Additional information from the accessories section of the Pittcon Review article.
Manufacturer: Arradiance, Inc.
Product name: Nanofilm functionalized Microchannel plate (MCP) detector
Detector for use in mass spectrometry, charged particle, and photon detection.
New this year: Integration of MgO dynode
Used for: Lab operation
Measurement Mode: Transmission
Special Features: Higher Gain, Higher Lifetime
Suggested applications: Mass Spectroscopy
Primary benefits: Engineered Nanofilms allow for device performance tailoring to specific Mass Spectroscopic applications. Nanofilms provide higher gain and lifetime performance, increasing device sensitivity and reducing cost. Modification of the emission properties of the MCP pore surface shows gain improvements of as much as 50 times
Unique features: Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) allows engineer the atomic structure of the surface to be engineered and enhance secondary electron yield Application of nanofilm technology to MS enables independent optimization of MCP mechanical, resistive and emissive properties.
Manufacturer: Diafir
Product name: FS-150
Mid infrared sampling probe
New this year:High sensitivity from 2 to 12µm,High signal throughput, simple and rugged design.
Used for: Lab, process, hand-held analysis
Measurement Mode: Fiber ATR
Special Features: Connection to spectrometer through SMA905, tested against ISO 10993 part 11
Suggested applications: Biologic reaction follow up, remote bacterial detection, liquid, powder, paste measurements
Primary benefits: Remote measurement, easy sampling, multiple reflections, affordability (especially compared to diamond probes)
Unique features: biocompatible chalcogenide fiber
Manufacturer: Energetiq Technology, Inc.
Product name: EQ-99 Manager for LDLS
Smart Controller for Laser-Driven UV/Vis/NIR Light Source
New this year:Ultra-high brightness, long life, broadband UV/Vis/NIR light source enhanced with computer interface and advanced shutter control
Used for: Lab, Process analysis
Measurement Mode: UV/Vis/NIR reflection, transmission, fluorescence and absorption
Software: USB drivers included. Available as separate product
Suggested applications: UV/Vis/NIR reflection, transmission, fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy, in conjunction with high resolution monochromator or spectrometer.
Primary benefits: The EQ-99 Manager enhances the control and functionality of the LDLS, to provide higher brightness, 10X longer life and broadband UV/Vis/NIR light from 170nm -2100nm.
Manufacturer: Enhanced Spectrometry, Inc.
Product name: EnSpectr SERS substrates
Multi-layer Ag/SiO SERS substrates
New this year: EnSpectr SERS substrates enable identification of various chemical compounds in extremely low quantities (down to several molecules).
Used for: Lab analysis
Specialty accessory description: Laser excitation parameters: λ 450-550 mm, Power density: <5000 W/cm2, Enhancement factor, relative to a non-enhancing surface: >105 for neutral substances, >107 for resonant Raman analytes and substances exhibiting affinity to silver; relative standard deviation in signal: <10%, Twofold reduction of the enhancement factor at open air: 70 h after opening the package. Available as separate product, CGMP compliant, May be used in other equipment, Compatible with other manufacturers' equipment
Suggested applications: Detection of prohibited substances, research of cells and tissues, bioscience and pharmaceutical research, product authentication with spectral markers technology, everyday chemical analysis, also fundamental scientific research. Substrates can be used for identification of micro doses (from several hundred to several thousand molecules) of organic and chemical substances in applications ranging from composition analysis of biological fluids (urine, sweat, saliva etc.) and to identification of organic admixtures in air and water
Primary benefits: affordable price, high enhancement factor
Manufacturer: FITNIR Analyzers Inc.
Product name: Heated Vial Holder
Heated vial holder
New this year: The heated vial heater is an accessory for NIR spectrometers
Used for: Lab, process analysis
Measurement Mode: Transmission
Special Features: Heated vial holder, variable thermal setting, self-aligned positioning, allows for quantitative measurements of liquids. 21CFR11 compliant, cGMP compliant
Suggested applications: pulp processing industry for measurement of pulp liquor properties, oil sands industry for measurements of Si, Ca, and Mg, measurements of MeOH and turpentine in condensates, COD in brownstock filtrates, intermediate and strong BL properties measurements, Pharma process, food industry, waste water treatment, petroleum, etc.
