Spectroscopy is proud to present its annual review of products displayed at our industry's premier trade show, the Pittsburgh Conference. The Spectroscopy editorial staff spent a good portion of the show investigating and collecting information on exhibitors' offerings, and a sampling of those instruments appear below, including a brief product description and the company's name and Web address. We have made every effort to provide as comprehensive a listing as possible, but as in years past, we cannot claim to have made a complete record of every product shown at the conference.
Spectroscopy is proud to present its annual review of products displayed at our industry's premier trade show, the Pittsburgh Conference. The Spectroscopy editorial staff spent a good portion of the show investigating and collecting information on exhibitors' offerings, and a sampling of those instruments appear below, including a brief product description and the company's name and Web address. We have made every effort to provide as comprehensive a listing as possible, but as in years past, we cannot claim to have made a complete record of every product shown at the conference.
Austin AI
Designed by the US Naval Research Lab, the CP-1000 provides in situ determination of heavy and hazardous elements in soil by combining downhole cone penetrometer technology with an XRF sensor. Fully compliant to EPA Method 6200, the instrument's high sensitivity reportedly provides low detection limits for arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, selenium, and silver.
Bruker AXS (www.bruker-axs.de)
The VÃ TEC-2000 is a two-dimensional X-ray detector for research applications in materials science. The instrument can achieve a 14 Ã14 cm active area with spatial resolution of 70 Äm and dynamic range of 108. With its real-time display and true photon counting capabilities, the VÃ TEC-2000 is designed to improve data quality in demanding applications such as small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), thin-film investigations, and micro-XRD analysis.
EDAX (www.edax.com)
The Eagle III micro-XRF elemental analyzer uses capillary optics, CCD video imaging cameras, and a motorized xyz stage for nondestructive small-spot analysis correlated with video imaging. Features include simultaneous detection of elements ranging from sodium to uranium, and little or no sample preparation requirements. Typical applications include forensics, failure analysis, coating thicknessâcomposition measurement, quality control, and chemical imaging.
Glass Expansion (www.geicp.com
The Niagara Rapid Rinse Accessory reportedly significantly shortens the analysis cycle time of an unattended ICP spectrometer run, and as a result, achieves higher productivity and faster sample turnaround times. The Niagara begins the rinsing of the nebulizer and spray chamber the instant a sample measurement is completed and continues to rinse until the next sample is ready. Thus the rinse is performed in the time that is usually wasted waiting for the sample and the rinse solutions to flow from the autosampler to the nebulizer.
- The Capricorn argon humidifier for ICP analyses is designed to be particularly useful when analyzing samples with high dissolved solids concentrations. It reportedly helps to prevent salt buildup inside the sample introduction system, allowing uninterrupted and maintenance-free operation. Features include plastic construction and a built-in diagnostic pressure gauge.
HORIBA (www.horiba.com)
The SINDIE-7039 Sulfur in Oil Analyzer has a measurement range of 0.4-3000 ppm, and uses the monochromatic wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence method. The instrument, which can be set up for remote diagnostics capability, can store as many as eight separate calibration curves, with six calibration points per curve.
HORIBA Jobin Yvon (www.jobinyvon.com)
The ACTIVA ICP spectrometer features simultaneous analysis of all elements and background within a Wavelength Analytical View (WAV). Users can select any elemental wavelength from 160-800 nm, their choice of WAV, and advanced analysis modes. Features include a 0.64-m Czerny-Turner optical system combined with an Advanced Inverted Mode Operation (AIMO) CCD detector system, and ACTIVAnalyst software, which extends the instrument and analysis control of Analyst ICP software in a multitasking platform.
Innov-X Systems (www.innov-xsys.com)
QXi Micro XRF analyzers perform elemental analysis from chlorine to uranium, use collimated beams of 13â0.1 mm diameter with laser beam focusing, and are designed for testing small or nonhomogeneous samples. Applications range from the analysis of lead-free solders for electrons, circuit boards, and chip studies to precious metals, bronzes, and alloys. Featuring X-ray tube technology that reportedly eliminates radioactive isotopes, the bench-top instrument incorporates a Silicon-PiN Diode detector, and features an optional xyz stage for measurements during batch operations.
- The Alpha Series of handheld analyzers provide on-the-spot elemental analysis from phosphorus to uranium. Featuring a removable handle that allows it to fit into tight spaces, the Alpha Series analyzers use high Si PiN diode detectors for eliminating radioactive isotopes. Typical applications span material identification for new product quality control and assurance, recycling of metals, and checking levels of impurities.
Inorganic Ventures (www.inorganicventures.com)
Inorganic Ventures offers custom inorganic standards for AA, ICP, ICP-MS, and IC. Standards are made according to the manufacturer's expertise and user's specs. Each custom standard's Certificate of Analysis details NIST traceability, certified values, and trace impurities.
Jordan Valley (www.jordanvalley-apd.com)
The EX-Calibur is a liquid nitrogen-free bench-top EDXRF spectrometer with an integrated computer system. The 50-kV, 50-W spectrometer is designed to provide high-count throughputs and features improvements in PIN diode technology, resolution, and peak-to-background ratios.
PANalytical (www.panalytical.com)
The Perl'X 3 is a fusion instrument that performs fully automated bead preparation for XRF analysis. The instrument is reportedly able to handle most minerals and can be used to fuse mineral samples into beads for typical XRF applications in various industries, including cement, industrial minerals, and nonferrous and ferrous metals. Features include an on-board microprocessor with a memory that stores up to 38 user programs.
