Are You Sure Your ICP-MS Interferences Are Under Control?
October 4th 2016In this summary, we will discuss how triple-quadrupole ICP-MS resolves interferences and improves accuracy for difficult elements and challenging applications. We will illustrate this with examples from a variety of applications. We will also present the new Agilent 8900 ICP-QQQ, which provides increased sensitivity, even lower detection limits, and hardware developments that provide greater flexibility to address emerging applications.
The Agilent 7800 ICP-MS Advantage for Drinking Water Analysis
July 20th 2015ICP-MS is widely used for the multielement analysis of trace metals in drinking waters. The newly designed 7800 ICP-MS accurately measured drinking waters for all required elements at regulated levels, without the need for either reactive cell gases or complex interference equations. Using helium collision mode, selenium detection limits less than 20 parts per trillion (ppt) are now routinely achievable.
Analysis of Milk Powders Based on Chinese Standard Method Using the Agilent 5100 SVDV ICP-OES
July 20th 2015Trace toxic and major nutrient elements were measured in a single measurement in a milk powder SRM, with no ionization buffers, using a synchronous dual view ICP-OES. The methodology was in accordance with Chinese method GB 5413.21 for raw milk and dairy products. Excellent recoveries were achieved for all elements determined in the SRM, demonstrating the accuracy of the method over a large dynamic range.
High Throughput Determination of Inorganic Arsenic in Rice Using Hydride Generation-ICP-MS
A fast and sensitive method using hydride generation (HG) with ICP-MS has been developed for the separation and detection of toxic inorganic arsenic (iAs) in foodstuffs. The iAs measured values in 31 commercial rice products all fell below the current legislative maximum level of 150 µg/kg set by China. Comparing the results obtained by HG-ICP-MS and HPLC-ICP-MS showed comparable limits of detection were achieved.