art photonics GmbH



Volume 31
Issue 12

Company Description

art photonics GmbH is the world's leading manufacturer of unique fiber optics for the mid IR-range, pioneering the patented technology of polycrystalline PIR-fibers from silver halides and assembling a variety of specialty laser cables, bundles, and spectroscopy probes from all types of silica and IR-glass plus PIR-fibers-to cover the broad spectral range 0.2–16 µm. art photonics was founded in 1998 in Berlin to develop and produce specialty fiber products under the motto "broad spectra fiber solutions." To match fast business growth, in 2013 production space was tripled to run ISO-9001 certified production with a full range of production and test equipment-to provide complete quality control in-house. A team of highly skilled professionals enables fabrication and sales of standard and customized products, while the R&D group develops in multiple projects the new types of fiber systems for spectral process control in biotechnology, space, and industrial chemical, petrochemical, and pharma applications. The latest projects are focused on biophotonics-to develop low cost spectral sensors with tiny fiber probes to be used in clinics for biomedical in-vivo diagnostics of tissues-like tumor margin definition, early detection of cancer, or other diseases by endoscopy methods, and so on.



  • Remote reaction monitoring in–line

  • Process spectroscopy for industrial process analytical technologies (PAT) used in chemical, petrochemical, atomic, food, and pharma industries

  • In-situ control of gluing, drying, and polymer curing processes

  • Crystallization process screening

  • Full automated fermentation process control with process-interfaces

  • Biomedical diagnostics in-vivo with spectral fiber sensors

Major Products/Services

FlexiSpec(r) product line includes innovative fiber optic probes, bundles, and fiber couplers designed for in-line process-spectroscopy of a broad spectral range: from 200 nm to 16 µm.

FlexiSpec(r) Probes design family enables measurement of ATR-absorption, transmission, or transflection spectra; to run diffuse reflection, fluorescent, or multi-spectral analysis when coupled to any FT-IR, FT-NIR, or grating spectrometer; LED, QCL, MEMS, or other type spectral sensor to be used in-field or in PAT-applications, eliminating the need for time consuming sample collection or preparation.

FlexiSpec(r) industrial probes of standard 12 mm diameter are compatible with process interfaces required to clean probe optics in contaminating media in full or semi-automated mode. Probes can comply with ATEX standards when used with SensoGate-FOS or Ceramat-FOS process interfaces-to be retracted, cleaned, and calibrated during chemical process for remote molecular analysis of any liquid, gas, or solid mixtures under harsh process conditions.

FlexiSpec(r) industrial probes of 6.3 or 12 mm diameters are robust for various applications in a broad temperature range, at a high or low pressure, can withstand vibration, aggressive, or toxic media, while a tiny biomedical probes of small 1–3 mm diameter are dedicated for biomedical diagnostics and can withstand the required sterilization conditions.


art photonics GmbH

Rudower Chaussee 46

12489 Berlin, Germany


+ 49 30-6779 887-0


+ 49 30-6779 887-99








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