Hitachi introduces two new versions of the U-4100 UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer: the Standard Solid Sample System and Large Solid Sample System. These new systems use PMT and InGaAs detectors, providing increased sensitivity in the range of 850–1700 nm. This results in reduced noise, making the instrument suitable for the measurement of low transmitting/reflecting anti-reflection coatings.
Hitachi introduces two new versions of the U-4100 UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer: the Standard Solid Sample System and Large Solid Sample System. These new systems use PMT and InGaAs detectors, providing increased sensitivity in the range of 850–1700 nm. This results in reduced noise, making the instrument suitable for the measurement of low transmitting/reflecting anti-reflection coatings. Hitachi High Technologies America, Schaumburg, IL;
FT-IR software
The new ChemID software from Smiths Detection is designed for use with the IdentifyIR miniaturized FT-IR analysis system. According to the company, the software allows the user to easily search library databases for sample identification, while modules within the software allow peak picking and functional group analysis of the sample. Smiths Detection Scientific, Danbury, CT;
Fourier transform Raman spectrometer
Bruker Optics' new MultiRAM is a fully automated Fourier transform Raman spectrometer for research applications in academia, industry, and government labs. According to the company, the product is ideal for the routine, nondestructive analysis of both organics and inorganics, such as nanomaterials and pharmaceutical raw products and formulations. Bruker Optics, Billerica, MA;
NIR bioprocess probe
FOSS NIRSystems offers a new probe for in-situ monitoring of mammalian cell culture growth media, with a pathlength optimized for culture media, making the design sterilizable-in-place (SIP). According to the company, the small diameter probe design is adapted for use in benchtop bioreactors and for scale up to pilot plant and manufacturing reactors. FOSS NIRSystems, Inc., Laurel, MD;
The TrayCell cuvette from Hellma reportedly uses the surface tension of 4 μL of sample to form a repeatable optical path of 1 mm ± 0.02 mm. According to the company, it is compatible with most spectrophotometers, operates at temperatures ranging from 5 °C to 50 °C, and has a wavelength range of 190–800 nm. Applications include biotechnology, drug discovery, and forensics. Hellma, Plainview, NY;
Sieve shaker
The new AS 200 from Retsch is a tap sieve shaker that offers dedicated versions for 50 Hz and for 60 Hz and covers a measuring range from 20 μm to 25 mm. According to the company, the combination of horizontal circular sieving motion with vertical tapping motion is specified in various standards for particle analysis (abrasives, cement, spices, etc.). Retsch, Inc., Newtown, PA;
Infrared microscope
The new Thermo Scientific Nicolet™ iN10 MX infrared microscope reportedly provides chemical images at very fast speeds utilizing Ultra-Fast Mapping, which maps a 1 mm × 1 mm area in four seconds. According to the company, Micro-ATR Mapping measures samples as small as 3 μm. Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA;
Reference materials catalog
Inorganic Ventures introduces its 2008–2009 catalog of stocked certified reference materials, featuring standards for ICP, ICP-MS, IC, AA, wet chemistry, and the latest EPA methods. According to the company, products are color-coded by application and indexed by both catalog number and subject. Inorganic Ventures, Lakewood, NJ;
Jordan Valley's RoHS MicroAnalyzer is designed to determine the precise level of restricted substances in components. The analyzer uses a high resolution detector, an integrated CCD camera, and an X-ray tube with variable spot size to accommodate large and small samples to measure low levels of Cd, Pb, Hg, Br, and Cr in alloys, plastics, circuit boards, resins, coatings, and packaging materials. Jordan Valley, Austin, TX;
Video microscope sampling system
The BAC151 from B&W Tek is a video microscope sampling system compatible with B&W Tek's complete line of laboratory and industrial Raman probes, featuring a color video camera for alignment and viewing of the measurement field. According to the company, the system also has two LED illuminators, coaxial or off-axis, for clear viewing of various sample materials. B&W Tek, Inc., Newark, DE;
Diamond ATR accessory