- The company has published a white paper describing how its X-ray diffraction (XRD) systems are designed to enable users in the pharmaceutical industry to meet the requirements of the FDA's 21 CFR Part 11 regulations. The paper, which is available on the company's Web site, provides guidance for both existing and new users of the company's XRD systems.
- The MiniMill 2 is a grinding instrument that reportedly achieves fine grain sizes for XRF analysis. Based on the principle of planetary ball mills, the instrument's grinding bowl is available in sizes ranging from 80-500 mL. The mill delivers short grinding times by reportedly operating at speeds as high as 600 rpm, and features an electronic system with a timer and programmable reversing unit. Applications include ceramics, industrial minerals, plastics, and food.
Precision Glassblowing (www.precisionglassblowing.com)
The Aerosalt High-Solids concentric nebulizer and a redesigned sub-boiling point still for acid purification are available. The company continues to manufacture replacement torches, spray chambers, nebulizers and injectors for ICP and ICP-MS instruments. All parts are made to OEM specifications and are intended for direct replacement of OEM parts. Additionally, the company now also offers the entire line of Elemental Scientific PFA and PolyPro concentric nebulizers.
Rigaku/MSC (www.rigakumsc.com)
The ZSX Primus II is a 4-kW WDXRF spectrometer with a thin end-window tube (30 μm) and the analytical capability for Be-U. Features include "tube above" (inverted) optics and small spot and mapping capabilities.
SCP SCIENCE (www.scpscience.com)
PlasmaPURE and PlasmaPURE Plus high purity acids are designed for trace metal analyses. Users can choose between two grades of high purity acids for ICP-MS, ICP-AES, flame AA, and graphite furnace AA spectroscopy. The acids, designed for environmental and industrial applications, are accompanied by a certificate of analysis that lists lot number, expiry date, and actual concentration levels for over 60 elements.
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments (www.spectro.com)
The SPECTRO GENESIS CCD ICP is factory calibrated and features the company's Intelligent Calibration Logic (ICAL) system, a software-based system that monitors and controls the state of the instrument independent from external influences. The unit requires no method development and features an Extended Markup Language (XML) LIMS interface.
- The SPECTRO iQ is a polarized XRF analyzer for multielement analysis of solids, powders, and liquids. The analyzer features C-force optics, which reportedly deliver levels of sensitivity for elements such as Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, and Cl. Specific packages are available for the analysis of additives in oils, cement, slags, and refractories, as well as a "low S" version of the analyzer for the analysis of low levels of sulfur in fuels.
- SPECTROMAXx spectrometers are designed for analyzing all common elements found in metals. Reportedly able to analyze nitrogen levels down to a level of 20 ppm, the spectrometers, which are available as either a bench-top or floor model, feature ICAL, which monitors system integrity and eliminates the need for recalibration samples.
StellarNet (www.stellarnet-inc.com)
The PORTA-LIBS-2000 element analyzer integrates portable spectrometers from StellarNet and Kigre's 4-ns pulsed Nd:YAG NIR laser that delivers 6 mW to create a plasma. The portable instrument case is just 18 Ã 14 Ã 7 in. and operates via 12-V adapter or battery, with two high-resolution spectrometers. Depending upon detection requirements, as many as eight spectrometers can be attached via USB-2 computer interface.
Teledyne Leeman Labs (www.leemanlabs.com)
Leeman's ICP spectroscopy toolbox for use with the Prodigy ICP enables functions such as spectral additions and subtractions, which are particularly useful in forensic and quality control applications. Other features include a variety of spectral identifiers, which allow the user to perform tasks such as identifying unknown emission lines, superimposing the spectra from an element on an unknown spectrum, and determining the emission intensity of any emission line in the spectrum.
- The Z-2000 series of atomic absorption spectrometers, announced in a partnership with Hitachi High Technologies, incorporates a dual detection system that allows the instrument to simultaneously monitor both total absorbance and background absorbance. This approach provides more accurate background correction for transient signals (such as those from graphite furnace) as well as a high degree of coincident noise rejection for flame-based measurements. The result is superior detection limits in both modes of operation when compared with conventional AC Zeeman techniques.
- The Hydra AF Mercury Analyzer meets all hardware performance and QC requirements of EPA Method 245.7 (determination of mercury by simple atomic fluorescence). The instrument includes an atomic fluorescence-based detection system and calibration factor algorithms, as well as a built-in high capacity autosampler to ensure that it is able to meet the productivity requirements of today's labs.
Thermo Electron (www.thermo.com)
The ARL 9900 is a comprehensive X-ray analytical system that combines XRF and XRD technologies. This combination reportedly provides rapid and precise analysis of various samples and detection of as many as 83 elements (BâU) in concentrations ranging from parts-per-million to 100% and their corresponding specific phases.
- The ARL QUANT'X is an X-ray that utilizes a Peltier cooled detector and Digital Pulse Processing technology, which reportedly improves throughput by ignoring scattered X-rays without the need for complicated polarizers. Typical applications include the non-destructive analysis of most elements, reportedly from a few parts-per-million levels in a variety of inorganic and organic sample types.
Agilent Technologies
The Agilent Mulitmode Source, a simultaneous multimode source for mass spectrometry, is designed to enhance the speed, accuracy, and productivity of high-throughput screening in drug discovery applications. Capable of operating electrospray ionization and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization simultaneously, the source is compatible with the company's quadrupole mass selective detectors, and in the future, is expected to be compatible with its TOF mass spectrometer.
