 x 2 mL vials, 2x 5 mL vials, 64 drug tablets, 3x SERS plate, 96-well and 384-well plate, SERS technology vacuum heated drier, robotic XYZ stage, no need for skilled operator.

Manufacturer: BaySpec, Inc.

Product name: Dual-Band Agility Raman analyzer

Raman spectrometer

New this year: First dual-wavelength transportable Raman analyzer on the market with fully integrated computer and sampling chamber.

Used for: Lab, process, portable applications

Dimensions: 305 mm x 380 mm 168 mm (12 in. x 14.9 in. x 6.6 in.)

Measurement mode: Raman

Specialty accessory description: Solid and liquid sample holder, pill holder, dark sample holder or custom

Special features: Turn-key fully integrated dual-band Raman analyzer with on-board PC and back up battery operation.

Software: BaySpec Agile20/20; 21CFR11 compliant, cGMP compliant, may be used in other equipment

Suggested applications: Counterfeit goods detection, process automation technology (PAT), fuel analysis, pharmaceuticals, food processing, agricultural feed monitoring, semiconductor wafer monitoring, pulp and paper monitoring, beverage and breweries, cosmetics, water quality, medical diagnostics, others

Primary benefits: Versatility in sampling options, wavelength choices, dual-band option, sample holders

Unique features: Dual-wavelength excitation option, self-aligning integrated sample holders

Manufacturer: BaySpec, Inc.

Product name: NIR/Raman Amphi-Spec System

see company listing under NIR

Manufacturer: BaySpec, Inc.

Product name: NomadicM – HR

High-resolution multi-excitation confocal Raman microscope

New this year: High resolution, AFM, large frame for wafer samples

Used for: Lab analysis

Specialty accessory description: Sample cell/holder, automatic sample handler, probe available, multi-excitation confocal Raman microscope, high-resolution (2 cm-1), AFM-ready, large frame for wafer and retrofitting options, multiple laser excitations, fully automated operation, can be coupled to a research grade optical microscope of customers' choice.

Software: 21CFR11 compliant

Primary benefits: Extended range: 900-1700 nm, NIR Raman microscopy

Unique features: Fully automated operation, multi-laser confocal microscope Raman with automated laser switching, and full spectral range with one shot operation

Manufacturer: B&W Tek, Inc.

Product name: BWIQ

Raman software

New this year: Raman chemometric analysis package

Used for: Lab analysis

Measurement mode: Fiber optic or Raman

Special features: Partial least squares regression (PLSR) and principal component analysis (PCA), adaptive iteratively reweighted penalized least squares (airPLS), automatic baseline correction, support vector machine (SVM).

Software: Spectra preprocess algorithms, smoothing algorithms, spectra differential; mean centering, auto scaling, classification, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis algorithms, regression analysis, MLR, PCR, PLS1, PLS2; available as separate product, 21CFR11 compliant, cGMP compliant, may be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.

Suggested applications: Multivariable classification analysis, multivariable quantitative analysis, exploratory analysis

Primary benefits: Progressive structure and easy-to-follow work flow

Unique features: Innovative algorithms: chemometric modeling markup language (CMML), high performance and accuracy, high speed and less memory, wide variety of regression and classification routines, three different automatic sample partition algorithms, progressive structure and easy-to-follow work flow

Manufacturer: B&W Tek, Inc.

Product name: Exemplar Plus

Raman spectrometer

New this year: A high performance smart spectrometer

Used for: Lab, process, handheld aplications

Dimensions: 7.40 x 5.05 x 2.80 in.

Measurement mode: Fiber optic

Specialty accessory description: B&W Tek boasts a wide range of fiber-optically coupled accessories

Special features: Embedded processor, USB 3.0 communication, provides data transfer of 900 spectra per second, Multichannel capabilities.

Software: BWSpecTM, Available as separate product, may be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.

Suggested applications: Low light level UV to NIR spectroscopy, Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy, on-line process monitoring, LCD display measurement, biomedical spectroscopy, gas and water analysis, LED characterization

Primary benefits: On-board processing, "SuperSpeed" USB 3.0

Unique features: High UV, vis, and NIR response, 2048 detector elements, over 60% QE at 200nm, configurable cooling temperature (0° Default), over 90% peak QE, built-in shutter

Manufacturer: B&W Tek, Inc.