The GladiATR diamond ATR accessory from PIKE is now available with an LCD, which enables positioning the sample to desired areas for analysis of visible sample features and for easing product defect analysis. According to the company, illumination and camera image are integrated below the diamond crystal, providing the ability to visualize features from opaque as well as transparent samples. PIKE Technologies, Madison, WI;
Atomic absorption spectrometers
Thermo Fisher Scientific's iCE 3000 Series of atomic absorption spectrometers has been designed to facilitate prolonged and trouble-free operation and accommodate both flame and furnace analyses. According to the company, the instruments primarily address the analytical needs of users working in food safety as well as environmental, clinical, pharmaceutical, metals, and materials industries. Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA;
TXRF system
Bruker AXS has launched the S2 PICOFOX, a new portable ultra-sensitive benchtop TXRF System to quantify elemental concentrations from 0.1 ppb to % levels. According to the company, the product was made for the analytical laboratory and for field use, thus enabling TXRF ultra-high sensitivity elemental analysis in clinical, nutritional, environmental, and mining applications. Bruker AXS, Inc., Madison, WI;
Product catalog
Alfa Aesar's 2008–2009 catalog features over 3,000 new products, many of which are novel fine organics, including hundreds of new boronic acids, silanes and silanols, chiral diamines, fluorochemicals, and more. Other new products include nanomaterials, base metal fuel cell catalysts, fuel cell components, pure metals, alloys, analytical standards, and catalyst/ligand kits. Alfa Aesar, Ward Hill, MA;
Multimode optical fibers
Fiberguide's Superguide SPCH (high OH) and Anhydroguide APCH (low OH) are large core multimode optical fibers with N.A. of 0.39 employing a Hard Clad Silica coating and N.A. of 0.22. According to the company, this coating reportedly provides high fiber strength, reduces static fatigue in humid environments, and has high connection alignment and no fiber pistoning. Fiberguide Industries, Stirling, NJ;
Analytical software
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. has added the AnalyzeIt™ Polymer IR to its KnowItAll® Informatics System to aid researchers in the interpretation of the bands found in an infrared spectrum of polymeric compounds. According to the company, polymer researchers can use this method of spectral interpretation for identification of IR spectra of unknown polymers, classification/pattern characterization of polymers, and interpretation of polymers in conjunction with spectral database searching. Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Hercules, CA;
NIR spectral engine
BaySpec, Inc. introduces its new ultra-compact F2 SuperGamut™ NIR Spectral Engine, reportedly featuring low power consumption, no moving parts, and ruggedized performance for such applications as process automation technology (PAT), petrochemical facilities, pharmaceuticals, food processing, agricultural feed monitoring, semiconductor wafer monitoring, pulp & paper monitoring, beverage and breweries, cosmetics, counterfeit goods detection, water quality, andmedical diagnostics. BaySpec, Inc., Fremont, CA;
Product catalog
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments has completed a new full-color product catalog, "Solutions for Spectroscopy," for its line of UV-VIS, FT-IR, Fluorescence, ICP, AA, and EDX instruments and software. A brief description of each product is given, providing recipients with information on Shimadzu's full breadth of spectroscopy instruments. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD;
Surrogate standards
SPEX CertiPrep's Tinted Indicator surrogate standards enable users to verify that surrogate standards have been added. According to the company, the surrogate standards will change to an orange tint in the presence of neutral or basic solutions and a red tint for acidic solutions. SPEX CertiPrep, Metuchen, NJ;
Automated fusion machines
Katanax Electric Fluxers from SPEX SamplePrep are automated fusion machines tied to an electric furnace that reportedly meet the demands of both small and large sample preparation applications. According to the company, the fluxers come equipped with everything users need to prepare both disks and solutions for XRF, AA, and ICP. Both disk and solution units are included, and they can readily do peroxide or pyrosulfate fusions. SPEX SamplePrep LLC, Metuchen, NJ;
FT-IR system
Ahura's TruDefender FT is a handheld FT-IR system designed to identify unknown chemicals in the field. Built for first responders, the product complements Ahura Scientific's FirstDefender Raman system to maximize coverage of a broad range of unknown solids, liquids, and mixtures. Ahura Scientific, Inc., Wilmington, MA;