Primary benefits: Thermostat setting for constant temperature setting or variable temperature ramps for kinetic analysis, Improves measurement accuracy and repeatability, sealed vials for safe handling of liquids and solvents
Unique features: Disposable vials
Manufacturer: Glass Expansion
Product name: Assist-CM
Syringe-driven sample injector for ICP-MS and ICP-OES applications.
New this year: A control module simplifying installation and operation. New faster valve actuator and more versatile uptake pump. Interchangeable syringe drives.
Used for: Lab analysis Accessory enhances productivity by combining flow injection technology with precision controlled syringe drives.
Special Features: Controls the delivery of both sample and internal standard or diluent with precision syringe drives, eliminates pulsations & inaccuracies of peristaltic pumps. This technology & bubble injector maximize sample throughput, minimize sample consumption and improve washout. Time-in-sample (TIS) feature minimizes the time the autosampler probe sits in the sample. A removable low volume internal standard mixing tee increases accuracy without adding time. May be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.
Suggested applications: Any ICP application.
Primary benefits: Precise delivery of the sample and IS/diluent improves accuracy and precision.
Unique features: Unattended standalone operation with almost all models of ICP-MS, ICP-OES, and autosampler. Simple self-installation and troubleshooting.
Manufacturer: Glass Expansion
Product name: ConeGuard
Thread Protector accessory for ICP-MS cones.
New this year: A new product, that can save ICP-MS cones from degrading during cleaning.
Used for: Lab analysis
Special Features: The ConeGuard Thread Protector seals the thread and protects it from corrosion during cleaning. Compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.
Suggested applications: The ConeGuard screws onto the threaded part of the cone, and O-ring seals prevent any solution from coming in contact with the thread.
Primary benefits: Protects thread from contact with any corrosive solution.
Unique features: The ConeGuard Thread Protector is the first of its kind and available for a number of different ICP-MS cones.
Manufacturer: Glass Expansion
Product name: D-Torch
Demountable Torch Accessory for ICP-MS and ICP-OES
New this year: New applications: Our popular D-Torch is now available for the Agilent ICP-MS, Agilent (Varian) Axial ICP-OES, and Perkin Elmer Optima 8X00 DV ICP-OES
Used for: Lab analysis
Special Features: D-torch offers interchangeable quartz and ceramic outer tubes and a wide selection of interchangeable injectors. May be used in other equipment; is compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.
Suggested applications: Where a quartz torch suffers from a short lifetime, e.g. high salt content and organic solvents. Particularly beneficial when low level silicon is being measured.
Primary benefits: Only the outer tube, instead of the whole torch; need be replaced when it degrades. Interchangeable injectors allow the analyst to choose the optimum injector. Select from quartz, narrow bore, wide bore or ceramic, according to the application.
Unique features: Ceramic outer tube is immune to devitrification, and withstand harsh matrices such as Hydrofluoric acid and organic solvents where quartz torches suffer from a short lifetime. Ceramic outer tube allows lower flows of argon coolant gas to be employed without damage.
Manufacturer: Glass Expansion
Product name: Niagara Plus-CM
Sample introduction accessory for ICP mass and optical spectrometers.
New this year: A control module simplifies both installation and operation. New faster valve actuator and more versatile uptake pump.
Used for: Lab analysis
Description: This accessory is an enhanced productivity accessory based on flow injection technology; consisting of a custom switching valve, positive displacement pump, and control module.
Special Features: Combines valve, pump, and control module with flow injection technology. Bubble injector reduces sample consumption and improves washout. May be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment
Suggested applications: Any ICP-OES or ICP-MS application
Primary benefits: Handles complex samples, provides low sample consumption, fast sample cycle time & minimum carryover.
Unique features: Unattended stand-alone operation with almost all models of ICP-MS, ICP-OES, and autosampler. Simple self-installation and troubleshooting. Time-in-sample feature minimizes the time the autosampler probe sits in the sample, removable low volume internal standard mixing tee increases accuracy.
Manufacturer: Glass Expansion
Product name: PCC
Spray Chamber: Sample introduction component for Agilent 7700 and 7500 ICP-MS models
New this year: Peltier cooled cyclonic spray chamber based on the design of the IsoMist
Used for: Lab analysis
Special Features: Couples directly to the electronics and water cooling of the Agilent 7500 and 7700 ICP-MS.
Suggested applications: ICP-MS applications where a fixed temperature of 2°C or 5°C is required.
