Product Resources



Volume 24
Issue 7

Product Resources

Spectroscopy software

Software from Analyze IQ Ltd. is designed for accurate analysis of spectroscopic data, in particular for analyzing mixtures of materials. The company's Lab software provides chemometric analysis techniques and methods based upon data mining and machine learning. Spectra Manager is spectral database and data management software. Predictor reportedly allows the analytical models developed in Lab to be embedded in third-party products for applications such as real-time monitoring of a manufacturing line. Analyze IQ Ltd., Galway, Ireland;

Handheld Raman analyzer

BaySpec's SafeInspec-0 handheld Raman analyzer can be used to identify commonplace and rare chemicals through glass, plastic, and other transparent and translucent materials. The battery-operated analyzer measures 100 mm × 190 mm × 54 mm and weighs 2 lb. The instrument features no moving parts, volume phase gratings, a narrowband fiber laser, and a tablet PC interface. According to the company, it also has a Bluetooth interface for output to a Smart Phone or PC. BaySpec, Inc., Fremont, CA;

Laboratory mill

The model 2010 Geno/Grinder laboratory mill is designed for plant and tissue homogenization and cell lysing. According to the company, the mill is capable of processing as many as four deep-well titer plates and sample vials with volumes ranging from 0.6 mL to 50 mL using one assembly. Applications include preparation of tissues for extractions of DNA and RNA, proteins, and volatile organics such as pesticides using the QuEChERS method. Sample materials include seeds, stems, roots, leaves, fruits, vegetables, and animal tissues. The instrument reportedly can be used at both room temperature and, with the addition of Kryo-Tech accessories, at cryogenic temperatures. SPEX SamplePrep LLC, Metuchen, NJ;

Longpass filters

Edmund Optics' TECHSPEC high-performance longpass filters reportedly feature high transmission in the pass band and blocking in the rejection band. According to the company, the filters have a rejection band optical density of 4.0 combined with greater than or equal to 91% in the pass band. Edmund Optics, Barrington, NJ;

Optical fibers

Optical fibers available from Fiberguide include Low OH (visible to IR) and standard OH (UV to visible) hard clad, hard-coated silica/silica, plastic-clad silica, and plastic-coated silica. Other fibers include specialty graded index and step index optical fibers with buffers of polyimide, Tefzel, nylon, acrylate, and gold. Fiberguide Industries, Stirling, NJ;

MALDI mass spectrometer

The AXIMA Resonance MALDI quadrupole ion-trap time-of-flight mass spectrometer from Shimadzu Scientific Instruments is designed for the structural characterization and sequencing of biomolecules. According to the company, the instrument provides MS-MS and MSn spectra for analytes such as pharmaceutical compounds, peptides, glycans, lipids, and polymers. It can also be used for the analysis of MALDI-compatible samples in positive or negative ion modes. Software is included for manual and automated operation. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD;

ICP-MS reference materials

SPEX CertiPrep's Claritas reference materials for ICP-MS include single-element and multielement standards. The standard solutions reportedly are tested under an ISO 9001:2000 quality assurance program and comply with ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and ISO/IEC Guide 34-2000. The standards are supplied with a certificate that reports actual measured values in the final solution of the major analytes and as many as 68 trace element impurities. SPEX CertiPrep, Inc., Metuchen, NJ;

Spectrophotometer calibration standards

Hellma calibration standards are designed for instrument calibration according to national and international standards. The liquid filters are made with high-purity calibration solutions sealed in Suprasil quartz cells with a 10-mm light path. They are available both as individual standards and in sets. The standards are supplied with a certificate of calibration, and recalibration reportedly is available on request. According to the company, the standards are traceable to NIST primary standards. Hellma USA, Inc., Plainview, NY;

ICP accessory

The Niagara PLUS rinse accessory from Glass Expansion is designed to double the productivity of an ICP-OES or ICP-MS instrument. The accessory includes a switching valve and flow injection with a fast-draw positive displacement pump. The accessory reportedly reduces sample contact with consumables. Glass Expansion Inc., Pocasset, MA;

Silicon drift detectors

The XR-100SDD and X-123 SDD silicon drift detectors from Amptek are designed for X-ray fluorescence applications ranging from OEM handheld instruments to bench-top analyzers. According to the company, the silicon drift detectors enable extremely high count rate applications and require no liquid nitrogen. The detectors reportedly are housed inside the same TO-8 package as the company's other detectors. Amptek, Inc., Bedford, MA;