Silicon drift detector
The XR-100SDD Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) from Amptek reportedly enables extremely high count rate applications with high energy resolution. According to the company, the product is designed for XRF applications from OEM handheld instruments to benchtop analyzers. Amptek, Inc., Bedford, MA;
Raman microscope
Enwave introduces the new μSense series of Raman microscopes, which reportedly feature a spectral resolution of ~5.5 cm–1, spectral rage of ~100–3000 nm, and high sensitivity, and achieve spatial resolution of better than 5 μm. According to the company, the Raman unit can be detached from the microscope and used as portable instrument. Enwave Optronics, Inc., Irvine, CA;
FT-IR spectrometer
Varian, Inc. announces its new 600-IR series of FT-IR spectrometers, microscopes, and imaging solutions, comprising a range of products for both routine analyses and advanced research applications. According to the company, the new range of spectrometers and microscopes enables users to run samples faster, while maintaining high accuracy. Varian, Inc., Palo Alto, CA;
Fiber-optic sample compartment
Quantum Northwest's qpod temperature control system for fiber-optic spectroscopy features a cuvette holder in the center designed to provide precision, Peltier-based temperature control from –30 °C to +105 °C. According to the company, the cuvette holder has magnetic stirring and a dry gas purge. Quantum Northwest, Spokane, WA;
X-ray microanalysis system
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. has unveiled the Thermo Scientific NORAN System 7, an EDS X-ray microanalysis system equipped with a high throughput pulse processor, spectral imaging capability, and a sophisticated software suite. According to the company, the new system automatically analyzes both the X-ray spectrum and images during data acquisition to obtain the correct identification of the material under analysis. Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA;
Multifrequency fluorometer
The MF2 multifrequency fluorometer from Horiba Jobin Yvon is designed to apply all frequencies simultaneously to isolate the lifetime behavior of a substance instantaneously. According to the company, LEDs or laser diodes are available for the UV-NIR range, or users can switch to pockel-cell modulation of a xenon lamp. HORIBA Jobin Yvon, Edison, NJ;
Powder database
ICDD's PDF-4+ 2007 collection of inorganic powder patterns features 272,232 data sets. According to the company, the database is a tool for phase identification using physical, chemical, and crystallographic data and features electron diffraction simulations based on atomic structure and electron diffraction scattering factors on over 172,000 data sets. International Centre for Diffraction Data, Newtown Square, PA;
NIR miniprobes
Specac's Prospect fiber-optic transmission probes are designed for NIR process applications. Constructed of stainless steel and using gold/nickel bonding with sapphire windows, the probes are reportedly capable of operation at temperatures as high as 250 °C and pressures as high as 100 bar. The probes are available with pathlengths of 1, 2, and 5 mm with probe lengths of 100, 200, and 500 mm. Specac, Inc., Woodstock, GA;
XRPD system
PANalytical's new CubiX Walk-Up X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) system is designed for fully automated XRPD measurement, analysis, and reporting in a multidisciplinary environment. According to the company, the instrument provides straightforward sample handling with the sample changer located outside the radiation enclosure, a secure multiuser interface with log in, and fully automated measurement and analysis. PANalytical, Almelo, The Netherlands;
Silicon drift detector
The new Apollo XV SDD from EDAX utilizes the latest generation SDD chip technology for high performance specifications, including energy resolutions of <128eV @ Mn K and <52eV @ C K. According to the company, the new detector expands the EDAX portfolio of silicon drift detectors for all X-ray microanalysis applications. EDAX, Mahwah, NJ;
X-ray system
X-Ray Optical's X-Beam Powerflux PF integrated X-ray beam system is an air-cooled X-ray source coupled to a focusing polycapillary optic, and a high voltage power supply with controller. According to the company, the system's active source control (ASC) feature delivers stability over temperature fluctuations and at varying power settings. X-Ray Optical, East Greenbush, NY;
Ring laser