Primary benefits: Peltier cooled cyclonic spray chamber provides faster washout and increased sample throughput compared to the standard Scott style spray chamber.
Unique features: Interchangeable glass, quartz and PFA cyclonic spray chambers; with a module that uses the standard water cooling from the Agilent ICP-MS. Temperature is controlled from the Agilent ICP-MS software and electronics. Also supplied with a convenient mounting bracket designed for either the Agilent 7500 or 7700 ICP-MS.
Manufacturer: Harrick Scientific Products, Inc.
Product name: ConcentratIR 2
FTIR Spectroscopic Accessory for Multiple Reflection ATR.
New this year: A miniaturized multiple reflection ATR accessory compatible with the smallest current FTIR spectrometers.
Used for: Lab applications
Measurement Mode: ATR
Specialty accessory description: Very small multiple reflection ATR accessory for FTIR spectrometers and is able to analyze very small amounts of sample.
Special Features: Allows analysis of liquid samples down to 10 microliters in size.
Available as separate product, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.
Suggested applications: Proteomics, forensics, archaeological chemistry, pesticide analysis.
Primary benefit(s) Allows measurement of smallest samples
Unique features: Silicon and diamond versions available. Gain in sensitivity is up to 17 times that of single reflection ATR.
Manufacturer: High Tech Photonics
Product name: MID Infrared Fiber optic ATR Probes
MID Infrared Fiber optic ATR Probes
New this year: High performance Mid Infrared Fiber optics Probes Compatible with most FTIR Instruments
Used for: Lab, process, applications
Measurement Mode: ATR
Special Features: Fiber Optic
Available as separate product, may be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment
Suggested applications: Chemical Process control
Primary benefits: robust, high throughput
Manufacturer: International Crystal Laboratories
Product name: Venus II
Long Path Gas Cells
Used for: Lab, process analysis
Measurement Mode: Transmission
Special Features: New small accessory with high path-to-volume configuration
Good optical throughput, Small transfer optic box can be base plate mounted or cell holder slide type, Small footprint and new configurations for new mini-FTIR's like the Bruker Alpha and the Thermo IS5. Available as separate product, May be used in other equipment, Compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.
Unique features: Heavy-walled lab glass cell body with o-ring seal, providing vacuum/pressure operation, large diameter fittings provide good sample flow, reliable, easytoreplace optical cylinder, Low cost / high performance accessory excellent fits new mini FTIRs like Bruker Alpha and Thermo IS5
Manufacturer: International Crystal Laboratories
Product name: Shortpath gas cells
Gas Cell
New this year: Vacuum- and pressure-safe construction for operation at vacuums higher than 10-4 torr and pressures above 100 p.s.i.; more available pathlengths from 2 cm to 15 cm; more mounting/configuration options; small footprint and new configurations for mini-FTIR instruments like the Bruker Alha and the Thermo IS5
Used for: Lab, process analysis
Measurement Mode: Transmission
Description: ICL's new high vacuum gas cells are uniquely suited for gas analysis at short path lengths. Gemini Mercury series gas cells are constructed of electro-polished 316ss with welded VCR connections, vacuum tight to 1x10 -8 Torr. Cells leak test to 2x10-10 cc std sec. Can be configured with base plates, heaters, any IR window material and insulating purge connections. 1cm to 5cm cells fit standard spectrophotometer slide mounts.
Special Features: High vacuum rating, corrosion resistance, compact size fits mini spectrophotometers. Available as separate product. May be used in other equipment. Compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.
Suggested applications: Specialty gases
IONICON Analytik GmbH
Product name: Liquid Calibration Unit (LCU)
Trace Gas Calibration System
New this year: The Liquid Calibration Unit (LCU) evaporates volatile as well as semivolatile aqueous standards into a gas stream, in concentration ranges from pptv to percent.
Used for: Lab, process, handheld/portable
Dimensions: 35 x 35 x 15 cm, 10 kg
Compatible with other manufacturers' equipment
Suggested applications: Calibration of trace gas analysis systems, food and flavor, biotechnology, breath-gas analysis, environmental research, and petrochemical analysis.
Primary benefit(s) to the spectroscopist: Highly versatile gas calibration using liquid and gaseous standards.
Manufacturer: Leister/Axetris AG
Product name: MFx2000 series of Mass Flow Controllers
MEMs-based Thermal Mass Flow products for Mass Spectroscopy OEMs
New this year: the 1000:1 turn down ratio and our low flow (< 1 sccm) control MFC.