Applied Biosystems (www.appliedbiosystems.com)
The API 5000 LCâMS-MS system from Applied Biosystems and MDS Sciex achieves an average ninefold increase in sensitivity and a four-fold improvement in signal-to-noise ratio over other commercially available systems. The system's QJet ion guide captures more ions and focuses the ion beam with high efficiency for improving ion transmission, and permits the use of smaller sample sizes, conserving material for additional studies. The API 5000 was released in conjunction with Analyst 1.4.1 software, which offers automated features including sampling and data analysis for added ease-of-use and higher throughput.
Bruker Daltonics (www.bdal.com)
The micrOTOF-Q is an ESI-Q-q-TOF mass spectrometer that reportedly offers resolution of 15,000 at full sensitivity without W-reflection and the associated ion losses. Additional features include 3 ppm mass accuracy in MS and MS-MS scans, and the Apollo II funnel ESI source.
- The microflex LT is a bench-top MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer for clinical proteomics, as well as the routine analysis of peptides, proteins, and other large molecules. Featuring a gridless ion source, the instrument is designed to provide efficient sensitivity in both positive and negative ion modes, and uses the company's AnchorChip technology, which reportedly provides exactly positioned samples on the MALDI-target.
- Smartbeam laser technology is designed for the company's ultraflex II MALDI-TOF-TOF mass spectrometer in proteomics applications. The laser technology reportedly permits the use of all matrixes and sample preparation methods typically used in MALDI-TOF analyses, and achieves high sensitivity from robotic sample preparation methods, such as thin-layer preparation.
BURLE Electro-Optics (www.burle.com)
Reduced profile linear 25-mm MCP detectors with metal anode are designed for mass spectrometry, time-of-flight, and high-energy physics applications. Featuring a grid that can be independently biased for particle and energy discrimination, the detector's axial lead design reduces footprint, and beam perturbations, and eliminates the need for shielding. Additional features include an SMA signal output, which reportedly reduces noise and enhances pulse preservation.
- Miniature Channeltron electron multipliers are designed for use with portable MS instruments and in homeland security applications. Available in a variety of configurations and able to be formed into various shapes and sizes, including round or rectangular cones, the multipliers' maximum gain at 3000 V is 1 Ã 107 and they reportedly have a maximum pressure of 5 Ã 10-5 torr. Typical applications include leak detectors, dedicated, environmental, and industrial sensors.
GBC Scientific Equipment (www.gbcsci.com)
The Optimass 8000 is an orthogonal TOF ICP-MS that features analyte ions that are orthogonally extracted from the primary ion beam for TOF mass analysis, reportedly resulting in ultrafast, high-resolution mass spectral measurements and significantly reduced interferences from neutral species.
JEOL USA (www.jeol.com)
The DART (Direct Analysis in Real Time) ion source is used to analyze the chemical composition of solids, gases, and liquids in open air. DART is used with JEOL's AccuTOF mass spectrometer to analyze everyday items such as currency and clothing to instantly detect the presence of illicit drugs or explosives.
LECO Corporation (www.leco.com)
The Pegasus 4D GCÃGC-TOF mass spectrometer provides four dimensions of analytical resolution for sample analyses. The two-dimensional spectrometer features Microsoft Windows-based ChromaTOF software, which is designed to simplify component identification.
- The Unique LCâTOF-MS for liquid sample analysis provides the data density required to support the latest fast separation techniques. Its compact design fits well in any laboratory. Microsoft Windows-based ChromaTOF software offers automated data-handling capabilities for significant reductions in processing time.
New Wave Research (www.new-wave.com)
The UP193 Solid-State laser ablation system is designed for ICP-MS solid-sampling analyses. Featuring deep-UV absorption and short pulse-length performance, the system reportedly couples readily with all matrixes and minimizes all fractionation. Typical applications include bulk and microfeature analysis of metals, biological tissue analysis, tree rings and gels, sulfate and sulfite analyses, and forensic analysis of plastics, ceramics, paint, glass, and quartz.
Spectron (www.spectronus.com)
Standard nickel, platinum, and aluminum cones for all ICP-MS instruments with full technical support are available. The cones are made to OEM designs, and platinum cones include refurbishing. The company also carries a line of other manufacturers' sample-introduction products, including nebulizers, torches, spray chambers, and multipliers.
Thermo Electron (www.thermo.com)
The X SeriesII quadrupole ICP-MS system, designed for both routine and high performance analytical work, utilizes a new ion extraction system and features an ion optics design that reportedly lowers blank levels and improves the interference removal capabilities in combination with the company's new Third Generation collision cell technology.
The #C-X for catalyst research provides a very low volume spectroscopy cell with a precisely defined gas flow path and high temperature-high pressure capability. Full range midinfrared transmission spectroscopy is provided, and the #C-X can be used with all popular types of FTIR.
- The #2T-AWT high temperature-high pressure cell for FT-IR spectroscopy of gases incorporates Aabspec's patented window technology and provides enhanced safety so that hazardous gases can be analyzed at combined high temperature and pressure. The primary cell chamber is formed from a single piece of 316-grade stainless steel and a range of window materials may be used. The #2T-AWT provides access to the full mid-IR spectral range at pressures as high as 4000 psi and temperatures as high as 300 °C using standard FTIR spectrometers.
Axsun Technologies (www.axsun.com)
The IntegraSpec XLP system is a proprietary laser source combined with IntegraSpec features, including integrated wavelength and amplitude references. Designed for PAT applications, the laser system performs condensed-phase analysis, and incorporates semiconductor-device technology that is designed to offer maintenance-free operation, rapid application development, and calibration transfer.