Product name: i-Raman Plus

Coupled Raman video microscope

New this year: Enhanced version of i-Raman portable Raman spectrometer

Used for: Lab, handheld applicaitons

Dimensions: 6.7 x 13.4 x 9.2 in + 9.6 x 8.2 x 14.8 in

If Accessory/component: Raman video microsampling system

Measurement mode: Raman scattering, microscopy

Specialty accessory description: A comprehensive package of sampling accessories

Special features: High quantum efficiency CCD array detector

Software: BWIQ quantitative Raman analysis package, Available as separate product, 21CFR11 compliantcGMP compliant, may be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.

Suggested applications: Geology, mineralogy, and gemology, bioscience and medical diagnostics, semiconductor & solar inspection, pharmaceutical material analysis, polymer and chemical analysis, environmental science, Raman microscopy, forensic analysis.

Primary benefits: Allows the spectroscopist to convert Raman systems into a Raman microscope.

Unique features: CleanLaze technology, 175 cm-1 of the Rayleigh line, fiber-optic coupling, 4000 cm-1 Raman shift coverage, 3 cm-1 spectral resolution

Manufacturer: B&W Tek, Inc.

Product name: NanoRam FP

Raman spectrometer

New this year: Handheld Raman instrument

Used for: Lab, handheld analysis

Dimensions: 8.8 x 3.9 x 2.0 in.

Measurement mode: Raman scattering

Specialty accessory description: Has a flexible fiber-optic probe

Special features: Fully compliant with all governing regulations, including 21 CFR Part 11 and Part 1040.10

Software: Includes B&W Tek's proprietary NanoRam OS software. Available as separate product, 21CFR11 compliant, cGMP compliant.

Suggested applications: Material identification and verification, anti-counterfeiting, at-line sampling

Primary benefits: Laboratory quality spectra in the palm of your hand

Unique features: high-brightness touch screen display, embedded 1 & 2 dimensional barcode scanner, fiber probe with trigger and LED indicator lights, sampling accessories for almost any environment, batch scanning option for large volume operation, intuitive software for technical and non-technical users, wi-fi and ethernet communication for data sync and management

Manufacturer: B&W Tek, Inc.

Product name: Tactic ID

Raman spectrometer

New this year: A field-ready handheld spectral analysis instrument

Used for: Lab, handheld applications

Dimensions: 19 cm x 10 cm x 5 cm

Measurement mode: Raman scattering

Specialty accessory description: Comes standard with the point-and-shoot adapter as well as vial holder accessory

Special features: Library of nearly 1000 illicit substances, library of over 5000 hazardous chemicals, explosives, narcotics, prescription drugs, precursors and cutting agents

Software: TacticID OS (TOS) available as separate product

Suggested applications: Non-destructive narcotic drug identification, analysis of unknown powders, liquids and gels, identification of toxic solvent and biowarfare agents, identification of binding agents and explosive materials, hazardous materials, chemical warfare agents, explosives, narcotics, precursors, cutting agents, forensics

Primary benefits: A single tool that will help them stay one step ahead of current and emerging threats

Unique features: Customized libraries, designed for safety, ease of use, non-contact analysis, sampling: optimized for gels, liquids, powders and solids through various package types.

Manufacturer: Horiba Scientific

Product name:NanoRaman

AFM Raman spectrometer

New this year: Raman imaging with 10 nm resolution, using a scanning probe microscope with high stability and an atomic force microscope)

Used for: Lab analysis

Measurement mode: reflection or transmission

Specialty accessory: Special probe tips are used for TERS

Special features: Independent usage of the 2 techniques is possible, along with seamlessly integrating of the two to obtain near-field spectra,

Software: 21CFR11 compliant, cGMP compliant

Suggested applications: Polymers, carbon materials, nano materials (MoS2, graphene, nanoparticles), biological applications.

Primary benefits: Access chemical information at the nanoscale.

Unique features: The full visible range is available, large range scanning (100x100 μm)

Manufacturer: Horiba Scientific

Product name: XploRA PLUS

Raman Spectrometer

New this year: One-click operation, fast confocal imaging, standard PRO is a unique validation tool

Used for: Lab analysis

Measurement mode: Raman scattering

Suggested applications: Geological, carbon and pharma samples

Primary benefits: Faster measurement times, increased level of information access in lower wavenumber range for geological, carbon and pharma samples.