Special Features: Designed specifically for Analytical Instrument manufacturers. Very short response time that allows the control of gas flows with perfect precision, high turndown ratio with one calibration curve.
Used for: Lab, process analysis
May be used in other equipment, are compatible with other manufacturers' equipment
Suggested applications: Mass spectroscopy and sample preparation for other types of spectroscopic instruments.
Primary benefits: increase measurement sensitivity from our fast response time (4 ms for meter & settling time 150 ms for controller), low pressure drop, long term stability, integration features: low power consumption, analog and digital I/O, calibration of multiple gases in one device, multiple unit manifold assemblies
Unique features: 1,000:1 turn-down ratio, low flow control (< 1 sccm), insensitivity to temperature variation, compact design, multiple calibrations ranges per device
Manufacturer: LGC Standards
Product name: SPL-CZ02033 Product type: Cast iron certified reference materials (CRM)
New this year: Eight CRM represent the most frequent unalloyed and low alloy cast iron types.
Measurement Mode: Atomic Emission Spectrometry with spark, glow-discharge or laser excitation and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Available as a separate product.
Suggested applications: Atomic emission spectrometry with spark, glow-discharge or laser excitation and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Intended for calibration, validation and matrix-match verification of cast iron spectrometric analysis.
Primary benefits: A universal set to match the most frequently used cast iron types. Supplied in a set or individual discs 40 mm in diameter and approximately 18 mm of total height, with two certified layers extending 6 mm upwards from either working surface.
Unique features: Representing the most frequent cast iron types; unalloyed ductile iron, Ni-Cu ductile iron, vermicular iron (CGI), pig iron, malleable iron, Mn-Cr-V and Ni-Mo alloyed iron and plain grey iron.
Manufacturer: PANalytical, Inc.
Product name: ScatterX78 Accessory for XRD system
New this year: SAXS chamber accessory for the Empyrean XRD system
Used for: Lab analysis
Accessory: Stage for analyzing nanomaterials
Measurement Mode: Transmission XRD Specialty accessory description: The new ScatterX78 is an evacuated SAXS chamber
Special Features: Concurrent SAXS and WAXS measurements, 2D SAXS, Data comparable with beamline data, for small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements, 2-D SAXS data, and concurrent measurement of the wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS), weakly scattering materials compare well with beamline data.
Software: Proprietary Easy SAXS. 21CFR11 compliant, cGMP compliant.
Suggested applications: Nanomaterial research, Particle and pore size distribution and shape analysis, Porosity determination, 2D SAXS for anisotropic material analysis
Primary benefits: Allows analysis of weakly scattering materials.
Unique features: 2D SAXS capability, WAXS up to 78 degrees – largest WAXS range on a SAXS chamber that we are aware of
Manufacturer: PerkinElmer, Inc.
Product name: Titan MPS Microwave sample preparation system
New this year: A Perkin Elmer exclusive, all-new microwave sample preparation system
Used for: Lab analysis
Accessory: Microwave sample preparation system
Measurement Mode: Microwave Sample Preparation Specialty accessory description: digests a wide range of samples for inorganic analysis.
Special Features: Top-loading design, simple to use digestion vessels, Low consumables cost, Direct Temperature Control and Direct Pressure Control optical-reaction monitoring systems
Software: Proprietary software for the Titan MPS with integrated control and custom interface.
21CFR11 compliant, cGMP compliant.
Suggested applications: Environmental, industrial, pharma
Primary benefits: simple-to-use, cost-effective, backed by PerkinElmer atomic spectroscopy instrumentation and service.
Unique features: Top loading microwave oven, contact-free and connection-free temperature and pressure control, probes or sensors needed.
Manufacturer: PIKE Technologies, Inc.
Product name: JetStream ATR FTIR ATR Accessory
New this year: New ATR product in our line
Used for: Lab analysis
Measurement Mode: ATR
Description: The accessory design features a cylindrical ATR crystal encased in a heavy-duty stainless steel body. Twelve ATR reflections are made along its length. This ATR accessory is optimized to analyze "difficult" liquids in static and dynamic modes under variable ambient conditions.
Special Features: Stainless steel body & ruggedized industrial design for near-line applications. Available as separate product, may be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment
Suggested applications: FTIR characterization of oils — synthetic and organic, light pastes, and organic liquids. Quantification of additives, monitoring of reactants and final product.