Newport Corporation's Matisse tunable CW ring laser reportedly features inherent stability to external vibration, with active photonic elements designed for high spectral resolution. The product can be configured for either Ti:sapphire or dye as the gain medium, and for spectral linewidths down to < 50 kHz. Newport Corporation, Irvine, CA;
NIR spectrometers
StellarNet's NIRX-SR spectrometers are designed for the 0.9–2.2 μm wavelength range with a 512-element InGaAs photodiode array and a USB 2.0 interface. According to the company, the optics have no moving parts for shockproof durability in a portable environment. Optional accessories include attachments for spectroradiometry, optical spectroscopy, chemical analysis, and remote sensing. StellarNet, Inc., Tampa, FL;
Regenerative amplifier
Innov-X Systems introduces the Alpha LZX portable XRF analyzer, which is designed to measure Mg, Al, Si, and over 25 other elements simultaneously in alloys, powders, ores, liquids, and other matrices. According to the company, the analyzer requires no helium gas, compressed tanks, or vacuum pumps. Innov-X Systems, Woburn, MA;
Raman microscope
HORIBA Jobin Yvon introduces the XploRA Raman microscope, designed to combine microscopy and chemical analysis. The system retains the full functionality of the user's microscope coupled with high-performance Raman spectroscopy. According to the company, the product has a minimal footprint and includes the GO! Guided Operation wizard for ease of use. HORIBA Jobin Yvon, Edison, NJ;
Mass spectrometer
The Agilent 6410B triple quadrupole (QQQ) mass spectrometer (MS) features polarity-switching scans every 500 msec, allowing complex mixtures of compounds with strong fragmentation in positive and negative ion mode to be analyzed in a single run. According to the company, the product doubles the number of multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) scans that can be performed in a given time segment and also increases the maximum number of MRMs per method to more than 10,000. Agilent Technologies, Inc., Wilmington, DE;
Fiber-delivered lasers
CVI-Melles Griot fiber-delivered solid-state lasers are excitation sources for fluorescence imaging applications. According to the company, fiber delivery facilitates system assembly and provides more system architecture options. The 85 BCF (488 nm, blue) and the 85 YCF (561 nm, yellow) series reportedly come with an integrated single-mode fiber delivery system (standard or polarization maintaining) that is shock resistant and robust. CVI Melles Griot, Carlsbad, CA;
FT-IR spectrophotometer
Shimadzu Scientific's IRAffinity-1 FT-IR spectrophotometer is designed for high-precision infrared analysis to confirm, identify, and detect foreign matter in raw materials, medical products, packages, and coatings. According to the company, the product achieves a high level of sensitivity by using a high-energy ceramic light source, temperature-controlled, high-sensitivity DLATGS detector, and high-throughput optical elements. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD;
Insulator seal
MDC Vacuum's ISI insulator seals reportedly use the latest in ceramic-to-metal sealing technology, and are able to use BeCu material for the conductors to get a full 40 amp rating for this feedthrough. According to the company, ISI offers the full line of 3, 5, and 8 pin versions. MDC Vacuum Products, Hayward, CA;
Best of the Week: Microplastic Pollution, Previewing the AAFS Conference, Next-Gen IR Sensors
February 21st 2025Top articles published this week include an interview that provides insight into how marine monitoring can improve mitigation of plastic pollution, coverage of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) conference, and an article about next-generation infrared (IR) sensors.
Can Fluorescence Spectroscopy Evaluate Soil Dissolved Organic Matter Dynamics?
February 20th 2025A new study published in Chemical Engineering Journal by researchers from Northeast Agricultural University in China reveals that biochar aging, influenced by environmental factors like UV exposure and wet-dry cycles, alters dissolved organic matter composition and affects its effectiveness in remediating cadmium-contaminated soil.
Next-Generation Infrared Sensors: Innovations in Semiconductor Materials and Applications
February 19th 2025A recent study provides an in-depth overview of the latest advancements in infrared (IR) semiconductor sensor technology, highlighting new materials, enhanced detection capabilities, and expanding applications across industrial, medical, security, and environmental fields. The research explores how quantum dots, graphene, and novel nanomaterials are revolutionizing IR detection, paving the way for more efficient and versatile sensor systems.