Unique features: OneClick Raman, enhanced sensitivity and range speed of analysis

Manufacturer: Jasco Corp.

Product name: NRS-4100

Raman spectrometer

New this year: A smaller, benchtop Raman system

Special features: Automated laser and grating switching. High performance instrument. Laser and Raman scattering path auto-alignment, up to three lasers can be integrated. Single detector (CCD or InGaAs array). Optional XYZ auto-stage. True confocal depth profiling capability, XY spatial resolution of 1 μm, Z spatial resolution of 1.5 μm, spectral resolution of 2 cm-1/pixel, optional 0.7 cm-1/pixel.

Used for: Lab applications

Measurement mode: Raman scattering

Software: 21CFR11 compliant, cGMP compliant

Suggested applications: Biochemical, materials science, chemical analysis

Primary benefits: Reduced cost of ownership for research grade performance in a compact instrument package.

Unique features: Fluorescence reduction algorithms for data collection and spectral processing. Unique array of excitation lasers for Raman excitation/fluorescence reduction, built around the Olympus microscope optical elements.

Manufacturer: Ocean Optics, Inc.

Product name: IDRaman

Raman spectrometer family

New this year: Line of spectrometer systems for high-sensitivity Raman measurements.

Used for: Lab, process, handheld

Dimensions: 3.6 x 2.80 x 1.5 in. (9.1 x 7.1 x 3.8 cm); weight: 11 oz (330 g)

Measurement mode: Raman

Special features: Raster orbital scanning technology (ROS).

Suggested applications: Authentication analysis, verification of incoming materials, counterfeit detection, harsh and demanding environments, rapid material identification, in-line or at-line testing

Primary benefits: Measure in less than 9 s, visual confirmation of results, displays sample and library spectrum with a confidence factor.

Manufacturer: Polytec, Inc.

Product name: Polytec process Raman spectrometers

Raman spectrometer

New this year: Rugged online systems using holographic 3-D transmission gratings and advanced diode array technology with support for a variety of process control protocols.

Used for: Process analysis

Measurement modes: Transmission, reflection, ATR

Software: Available as separate product, 21CFR11 compliant, cGMP compliant,

Suggested applications: On-line chemical analysis

Primary benefits: Sensitive, rugged, flexible on-line Raman system for process control.

Unique features: Holographic 3-D transmission grating, diode array system. Supports interfaces with process control systems using a variety of fieldbus protocols.

Manufacturer: Real-Time Analyzers, Inc.

Product name: Portable Fuel Analyzer (PFA)

Raman spectrometer

New this year: Portable fuel analyzer which classifies fuel types and predicts multiple properties for diesel and jet fuels in under 30 s.

Properties analyzed: Cetane index, cloud point, density, distillation, flash point, viscosity, sulfur, aromatics, olefins and saturates, pour point, acid number, lubricity, net heat, freeze point

Used for: Handheld/portable applications

Dimensions: 22.0 x 13.8 x 9.0 in.

Specialty accessory description: Integral sample cell/holder included. May be used in other equipment.

Suggested applications: Battery-operated field portable device to screen the quality of diesel and jet fuels

Primary benefits: Uses 1064-nm laser excitation to avoid fluorescence.

Unique features: Portability, battery powered, MIL-SPEC 810F

Manufacturer: Renishaw Inc

Product name: inVia

Raman microscope

New this year: Very rapid imaging with StreamLineHR Rapide.

Used for: Lab analysis

Measurement mode: Raman scattering

Software: 21CFR11 compliant

Suggested applications: Biology, semiconductor, pharmaceutical, materials sciences, earth sciences, chemistry, physics; all application areas from nano-materials to biology.

Primary benefits: Very rapid imaging with StreamLineHR™ Rapide. Spectrum readout rate over 1000 s-1. Enhanced signal-to-noise ratios give accurate measurements even where extremely low signal levels are present. inVia is fully configurable, including excitations from UV through NIR, 2D/3D fast imaging, and near-excitation analysis, with accessories and varied microscope configurations.

Unique features: Acquisition and analysis of large Raman datasets. Generation of high definition three-dimensional chemical images. Produce Raman images that are crisp and clear. Gain accurate and representative information.