Primary benefits: High sensitivity, analysis of light and heavy liquids under controlled conditions.
Unique features: Enclosed, small volume ATR chamber, with sample completely surrounding the ATR crystal.
Manufacturer: PIKE Technologies, Inc.
Product name: Heated Solid Transmission Accessory for FTIR Spectrometers FTIR Sampling Accessory
New this year: New product in our line of Transmission accessories.
Used for: Lab analysis
Measurement Mode: Transmission
Description: The Heated Solid Transmission Accessory is designed for temperatures ranging from ambient to 300 °C, contains mounts for samples from 12 mm to 30 mm in diameter and up to 3 mm thick.
Features: Compact size, selection of sample holders, universal slide-mount
Software: PIKE TempPRO. Offered with PC-based Temperature Controller. Provides ability to program simple and complex experiments like single and multiple set points, ramping and integration with FTIR software offered by spectrometer manufacturers. Available as separate product, may be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment
Suggested applications: Monitoring of structural changes of solid samples (polymers, optical components, etc.) under controlled temperature (up to 300 °C).
Primary benefits: Perform high temperature studies in the sample compartment of a spectrometer.
Unique features: Set temperature and ramping instructions, integrate with selected FTIR data collection software.
Manufacturer: PIKE Technologies, Inc.
Product name: X, Y Mid-IR Autosampler, Transmission and Reflection Automated FTIR sampling accessory
New this year: New mechanics, software, motors, electronics, and cover design.
Used for: Lab analysis
Measurement Modes: Transmission and Reflection
Description: The X, Y Autosampler can be mounted directly in the sample compartment of most FTIR spectrometers. Is compatible with the standard 96 well microplate format. Specialized plates for transmission and reflection measurements are available.
Special Features: Compact size, fully purgeable
Software: PIKE TempPRO (See description under PIKE Transmission accessory)
May be used in other equipment, is compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.
Suggested applications: High throughput analysis of liquid residues and chemical reactions, powdered samples, and automated diffuse reflection analysis.
Primary benefits: Improved sampling efficiency, automation and reduction of human error, ability to sample/map samples in shapes and configurations other than standard 96 well plate.
Unique features: Purgeability, speed, ability to interface with other FTIR software products.
Manufacturer: PIKE Technologies, Inc.
Product name: Out-of-Compartment Microplate Reader Automated UV-Vis sampling accessory
New this year: New product in our line of accessories.
Used for: Lab analysis
Measurement Mode: Transmission Description: a compact accessory designed to work with selected research UV-Vis spectrophotometers. It can connect to the spectrophotometer via fiber optic cables. The accessory offers high throughput reading for standard microplate formats.
Special Features: Out-of-compartment configuration, ability to interface with standard UV-Vis spectrophotometers
Software: PIKE TempPRO (See description under PIKE Transmission accessory)
Available as separate product, may be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment
Suggested applications: Research, drug discovery, bioassay validation, quality control and manufacturing processes in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry.
Primary benefits: Improved sampling efficiency, reduction of human error,
Unique features: Out-of-compartment configuration, ability to interface with standard UV-Vis spectrophotometers, ability to sample/map samples in shapes and configurations other than standard well plates.
Manufacturer: PIKE Technologies, Inc.
Product name: VeeMAX III Variable Angle ATR/Specular Reflection FTIR Sampling Accessory
New this year: Completely re-designed VeeMAX Variable Angle ATR/Specular Reflection Accessory
Used for: Lab analysis
Measurement Mode: ATR and Specular Reflection Description: VeeMAX III is a multi-purpose variable angle FTIR accessory available in specular reflection and/or ATR configurations. The accessory covers incidence ranges from 30 to 75 degrees. Single reflection ZnSe, ZnS, Ge, and Si crystal plates are offered for ATR applications, and all can be equipped with an optional electrochemical cell.
Special Features: The new accessory features high quality diamond-turned optics and simplified design. It is compatible with a wide range of FTIR spectrometers.
Available as separate product, May be used in other equipment, Compatible with other manufacturers' equipment
Suggested applications: Typical applications include depth profiling, analysis of monolayers and ultra-thin films, determination of polymer orientation and spectroelectrochemistry.