EDXRF spectrometer

The MiniPal 4 Pharma energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer from PANalytical is designed for analyzing solids, powders, and liquids with minimal sample preparation. It can be used for applications such as pharmaceutical active ingredients, excipients, and general use materials. Other applications include elemental analysis for the detection of residual catalyst and residue from the manufacturing process. PANalytical, Westborough, MA;

Spectrophotometer sample compartment

A large-sample compartment from Hitachi is available for the company's model U-3900 and U-3900H research-grade UV–vis spectrophotometers. The sample compartment accessory adds the capability for the reflectance and transmission measurement of solid samples. The unit reportedly is stackable on top of the spectrophotometer system and can be used with specular reflectance accessories. According to the company, the compartment accommodates samples as large as 120 mm in diameter for transmission and 50 mm in diameter for reflectance. Hitachi High Technologies America, Inc., San Jose, CA;

Temperature controller

The PTC Series temperature controller from Wavelength Electronics reportedly is a compact chassis mount package that can be paralleled to drive up to 20 A current. The temperature controller is designed to operate with the company's PLC Series laser diode drivers. According to the company, the controller provides user-configurable setpoint, a TTL-compatible remote disable, adjustable proportional gain, and PI control with large load/thermal delay circuitry. Wavelength Electronics, Bozeman, MT;

XRF inorganic elemental analyzer

EDAX's Orbis micro-XRF inorganic elemental analyzer is designed to perform nondestructive measurements that require minimal sample preparation and provide improved sensitivity over SEM and EDS methods. The analyzer includes a motorized turret for coaxial sample view and X-ray analysis. Primary beam filters can be used with X-ray optics for micrometer to millimeter spot elemental analyses. Applications include forensics, materials analysis, failure analysis, and elemental imaging. EDAX Inc., Mahwah, NJ;

Spectroscopy modeling software

Photon Engineering's FRED Optimum software is designed for modeling all types of spectroscopic systems. The 3D CAD optical engineering software can simulate the propagation of light through any optical–illumination system modeling source radiative phenomena and arbitrary optomechanical geometry with algorithms to model fluorescence, polarization, interference, scatter, diffraction, transmission, reflection, and absorption at any surface. Photon Engineering, LLC, Tucson, AZ;

Hermetic feedthrough

Insulator Seal's hermetic, vacuum-compatible, 2.0 USB feedthrough has an operating temperature of 160 °C and a bakeout temperature of 200 °C. A vacuum-compatible 39-in. USB cable made with Kapton wire is available that has a USB plug on one end and is unterminated on the other. Insulator Seal, Sarasota, FL;

Mercury analyzer

The Hydra IIAA automated mercury analyzer from Teledyne Leeman Labs is designed to provide 1 ppt detection limits and fast sample throughput. The instrument includes a 270-position autosampler. According to the company, the instrument's software automates the analytical process from method development to final report generation. The analyzer reportedly can be upgraded to perform direct solids analysis. Teledyne Leeman Labs, Hudson, NH;

ATR accessory

The GladiATR Vision attenuated total reflection device is designed to couple small-area infrared analysis with simultaneous viewing. According to the company, the device's diamond crystal enables analysis of thick or nontransparent samples. The accessory reportedly is compatible with most FT-IR spectrometers. Pike Technologies, Madison, WI;

Raman software

Thermo Fisher Scientific's OMNIC Specta software is designed for Raman applications. The software features multicomponent searching capability, a contaminant identification capability, and an interface that reportedly enables analysts to visualize the workflow on one screen, including data collection, processing, and final report. According to the company, the software automatically indexes all spectral information on a user's system. Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA;


The PDF-4+ 2009 database from International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD) features 291,440 data sets for inorganic materials, including digitized patterns, molecular graphics, atomic parameters, and software to supplement conventional analyses. The database includes data simulation programs that enable the use of neutron, electron, or synchrotron data in addition to X-ray data. Other features include electron diffraction simulation for space group conditions and intensities and an interactive panel that can change instrumental parameters and recalculate a pattern. According to the company, the database is available on a CD, a DVD, or via the Internet using WebPDF-4+ as a USB-compatible dongle. ICCD, Newtown Square, PA;

Sieve shaker

The AS 450 three-dimensional sieve shaker from Retsch can hold test sieves as large as 450 mm in diameter and can be used for dry and wet sieving. The sieve shaker includes an electromagnetic drive and operates at an amplitude of up to 2.2 mm. Users reportedly can set the amplitude, interval, and time of the sieving process. According to the company, mesh sizes are available as large as 125 mm and as small as 25 μm. The sieve shaker can hold up to 20 kg. The instrument includes a serial interface for automated evaluation using a PC and the company's EasySieve software. Retsch, Inc., Newtown, PA;

