Mass spectrometer
Shimadzu's LCMS-8030 triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer is designed to complement UHPLC systems, offering power and speed in the detection of target analytes. According to the company, the system features multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) transitions that enable data acquisition of as many as 500 channels/s, 15-ms polarity switching, and mass spectrum measurement speeds of 15,000 µ/s. The instrument reportedly accelerates ions out of the collision cell by forming a pseudo-potential surface, producing high-efficiency collision-induced dissociation (CID) and high-speed ion transport. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc., Columbia, MD;
Capillary inlet tubes
Photonis USA's capillary inlet tubes, manufactured with resistive glass, are designed to control the speed and direction of ions, significantly increasing their transfer efficiency. Resistive glass utilizes lead silicate, which acts as a semiconductor, reportedly creating uniform electric fields within the capillary inlet tubes. When voltage is applied, positive or negative ions are preferentially attracted to more effectively draw them into the mass spectrometer. According to the company, the resistive glass prevents collisions between the ions and the tube walls, reducing ion loss and increasing transfer efficiency. The capillary inlet tubes are available as single-channel tubes or as six-channel multicapillary arrays. Photonis USA, Sturbridge, MA;
TOF mass spectrometer
The Waters Xevo G2 time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometer is designed to identify and quantify unknown compounds in complex samples. According to the company, the bench-top mass spectrometer incorporates features from research-grade mass spectrometers. The mass spectrometer reportedly uses the company's UPLC-MSE method of data acquisition, which provides both mass precursor and fragment ion data from a single data set. Waters Corporation, Milford, MA;
The PAL-xt autosampler from CTC Analytics includes the company's XCHANGE option for automatic syringe exchange. The system is designed for adding internal standards without cross contamination, injection of small and large volumes in one sample sequence, and preventative exchange of syringes when using harmful media. The autosampler's coupling system reportedly comprises a mating mechanical piece that captures the syringe and a magnet that automatically aligns. CTC Analytics AG, Zwingen, Switzerland;
Concentration system
Fluid Management Systems' PowerVap Automated Direct to Vial Concentration system is designed to automate the manual steps in the sample evaporation and concentration process. According to the company, the compact, standalone system can be used for concentrating samples such as the by-products of pesticides, herbicides, persistent organic pollutants, polychlorinated biphenyls, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products. The system reportedly uses no water, can concentrate up to six samples simultaneously, and provides method documentation. Fluid Management Systems, Watertown, MA;
Ion-trap MS system
Agilent Technologies' 500 Ion Trap LC/MS system is designed for MS-MS analysis in chemical, food- and product-safety testing, and other industrial applications. The system reportedly offers MS, MS-MS, and MSn capabilities and has the ability to screen, identify, and confirm compounds in a single experiment. Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA;
Chromatography data system
Bruker's CompassCDS chromatography data system software is designed to provide data handling and GC instrument control functions in chromatography laboratories. The software reportedly can be configured as a stand-alone system and in a server environment to control as many as four GC systems. According to the company, the software allows users to access all pre- and postrun activities, instrument control, and status monitoring from a single screen. Bruker, Billerica, MA;
Chromatography vials
Verex chromatography vials, caps, and inserts from Phenomenex are designed to meet specifications for performance and recoveries and to exceed industry standards. The vials' borosilicate glass reportedly has the lowest ion content possible. According to the company, the vials can be supplied as kits and with mix-and-match cap choices, including crimp, snap, or screw, with septa available in preslit or nonslit formats. The vial kits reportedly are provided in dispenser packages made from recycled materials. Phenomenex, Inc., Torrance, CA;
MS system
AB Sciex's TripleTOF 5600 mass spectrometry system is designed for high-performance qualitative and quantitative analysis. According to the company, the system features SmartSpeed 100-Hz acquisition; Accelerator TOF Analyzer for high-resolution data at high speed; and EasyMass Accuracy to achieve stable ~1 ppm mass accuracy without continuous user calibration. AB Sciex, Foster City, CA;
MALDI TOF system
The AXIMA MegaTOF MS system, from Shimadzu Scientific Instruments and CovalX, is an integrated MALDI system for ultrahigh-mass applications, including protein complex characterization, therapeutic protein aggregates, antibody-antigen interactions, polymer analysis, and high mass bioimaging. The instrument reportedly features a high-performance linear MALDI TOF mass spectrometer from Shimadzu and a high-mass detection system from CovalX, which enable it to achieve nanomolar detection of macromolecules as large as 1500 kDa. The system also includes a conventional detector for low-mass (<20 kDa) samples. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc., Columbia, MD;
MS applications guide
Dionex has published an updated version of its MS Applications Guide, which offers analytical choices for separation scientists in the fields of water testing, health and safety, chemicals, and food and beverages. According to the company, the brochure features 12 new environmental and industrial appplications, including urea in ultrapure water, carbamates in water, alkylphenol ethoxylates, phenolic acids, FA and TFA, nicotine and metabolites, glyphosates, perchlorate in baby formula and milk, melamine and cyanuric acid, and ionic liquids by IC–MS and LC–MS. Dionex Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA;
MS system
PerkinElmer's Flexar SQ 300 MS system is designed to quickly indentify and quantify compounds. According to the company, the systems' ion source and molecular weight detection range are suitable for use with HPLC and UHPLC applications. The system has a mass range of 20–3000, a maximum scan rate of 10,000 µ/s, and resolution of 0.6 µ ± 0.1. The instrument's snap-in probe design reportedly allows fast interchangeability and minimizes cross-contamination. The system includes the company's Chromera CDS software for instrument control. PerkinElmer, Inc., Waltham, MA;
Microchannel plate detectors
Photonis' TruFlite microchannel plates and detector assemblies are designed for time-of-flight MS measurements. The plates' input surface reportedly reduces uncertainty in ion arrival time, or time jitter, and surface flatness is measured and controlled. According to the company, the pore size and bias angle are optimized to improve mass detection. The microchannel plates and detectors are available with 18-mm and 25-mm active areas. Photonis USA, Sturbridge, MA;
Mass spectrometer
The Waters SYNAPT G2 mass spectrometer is designed for use in biopharmaceutical, metabolite identification, metabonomics, proteomics, biomarker studies, and food and environmental applications. According to the company, the quadrupole time-of-flight system features greater than 40,000 FWHM resolution, high sensitivity, a data acquisition rate of 20 spectra/s, exact mass (1 ppm RMS) information, and a dynamic range of up to five orders of magnitude. Waters Corporation, Milford, MA;
GC–MS detector
Agilent's 5975T low thermal mass (LTM) gas chromatography–mass spectrometry detector (GC–MSD) is a transportable GC–MS system designed to deliver laboratory-quality analysis. According to the company, the detector was developed to be smaller, more rugged, and to consume less power than in-laboratory GC–MS instruments. Agilent Technologies, Inc., Santa Clara, CA;
Precleaned vials
Thermo's National Scientific Mass Spec Certified vials reportedly are low-particulate chromatography vials that are cleaned in a GMP-compliant, fully validated cleanroom environment to minimize the occurrence of any contamination. According to the company, each lot is tested for particle counts as well as LC–MS and GC–MS background. The packaging is also precleaned to ensure product integrity. National Scientific, part of Thermo Fisher Scientific,San Jose, CA;