Primary benefits: Adjustable range of incidence angles, improved throughput, modular design allowing use of polarizers, electrochemical cell and automation.
Manufacturer: Reagecon Diagnostics Ltd
Product name: Chemical Standards
Chemical Standards
New this year: standards for conductivity, total organic carbon, pesticides, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols, volatile organic compounds
Used for: Calibrating and testing lab, process, handheld instruments Accessories Chemical Standards Compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.
Unique features: ISO 17025 accredited where applicable
Manufacturer: Remspec Corporation
Product name: Mid-IR Optical Fiber and Cables
Mid-IR Optical Fiber and Cables
New this year: Remspec is now manufacturing mid-IR optical fiber. Our chalcogenide glass fiber is available in a range of diameters and lengths from a few meters to hundreds of meters.
Measurement Mode: Power transfer (transmission) or ATR (sensing mode)
Special Features: Options include custom diameters, clad or unclad fiber, connectorized or built into custom cables. Available as separate product, may be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment
Suggested applications: IR power transfer, temperature sensing, in-situ reaction monitoring
Primary benefits: This fiber has the widest available spectral range (2 – 11 µm), is resistant to moisture, most chemicals, visible/UV light, and ionizing radiation.
Manufacturer: Retsch Inc.
Product name: Cryomill
Sample Preparation Cryogenic Ball Mill
New this year: The Cryomill was redesigned with a reinforced housing and optimized liquid nitrogen duct
Used for: Lab applications
Special Features: increased grinding frequency of up to 30Hz, optimized user interface with memory for 9 SOPs, new accessories such as the 10mL Jar and 6 vial adapter.
Available as separate product,
Suggested applications: homogenize elastic samples such as tissue and plastics, homogenizing samples with volatile components that are heat sensitive.
Primary benefit: High degree of final fineness, SOP Memory storage for saving and recalling previously used parameter settings.
Unique features: High degree of final fineness, exceptionally safe as the unit directly connects to a liquid nitrogen tank.
SPEX CertiPrep
Product name: Elemental Impurity Standards for USP <232> and ICH methods Standards for USP <232> and ICH testing methods by ICP and ICP-MS.
New this year: New Class 1 elemental impurity Certified Reference Materials: Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead and Mercury for ICP/MS analysis
Used for: Lab analysis
Measurement Mode: ICP & ICP-MS
Suggested applications: ICP/MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectrometry) for the analysis of low level impurities.
Primary benefits: standards for elemental impurities have been developed to reflect the restriction levels of the USP and ICH methods and provide the analyst the ability to monitor the elemental impurities at the restricted limits
Unique features: These standards can be used as a calibration or check standard to verify Oral Daily Dose PDE, Parenteral Component Limit or Parenteral Daily Dose PDE, within the guidelines of USP and ICH.
Manufacturer: Texas Scientific Products
Product name: Optimist Nebulizer
ICP, ICP-MS Nebulizer
New this year: Brand-new product: Optimist Nebulizer
Used for: Lab analysis
Description: Simple Non-Concentric design with unrestricted sample channel ID of 0.5mm
Special Features: analyze challenging samples: Oils, Soils, and Others with undissolved particles.
Available as separate product, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment
Suggested applications: oils, soils, and samples with undissolved particles
Primary benefits: increase production activity with the excellent resistance to clogging.
Unique features: reliable, robust, forgiving, affordable for today's laboratory budget.
Best of the Week: What You Missed from Pittcon and AAFS
March 14th 2025Top articles published this week include a video interview on the role of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy in food and bioanalysis, a recap of an important session at Pittcon, and a dynamic video that summarizes the highlights of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) Conference.
Raman Spectroscopy Aflatoxin Detection Enhances Peanut Safety
March 11th 2025A research team from Jiangsu University has developed a Raman spectroscopy-based method to detect aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in peanuts with improved accuracy and efficiency. By employing a two-step hybrid strategy integrating backward interval partial least squares (BiPLS) and variable combination population analysis (VCPA), the new model significantly enhances the precision of AFB1 detection, providing a more reliable approach for food safety monitoring.
Advancing NIR and Imaging Spectroscopy in Food and Bioanalysis
March 11th 2025Our full-length interview with Huck covers more than just NIR spectroscopy in food and bio analysis. Spectroscopy sat down with Huck to also discuss current trends going on in spectroscopy, delving into what challenges spectroscopists face today and how they can solve these concerns.