Bio-Rad Laboratories (www.bio-rad.com)
KnowItAll Informatics System version 5.0 features a multitechnique spectral searching system that reportedly enables users to define searches in multiple spectral techniques concurrently in a single software platform, across multiple databases, and then view consolidated results. Searches may include substructures, properties, and a variety of experimental spectra, including NMR, MS, IR, and Raman.
BioTools (www.btools.com)
The EasyRAMAN spectrometer is designed for easy, daily use in all types of laboratory applications, with sensitivity, signal-to-noise, and size that accommodate every need and limitation in the lab.
- The CCDsp is a high-performance, compact scientific CCD camera with an integrated digital signal processor (DSP). The on-board DSP makes stand-alone applications practical by eliminating the need for external interface cards. Flexible binning support is built right into the CCDsp, allowing for improved speed, dynamic range, and optimum performance.
Bruker BioSpin (www.bruker-biospin.com)
The 400-MHz 5-mm DCH CyroProbes are to be used with the company's AVANCE 400 NMR spectrometers. Featuring Z-gradient, the cryogenically cooled probes are optimized for carbon observation and reportedly provide superior proton measurements.
- The Avance II NMR spectrometer series features second-generation (2G) digital receiver (DR) technology, and is designed to be used in solid-state research, synthetic polymer analysis, trace analysis, LC-NMR, MR imaging, and structural biology. The 2G-DR technology reportedly provides enhanced sensitivity for weak signals in samples with very strong signals; enhanced DQD capabilities for large sweep widths; and enhanced data filtering for large spectral widths.
Bruker Optics (www.brukeroptics.com)
The RAM II FT-Raman module provides noncontact and nondestructive molecular analysis of organic and inorganic materials. The dual channel FT-Raman accessory is equipped with 1064-nm excitation, with configurations of a 976- or a 785-nm laser also available.
- The SENTERRA is a dispersive Raman microscope that combines the sensitivity of dispersive Raman technology with the wavelength accuracy of FT-Raman spectroscopy. The full-featured confocal system is designed to accommodate multiple excitation wavelengths and incorporates the patented Automatic Fluorescence Rejection method for rejecting fluorescence from many samples.
- The StepOne is an at-line Process Analytical Technologies (PAT) system that combines the automation of the AutoTest 4 tablet testing system with Bruker Optics' MATRIX-F FT-NIR spectrometer, or its MPA laboratory version. The StepOne system can test a wide variety of tablet shapes, and samples can be loaded directly from a press or manually placed in the sample feeder.
- The minispec ProForM TD-NMR system has a proprietary data acquisition system and a sample compartment design - a combination that reportedly enables consistent detection of quickly decaying signals, such as protein, in large sample volumes. The system can simultaneously determine protein, fat, and moisture without drying or suppressing the water signal.
Buchi (www.buchi.com)
The NIRFlex N-500 is a polarization interferometer FT-NIR system with the optical performance of research grade spectrometers and the stability and dependability needed for routine lab and process applications. A range of precalibrations is available for a variety of food material types allowing virtually immediate implementation of the system. Available software for industrial, food, feed, and agri-food applications includes an array of chemometric analysis tools.
B&W Tek (www.bwtek.com)
The BTF112E miniature array fluorometer is a user-configurable spectrometer for fluorescence applications in the 270â700 nm range. Configurable excitation light source nodules provide the flexibility for fluorescence measurements to be conducted at wavelengths of available options, and an optimally designed collection optical system reportedly enables high efficiency fluorescence detection from samples. Software provides instrument control and data analysis functions.
CEM Corporation (www.cem.com)
The Investigator is a microwave synthesis system that features in situ spectroscopic analysis capability. Features include a Raman spectrometer designed to reduce fluorescence and background interference, and the ability to control and adjust reaction conditions based on product formation, starting material depletion, or reactant uptake.
Fiber Tech Optica (www.fibertech-optica.com)
All silica tapers are available in both UV-Vis and Vis-IR types, and are designed to transform nonuniform beams into uniform profiles. Applications include laser delivery, diagnostics, laser diode pigtailing, fluid-level sensors, and nonlinear optics.
Hach Company (www.hach.com)
The DR 5000 spectrophotometer and TNT Plus barcoded reagents is an instrument-reagent integration for streamlined laboratory analysis that provides automatic method detection and reagent blocking. When coupled with the reagents, such as Chemical Oxygen Demand TNT Plus Vials, the spectrophotometer can be used in labs that serve a variety of industries, including drinking water, wastewater, boiler-cooling water, and ultrapure water.
Hamilton Sundstrand Applied Instrument Technologies (www.hs-ait.com)
The RPM line of process analyzers includes the RPM MD, a multichannel analyzer available in rack mount or bench-top configurations for lab and pilot scale reaction monitoring, general purpose on-line, at-line, and in-line process monitoring; and the RPM 785, a process Raman system for hazardous areas that operates under the PC 80 process software used in the Analect on-line FT-IR and FT-NIR process analyzers.
Harrick Scientific (www.harricksci.com)
A wide variety of attachments designed to allow elevated temperature analyses with ATR spectroscopy include flow-through liquid adapters for the company's multiple reflection Horizon that reportedly operate at temperatures as high as 100 °C; an adapter for the single reflection FastIR that reportedly reaches 200 °C; and the FatIR accessory, which features integrated temperature control to temperatures as high as 175 °C.