Thin-film measurement tool

HORIBA's Auto SE thin-film measurement tool allows automatic analysis of thin films at the push of a button. According to the company, analysis requires a few seconds and the instrument provides a report of film thicknesses, optical constants, surface roughness, and nonhomogeneities. Features include an automatic XYZ stage, confocal imaging of the measurement site, and automatic selection of spot sizes. HORIBA Scientific, Edison, NJ;

Holographic polarizer

Specac's holographic polarizers are available on barium fluoride, calcium fluoride, KRS-5, and zinc selenide substrates and are manufactured at 2500 lines/mm. The polarizers are available in standard sizes of 25 mm or 50 mm diameter. Applications include the polarization of radiation for unpolarized sources, attenuation of radiation from polarized sources, infrared spectroscopy of materials, and NIR and mid-IR thermal imaging. Specac, Inc., Woodstock, GA;

Neutral density filters

Circular variable neutral density filters for laser applications such as multiphoton microscopy and ultrafast spectroscopy are available from Newport Corporation. The filters include a metallic coating on a 2-mm fused-silica substrate and reportedly can be used with short pulses. The filters are available in multiple sizes and optical density variations and are designed to attenuate low energy laser light in the 200–2000 nm range. Newport Corporation, Irvine, CA;

ATR sampling accessory

The PenetrATR sampling accessory for angle-resolved attenuated total reflection (ATR) measurements from Rare Light is designed to work with all FT-IR spectrometers. The ATR accessory reportedly provides a highly collimated beam with a divergence that is controllable with the use of a spatial filter. According to the company, the accessory also includes a nanorotation stage with a millidegree of angular resolution. Rare Light, Inc., Pleasanton, CA;

LIBS instruments

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) instruments from AnaLIBS are designed for qualitative and quantitative determinations of components present in samples such as active pharmaceutical ingredients, lubricant, excipients, and contaminants. Applications include environmental analysis, pharmaceutical analysis, metallurgy, gemology, public security, mining, and petroleum exploration. The instruments can be used for validated methods in collaboration with the FDA. AnaLIBS, Boucherville, Quebec, Canada;

Fiber-optic sample compartment

Quantum Northwest's qpod sample compartment provides temperature control for fiber-optic spectroscopy. A cuvette holder in the center provides Peltier-based temperature control from –30 °C to 105 °C. The holder has magnetic stirring and a dry gas purge. Fiber-optic cables are attached to fused-silica lens systems and are inserted from the sides. Kits are available for absorbance, fluorescence, and multipurpose for both. Quantum Northwest, Inc., Shoreline, WA;

Lasers for Raman spectroscopy

CW DPSS lasers in the visible wavelengths from Cobolt are available in 355, 457, 473, 491, 515, 561, and 594 nm at up to 300 mW. The lasers' single-longitudinal mode operation reportedly provides low noise, wavelength stability, and spectral purity. They are mounted in a hermetically sealed package. Cobolt, Stockholm, Sweden;

X-ray optics and beam systems

X-ray optics and beam systems from X-Ray Optical Systems are designed for applications such as texture, stress, and phase identification and film thickness and composition measurements. The polycapillary, monocapillary, and doubly curved crystal optics reportedly enable a range of focusing and collimating lens options. Polychromatic and monochromatic beam systems are available. X-Ray Optical Systems, Inc., East Greenbush, NY;

Web site

Ocean Optics' Spectroscopy TV web site features video tutorials and tips for the company's spectrometers and accessories. According to the company, new tutorials are posted every month. The site is designed to provide users with detailed instruction on using the company's instruments. Ocean Optics, Dunedin, FL;

FT-IR microscope accessories

FT-IR microscope accessories from JASCO are designed to be interfaced with the company's FT/IR-4000 and FT/IR-6000 spectrometers. The IRT-5000 microscope features dual detector capability and multiple objectives. The IRT-7000 microscope is a multichannel instrument for IR imaging. Both microscopes feature a "Smart Mapping" function that enables mapping analyses of a limited area without the use of an automated sample stage. JASCO, Easton, MD;

1064-nm laser

The SENZA 1064-nm laser from KLASTECH is designed with multipoint thermal management and produces 2 W in a near-perfect Gaussian beam. According to the company, the laser produces a single longitudinal frequency (<1 MHz line width) with a coherence length in excess of 100 m. Applications include Raman spectroscopy and other analytical applications. KLASTECH, Dortmund, Germany;

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