Appendix XII: Terahertz



Volume 28
Issue 5

Additional information from the terahertz section of the Pittcon Review article.

Manufacturer: Advantest America Inc

Product name: TAS7500

Terahertz Spectroscopy/Imaging System

New this year: Polarization Accessory, extended range spectrometer option, sub terahertz spectrometer option, new emitter and detector modules, high sensitivity in crystallinity application.

Used for: Lab, process analysis

Available as separate product, 21CFR11 compliant, May be used in other equipment, Compatible with other manufacturers' equipment

Special Features: Custom sample holders and extended range emitter and detector

Measurement Mode: TeraHertz transmission, reflection, Polarization, Imaging, ATR

Features: Modular compact benchtop spectroscopy and imaging system. individual measurement units for spectroscopy and 2D/3D imaging can be combined as a fully configured system or purchased separately as an upgrade. Terahertz waves penetrate the entire tablet core and detect cracks and voids that result from capping or chipping during compression. Sensitive to vibrational lattice phonon modes characteristic of crystalline solids (e.g., polymorphs, solvates and co-crystals) in drug substances and in drug products.

Special Features: highest speed and reliability in the industry

Software: Imaging Software, Spectroscopy Software, High Throughput Data Analysis Software, 21 CFR Part 11 Compliant Software

Suggested applications: crystalline structure, 3D images, tablet coating thickness and uniformity, non-destructive detection of cracks and voids in the tablet core, solid phase transitions, replacement for mercury porosimetry

Primary benefits: faster operation, wider wavelength range, greater dynamic range

Unique features: 8-millisecond scan time

Manufacturer: BrightSpec

Product name: Brightspec ONE Broadband CP-FT

Rotational Spectrometer (Sub-Terahertz Gas phase Analysis)

New this year: brand new company and product

Used for: Lab and Process analysis

Dimensions: Luggable not portable

Measurement Mode: Emission

Suggested applications: purity of specialty samples, composition of complex mixtures.

Special Features: Ultra-high resolution and quantum nature of the measurements over large spectral bandwidth utilizes high-speed digital electronics, highly agile frequency generation method to improve confidence in detections. Solid-state digital electronics used for frequency generation and accuracy instead of traditional optics, eliminates the need for chemical separation when analyzing mixtures, broad operating frequency range, has near zero background

Software: Included. May be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment

Primary benefits: simultaneous monitoring of molecules with energy transitions in different spectral regions, spectral line redundancies improves confidence of molecular assignment, trace level quantification.

Manufacturer: BrightSpec

Product name: Brightspec Targeted Band CP-FT

Gas phase Analyzer

New this year: brand new company and product

Used for: Lab and Process analysis

Dimensions: Luggable, not portable

Measurement Mode: Emission

Software: Included. May be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment

Special Features: Same as Brightspec ONE, except uses narrow frequency sweep, Ultra-high resolution, Zero Background, Multiple compounds can be surveyed in a sequential fashion, 10x better sensitivity than the Broadband, programmable for additional species within its specific operating range

Suggested Applications: identification and quantification of known, previously characterized analytes,.

Suggested applications: same as Brightspec ONE.

Primary benefits: 10x sensitivity compared to Brightspec ONE

Unique features worthy of mention: PPM or PPB sensitivities achievable in under one second

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