- The range of equipment available for transmission spectroscopic studies under nonambient conditions includes the following: for solids, the High Temperature Cell can reportedly reach 500 °C, while the Dewar ranges from -196 °C to 350 °C; for liquids, the Temperature Controlled Liquid Cell is reportedly heatable to 260 °C and can withstand pressures as high as 600 psi; for gases, the Temperature Controlled Gas Cell is reportedly heatable to 260 °C.
Headwall Photonics (www.headwallphotonics.com)
The Raman Explorer multichannel, multispectrum spectrometer is based upon a patented retro-reflective concentric configuration. Designed for high application throughput involving detection of weak signals or reduced measurement integration time, the configurable multi-input design provides the ability to place multiple spectra onto a single detector plane. High-throughput, f/2.4 optics ensure high spectral resolution over multiple input slits across extended wavelength ranges while achieving a high signal-to-noise ratio. Grating selection is available to customize the instrument for required spectral regions.
Hellma (www.hellmausa.com)~)
The TrayCell cuvette reportedly requires 4 μL of sample and uses the surface tension of the sample to form a repeatable optical path of 1 mm X 0.02 mm. Designed for applications in which very small samples are available, such as biotechnology, drug discovery, and forensics, the TrayCell has a wavelength range of 190â800 nm, and operates at 5â50 °C.
- 667-UV secondary calibration standards for spectrophotometers in the UV range are designed to check instrument performance with respect to stray radiation, spectral resolution, spectral accuracy, and the absorption reading in the 200â400 nm range.
Hitachi High Technologies America (www.hitachi-hta.com)
The model U-2800A UVâVis spectrophotometer is designed for most research, routine, and teaching laboratory applications. Designed using the high-resolution Seya-Namioka monochromator, a concave grating that reportedly eliminates chromatic aberrations, the instrument offers optional PC-control via the company's UV Solutions software, which provides communication to and from the instrument as well as data-processing functions.
HORIBA (www.horiba.com)
The MU-1000 diode-array process spectrometer performs on-line monitoring of single or multiple components within a gas or liquid sample stream. The spectrometer may be equipped with a probe that can be inserted directly into the sample stream via a half-inch fitting or a flow cell for use with a slipstream. There are two standard sampling system designs: an extractive aspirated system with manual or automatic zero and span for gases and liquids; and a nonintrusive in situ probe with temperature and pressure indicators and automatic span and zero.
HORIBA Jobin Yvon (www.jobinyvon.com)
The LabRAM ARAMIS automated Raman microscope offers an automated, yet fully flexible, analytical Raman toolbox with full Class I laser safety as standard and intelligent automated laser switching, as well as computer-controlled selection of as many as four different gratings and notch filters. The instrument reportedly allows for the rapid automated switching between various excitation lasers, which enables different wavelengths to be selected for each sample. Typical applications include pharmaceutical formulation development, forensic analysis, and biological screening.
- The automated MicoHR short focal length spectrometer can be used as an imaging spectrograph (with a CCD) or a scanning monochromator for fluorescence, Photoluminescence, and other spectroscopic applications. Features include a 140-mm focal length, a 0.25-nm spectral range, toroidal optics, an automated dual grating turret, and a USB 2.0 interface. Available options include a side exit port for dual detector mounting, and an internal filter wheel.
International Crystal Laboratories (www.internationalcrystal.net)
International Crystal Laboratories offers 3M IR cards with microporous polyethylene and PTFE sample substrates and Real Crystal IR sample cards with real KBr, NaCl, and KCl crystal sample substrates, which reportedly do not exhibit the strong absorbance bands exhibited by cards with polymer sample substrates.
Jasco (www.jascoinc.com)
The V-7000 series of UVâVis-NIR spectrophotometers is designed for applications in the 175â3300 nm range and are reportedly able to resolve peaks of < 0.5 nm. The systems incorporate floating casting systems that isolates the optics from vibrational and atmospheric interferences - resulting in low spectrophotometer noise - and are reportedly capable of 2000-nm/min scans with no wavelength shifts.
Mesophotonics (www.mesophotonics.com)
Klarite substrates for Surfaced Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy reportedly feature high Raman signal enhancement and are compatible with standard Raman spectrometers. The substrates feature a systematically designed nanometer scale patterning of the Gold surface. Typical applications include forensics, trace analysis, medical diagnosis, homeland security, drug development, and chemical and biological detection.
Newport (www.newport.com)
The line of Oriel light sources consists of systems that cover the range from the UV to the IR, pulsed or continuous, and high to low power systems. Included in this line are Oriel Class A Solar Simulators, Optical Radiation Units, and Oriel Apex Monochromator Illluminators.
Ocean Optics (www.oceanoptics.com)
The HG-1 is a low-power, drift-free mercury argon source designed to allow users to perform rapid wavelength calibrations of diode-array spectrophotometers and post-dispersive monochromators. The handheld source reportedly produces fixed, low-pressure mercury and argon atomic emission lines in the 253â1700 nm range, and connects to any fiber-based instrument via an SMA 905-terminated optical fiber.
- The HR2000+ spectrometer reportedly generates as many as 1000 full spectral scans per second and is designed to achieve optical resolution to 0.035 nm (FWHM). Intended for chemical, biological, and other applications in which reactions need to be monitored and spectral features need to be resolved, the spectrometer integrates a 2-MHz A/D converter, programmable electronics, a 2048-element CCD-array detector, and a USB 2.0 port into an optical bench. Features include an onboard programmable microcontroller that provides flexibility in controlling the spectrometer and accessories.