Manufacturer: Rigaku Raman Technologies

Product name: Progeny

Raman spectrometers

Used for: Lab, process and handheld analysis

Software: 21CFR11 compliant, cGMP compliant

Suggested applications: Raw material and chemical verification, anti-counterfeit validation, narcotic and explosives identification, threat screening, mineral and gemstone authentication, academia and research

Primary benefits: Avoids costly and time-consuming quarantine during validation of raw materials by implementing an identification method at the point of receipt.

Unique features: Digital signature capability

Manuafcturer: Sciaps, Inc.

Product name: Inspector 500

Raman spectrometer

New this year: Introduction of the handheld Inspector 500 with higher wavelength Raman excitation (1030-nm laser)

Used for: Lab, handheld analysis

Dimensions: 7.5 x 6.9 x 1.7 in.; weight = 3.75 lb (1.7 kg)

Special features: It is IP67 dustproof and waterproof sealed.

Software: Fully 21CFRPart11 compliant for phamaceutical applications

Suggested applications: Plastics, chemicals, chemical warfare agents, law enforcement, minerals, gemstones

Primary benefits: The SWIR 1030-nm laser excitation allows handheld Raman for testing samples that exhibit high fluorescence. Avoids cross contamination between samples.

Unique features: Thumbwheel control for operation with a single hand with or without gloves, multiple and easily exchangeable sampling options, right angle attachment for safer testing, SciAps Raman to another with a simple USB connection, microscope/digital camera with XYZ stand and docking station for Inspector 500

Manuafcturer: Sciaps, Inc.

Product name: ReporteR

Used for: Handheld/portable applications

Dimensions: 5.25 x 2.5 x 1.5 in.

Weight: 0.36 kg

Suggested applications: Fully 21CFRPart11 compliant for phamaceutical applications, plastics, chemicals, foods, nutraceutical raw materials, chemical warfare agents, law enforcement, minerals, precious gems

Primary benefits: Ultralightweight and tamperproof, 785-nm handheld Raman analyzer built for fieldwork. The Milspec 810G rating makes the unit virtually indestructible and waterproof. It can be washed down after testing hazmats, illicit drugs, or potential threats.

Unique features: Smaller than most TV remotes, right angle attachment for safer testing, methods can be transferred from NuSpec lab methods development software and from one SciAps ReporteR to another with a simple USB connection

Manufacturer: Snowy Range Instruments

Product name: CBEx 1064

Raman spectrometers

New this year: Raman technology with 1064-nm excitation. Handheld design, the CBEx 1064 with the added advantage of fluorescence rejection achieved when using 1064-nm excitation. Orbital raster scan (ORS) technology easily analyses mixtures and shaped samples. Fluorescence rejection. Results displayed on a highly visible OLED touch screen.

Used for: Lab, process, handheld/portable applications

Dimensions: 4.5 x 3.125 x 2.25 in., 1.7 lb

Suggested applications: Pellets, prills, liquids or solids, identification of chemical, biological and explosive substances

Primary benefits: The combination of ORS and CBEx 1064's fluorescence rejection with scanning function provides spectroscopists with the ability identifying difficult samples.

Unique features: Operates using four AA batteries and features orbital raster scan that enables large area scanning of samples. Easily analyses mixtures and shaped samples. Fluorescence rejection surpasses others at identifying difficult samples with easy to understand results displayed on a highly visible OLED touch screen.

Manufacturer: StellarNet Inc.

Product name: RamuLaser-Vial

Raman spectrometer

New this year: Brand new product. 785-nm Raman laser with a direct attach vial holder for measurement of solid, liquid, and powder samples.

Used for: Lab, process, handheld applications

Dimensions: 3 x 2 x 5 in.

Measurement mode: Raman

Special features: Battery powered, portable/compact size, rugged, simply place a vial into the front mounted vial holder and fire the laser. Available as separate product, may be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.

Suggested applications: For use with 785-nm Raman spectrometers

Primary benefits: Removes the requirement fiber-optic Raman probe

Unique features: 8-h battery pack, 0.2 nm FWHM over 50-100 °F, ruggedized metal case, low cost

Manufacturer: Thermo Fisher Scientific

Product name: Thermo Scientific DXRxi

Raman imaging microscope

New this year: Instant visual feedback and image-driven control

Used for: Lab analysis

Special features: Image-centric software interface

Software: Available as separate product

Primary benefits: Provide new insights, identify defects and confirm product quality

Unique features: Image-centric software, automated alignment and calibration, near-instant visual chemical profiling, analyze large samples

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