- The QE65000 spectrometer, a combination of detector, optical bench, and electronics technologies, is designed for low-light level applications, such as fluorescence, DNA sequencing, astronomy, and Raman spectroscopy. Features include a Hamamatsu back-thinned detector with a 2-D arrangement of pixels (1044 horizontal à 64 vertical) that is reportedly responsive from 200 to 1100 nm; an onboard TE-cooler that allows the detector to be cooled to -10 °C; and an onboard module with 10 user-programmable digital I/O lines for interfacing to other equipment.
- The Raman Systems R-3000 is a fully integrated Raman analyzer designed for real-time qualitative and quantitative spectral analyses of aqueous solutions, powders, tablets, gels, and surface media from ~200 to 2700 cm-1. Typical applications include pharmaceutical monitoring and quality control, chemical and petrochemical processes and quality control, drug and explosives detection, and water-quality analysis. Features include a choice of either a 785- or 532-nm solid-state laser; a fiber-optic probe with accessory "caps" for calibration and focusing; and a software-controlled laser shutter.
PerkinElmer (www.perkinelmer.com)
The Spectrum Spotlight 200 FT-IR spectroscopy system's detector design reportedly provides a high signal-to-noise ratio as well as significant sensitivity, spatial resolution, and spectral range. The system also features the company's fully integrated Spotlight software, which reportedly eliminates manual adjustments.
- The LAMBDA 650/850/950 spectrophotometers for molecular analysis are designed for UV-Vis and NIR spectroscopy. The series combines flexible sampling modules, large dual sample compartments, and the company's UV WinLab software to accommodate a variety of UV-Vis and NIR measurements. Applications include the characterization of coatings on optical components.
Pike Technologies (www.piketech.com)
Micro Compression Cells for FT-IR analyses feature screw-cap compression of samples mounted between IR transparent windows for holding samples for transmission analysis with an FT-IR microscope.
- PIKECalc is spectroscopy software that provides computation of wavelength conversion, ATR depth of penetration, critical angle, film thickness, and other spectroscopic calculations. A standalone package, PIKECalc features user input of spectral or numerical values, and therefore, is useful in calculating FT-IR spectra.
- TempPRO software for FT-IR spectroscopy is designed to be a user-friendly graphical interface for setting and controlling temperature-based FT-IR experiments, and is compatible with all of the company's temperature-controlled products, such as the DiffusIR.
- The μMAX is a sample compartment IR microscope for FT-IR spectroscopy that performs transmission, reflection, and ATR analyses. Features include a short optical path and gold-coated optics, which reportedly provide high throughput and enable microsampling of larger samples.
Polychromix (www.polychromix.com)
The Near Infrared Digital Transform Spectrometer (DTS) product family offers an alternative to conventional spectroscopy methods, using a MEMS spatial light modulator in a portable form factor, featuring a single InGaAs detector and no moving parts. The devices also feature low power consumption, utilizing a standard USB connection for both communications and power interfaces. The DTS product family can be configured to operate in various scanning modes, including a monochromator mode, NDIR mode, chemometric mode, and digital transform mode.
Princeton Instruments/Acton Research (www.piacton.com)
The InSight Spectroscopy System is an f/3.9 imaging spectrograph integrated with a digital CCD that is packaged as a prealigned, complete system. The instrument includes an internal shutter, a manually adjustable bilateral entrance slit, and a kinematic dual grating, interchangeable turret, and is compatible with both SpectraSense and WinSpec application software packages.
- The MicroSpec series of imaging spectrometers is designed to provide variability of spectral range and resolution, enabling unrestricted spectral studies of biological and materials science samples. Featuring an optical design that is based on the optical throughput of modern wide-field microscopes, MicroSpec incorporates a fully reflective design that reportedly eliminates the varying effects of chromatic aberrations in transmissive systems.
- The Trivista triple Raman spectrometer is designed to solve applications that require high resolution, very high stray light reduction, flexibility, and a wide spectral working range. Features include an optimal working range of 250â1050 nm, additive or subtractive operation at keyboard command, and extreme stray light rejection that reportedly allows Raman spectra down to 5 cm-1 from the laser's Rayleigh line.
Renishaw (www.renishaw.com)
The company's Raman microscope with additional confocal laser scanning microscopy capabilities, the confocal laser scanning (CLS) microscope, is coupled to the Raman microscope using the company's RP10 fiber-optic probe, which enables Raman spectra to be collected from the same sample position as the confocal laser scanning data.
Shimadzu (www.shimadzu.com)
The SolidSpec-3700 series of UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometers are designed to offer deep UV measurement to 165 nm. Three detectors reportedly ensure ultrahigh sensitivity and significantly reduce noise, while large sample compartments enable easy measurements without sample destruction. A variety of sampling accessories are available, including the Automatic X-Y Stage that permits automatic measurements.
Sigma-Aldrich (www.sigmaaldrich.com)
The Aldrich Spectral Viewer electronic books contain 44,200 high-resolution FTIR, ATR-IR, and 300 MHz 1H and 75 MHz 13C FT-NMR reference spectra with chemical structures and physical data. Features include data field and text searching, spectra processing, printing or exporting data, and a link to the Sigma-Aldrich Web site. The newest instructional version contains more than 500 compounds from a variety of chemical functional groups.
Smiths Detection (www.smithsdetection.com)
The ChemID miniaturized FT-IR spectrometer is designed to allow scientists and engineers to instantly access chemical progress, optimize chemical reactions, and rapidly identify and recognize polymorphs. Capable of being operated in a fume hood, the spectrometer can analyze samples with any solvent, including caustic and corrosive materials, and uses a diamond attenuated total reflection sampling interface, which reportedly provides a rugged and versatile interface.
- The IlluminatIR II is an FT-IR microscope accessory designed to provide instant molecular identification, and to preserve all of the microscope's original capabilities. Capable of being combined with Raman microscopy the IlluminatIR II system is the half the size of its original footprint, and when compared with its predecessor, reportedly decreases the pathlength by 30% and provides a higher signal-to-noise ratio.
StellarNet (www.stellarnet-inc.com)
StellarNet offers miniature high-resolution fiber optic spectrometers for NIR ranges covering 0.9â1.7 µm and 1.5â2.2 μm. The instruments are portable, with no moving optical parts. InGaAs detectors are photodiode arrays with 512 or 1024 elements and are TEC cooled. Each pixel is 25-μm wide and 500-μm tall for high sensitivity. A 2.5-MHz digitizer acquires NIR spectra in 1 ms.
Symbion Systems (www.gosymbion.com)
Symbion RX, standardized PAT software, is designed to operate most spectrometers and other process analytical instruments while also providing the capabilities required for on-line analysis. Based on the company's Symbion-DX process analytical software suite, Symbion-RX features standardized control and networking of multiple instruments and sample systems, transparent interfacing to data historians and other systems, and real-time trending of predictions and other process variables.
Thermo Electron (www.thermo.com)
The Nicolet 380 routine-analysis FT-IR spectrometer is used for identifying, quantifying, and verifying samples. Primarily designed for QAâQC labs within the pharmaceutical, chemical, and polymeric industries, the instrument provides complete system integration, plug-and-play sampling, and computer-based guidance.
Ultrasonic Scientific (www.ultrasonic-scientific.com)
The high-resolution ultrasonic spectroscopy (HR-US) Colloid Stability Analyzer is designed for the analysis of emulsions and suspensions at pressures as high as 10 bar, and is intended to be used by R&D and process scientists, as well as QA/QC analysts in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage, cosmetics, and personal care industries. Features include the ability to perform small sample size, nondestructive, and opaque material analyses, and data processing algorithms.
- The HR-US Pressurizing System can be used in a wide range of industries, including biotech, pharmaceutical, food, chemical, petrochemical, and polymer. The system is designed for analyzing samples at pressures above 1 atm, and also can analyze liquids with low boiling points, making it possible to monitor microstructural and molecular transformations during high-temperature sterilization of food systems.
Varian (www.varianinc.com)
The Varian NMR system is available in field strengths of 300â900 MHz and is designed for a variety of applications, including protein structure, function and dynamics, small molecule structure elucidation, and mixture analysis studies. Aimed at large and small molecule research labs in the pharmaceutical, industrial, and academic industries, the NMR system features DirectDrive architecture, which allows users to add modules as their analytical needs change.
- The Cary 50 microplate reader accessory is to be used with the company's Cary 50 UVâVis spectrophotometer and is designed to reduce analysis cost and the volume of required samples. Reportedly able to perform wavelength scans throughout the 190â1100 nm range in as many as 384 samples in microliter volumes, the accessory features temperature control, which allows measurements to be taken at precise physiological temperatures. Typical applications include pharmaceutical R&D, academic research, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays.
Wilks Enterprise (www.wilksir.com)
The InfraSpec VFA-IR spectrometer utilizes a detector array with a linear variable filter. The unit measures 5 Ã 5 Ã 1.5 in. and has no moving parts, no optical path through air, and weighs less than 5 lb. The InfraSpec VFA-IR will supplement FT-IR capability in plant or field locations where it is not feasible or economical to use FTIR instruments. The instrument consists of an ATR sample plate with an elongated, pulsable source mounted close to one end and a linear variable filter attached to a detector array mounted close to the other end. The detector array has 64 elements giving an approximate 12-wavenumber resolution in the mid-IR.
WITec (www.witec.de)
The CRM 200 Raman imaging system is designed to provide the highest optical resolution and high-speed spectra acquisition. According to the company, the acquisition time for a single Raman spectrum is significantly less than 100 ms, resulting in images consisting of tens of thousands of spectra. Features include a modular design with upgrade possibilities to atomic force microscopy and scanning near-field optical microscopy, and software with on-line data evaluation capabilities. Typical applications include materials science, semiconductors, and polymer research.
Advanced Chemistry Development
As part of the ACD/SpecManager portfolio of products, a flexible hierarchy system for spectral and chromatographic data is designed to make it possible to link together a series of NMR, mass, and IR spectra, with individual chromatographic peaks from a reference chromatographic trace.
Analytical Products Group (www.APGQA.com)
The Advantage Reporting Tool for the Proficiency Testing industry reportedly enables labs to track, trend, and improve the quality and defensibility of their analytical data. Features include tabular and graphical representations of proficiency testing results.
- The Advantage Training Verification Tool provides labs with training samples customized to their standard operating procedures. Features include an interactive, online reporting system that allows users to monitor and document the demonstration of NELAC performance training requirements.
ASPEX LLC (www.aspexllc.com)
The automated particle analysis systems suite consists of three different systems:
Eksigent Technologies (www.eksigent.com)
NanoLC Control software v. 2.06 integrates with Thermo Electron's Xcalibur and Applied Biosystem/MDS SCIEX's Analyst 1.4.1 mass spectrometer platforms. The new software drivers allow users to operate the NanoLC-1D or NanoLC-2D and the mass spectrometers as one integrated system. Features include system diagnostics, integrated two-dimensional separations, peak park triggering, and a variety of sample injection methods.
Fiber Tech Optica ( www.fibertech-optica.com)
Flexible fused silica capillaries feature smooth inner surfaces, polyimide coatings for high temperatures and harsh chemicals, high tensile strength, are available in UV and NIR optical qualities, and are pressure resistant. Applications include electrophoresis, X-ray optics, fiber-optic components, fiber coupling, and chromatography.
- Fiber-optic assemblies can be designed in a variety of ways, including patchcords, ruggerized, cables, bundles, and probes. Available constructions are single, bifurcated, trifurcated, and multilegged.
Glass Expansion ( www.geicp.com)
The new in-line internal standard kit consists of the following components:
Labtronics Inc. ( www.labtronics.com)
Nexxis qELN is an electronic laboratory notebook is designed to meet QA/QC requirements by allowing users to convert their paper worksheets into electronic forms, and to control the scheduling, completion, and approval of each worksheet.
- The LIMSLinkCDS solution provides a bidirectional interface between any LIMS and any CDS, and reportedly allows interfaces to be embedded directly into your CDS.
Melles Griot (www.mellesgriot.com
Solid-state lasers with outputs in violet (405-442 nm), blue (473 nm), green (532 nm), yellow (561 nm), and red (633-670 nm) for use in spectroscopy, microscopy, fluorescence-based measurement, velocimetry, and particle characterization. Violet diode lasers have power stability better than ±2% and pointing stability <10 μrad/°C, with 1-mm and 3-mm circular beams.
Mettler Toledo (www.mt.com/autochem)
VirtualLab 3.0 is a software platform designed to provide chemical development departments with the ability to integrate entire departmental workflows from bench-top experimentation to fully automated data intensive experimentation. The software reportedly allows for ease of parallel experimentation and integration of both process and analytical information.
Millipore (www.millipore.com)
SmartPak disposable reverse osmosis-deionization (RODI) cartridges are to be used with the company's Direct-Q 3 and RiOs-DI 3 UV systems. The all-in-one cartridges are designed for small environmental, chemical, and food and beverage labs due to their volume requirements and purified water needs.
- The ImmobilonâFL is a blotting membrane designed for fluorescence applications. The background fluorescence for the polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) microporous membrane is reportedly nearly 10 times lower than other PVDF membranes, and two to five times lower than nitrocellulose membranes. Featuring a 0.45-μm pore size, the membrane is compatible with standard blocking agents and buffers, as well as commonly used fluorescent probes.
Newport (www.newport.com)
The Model 841-PE hand-held optical power and energy meter features a Microsoft Windows CE⢠interface, full statistical functions, readout in W, dBm, or %, and the capability to be networked via USB and RS-232 interfaces.
Retsch (www.retsch-us.com)
The Planetary Ball Mill PM 100 accepts one grinding jar with a volume of 12-500 mL and is available in six different materials. The mill reaches reported speeds of as high as 650 rpm, samples can be ground on a continuous basis to the micrometer stage and below, and features the "eyesafe" clamp, an operation display for parameter setting and control with additional information on drive work load, energy input, and service issues. Additional features include a memory for 10 parameter combinations.
Ricca Chemical Company (www.spectropure.com)
The SpectroPure line of environmental standards and test solutions consists of spectroscopy standards, solutions, reagent chemicals, and NIST traceable secondary reference standards.
SCP SCIENCE (www.scpscience.com)
The DigiPREP HT high temperature digestion system integrates a heating system, which reportedly reaches temperatures as high as 450 °C, and a built-in reflux zone designed for faster digestion. The coated graphite block and PTFE exhaust manifold system are designed to provide corrosion and acid resistance. DigiPREP HT is available in two models: a 40-tube (100-mL) or 20-tube (250-mL) system, and operates with a keypad or a touch-screen controller.
SPEX CertiPrep (www.spexcsp.com)
Custom standards are based on users' concentration requirements, and are available in a variety of sizes for each of the company's products. Standards are made for AA, ICP, ICP-MS, IC, GC, GC-MS, and HPLC. Oil standards and quality control and proficiency standards also are available.
- Acid stills are available in PTFE or quartz. The PTFE stills handle all common acids, except sulfuric acid, can produce as much as 50 mL/h, and use standard 250-W IR lamps. The quartz stills have two radiant IR heaters, handle all common acids, except hydrofluoric acid, and can produce as much as 200 mL/h.
- The company's pipette washer can hold as many as 23 Class A volumetric pipettes at a time. Rows of conical shaped plastic pipette holders are connected to a water line and its own on-off valve. The water line also can be connected to a vacuum line for drying the pipettes; air is pulled in through the pipette tips until the insides are completely dry. Pumps and basins are available for labs without access to a water or vacuum line.
VHG Labs (www.vhglabs.com
The V23 series of metallo-organic reference standards for spectrochemical analyses with ICP and rotating disk spectroscopy is available in 10, 30, 50, 100, 500, and 900 µg/mL concentrations.
Evaluation and Development Trends of Optical Detection Technology for Seed Vigor
In this article, the basic principles, advantages, and limitations of different optical techniques for obtaining seed vigor estimates are introduced and reviewed, and the key technology of non-destructive optical detection of single seeds will be discussed.
The Fundamental Role of Advanced Hyphenated Techniques in Lithium-Ion Battery Research
December 4th 2024Spectroscopy spoke with Uwe Karst, a full professor at the University of Münster in the Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, to discuss his research on hyphenated analytical techniques in battery research.