Appendix XII: X-ray



Volume 29
Issue 5

Appendix XII: X-ray

Manufacturer: Amptek Inc.

Product name: Experimenter's XRF Kit

XRF kit includes X-123 X-ray spectrometer, Mini-X X-ray tube, mounting hardware, sample enclosure, and software

New this year: The Experimenter's XRF Kit has been redesigned to included a sample enclosure eliminating the need for the user to provide shielding.

Used for: Lab applications

Measurement mode: X-ray fluorescence

Specialty accessory description: Complete XRF system: Includes X-123 complete spectrometer with SDD, Fast SDD, or Si-PIN detector, Mini-X USB controlled X-ray tube, XRF-FP quantitative analysis software, test stand with shielding and sample enclosure, stainless steel 316 (SS316) test sample. Complete documentation with step-by-step instructions.

Software: XRF-FP is a quantitative analysis software package for X-ray fluoresence (XRF), processes the raw X-ray spectra to obtain the elemental peak intensities and the the elemental concentrations or film thicknesses.

Suggested applications: X-ray fluorescence, thin-film analysis, RoHS/WEEE analysis, teaching and research, art and archaeology, process control, X-ray tube characterization.

Primary benefits: Fast, easy set-up for experimenters.

Unique features: A package designed to help a user quickly begin doing elemental analysis via XRF. Aailable with choice of Amptek SDD, Fast SDD, or Si-PIN detector. The user must supply a Windows XP SP3 or later PC with three available USB ports.

Manufacturer: Amptek Inc.

Product name: FAST SDD

Silicon drift detectors

New this year: A new high performance silicon drift detector, preamplifier, and cooler system.

Special features: Also mounted on the two-stage cooler is the preamplifier and feedback circuit. These components are kept at approximately -55 °C, and are monitored by an internal temperature sensor. The hermetic TO-8 package of the detector has a light tight, vacuum tight thin beryllium window to enable soft X-ray detection.

Used for: Lab, process, handheld/portable applications

Dimensions: As a component in an instrument the detector is in a TO-8 package in the X-123SDD X-ray spectrometer: 2.7 x 3.9 x 1in, 6.3oz

Measurement mode: XRF, EDXRF, SEM, direct spectral measurements, PIXE, TXRF

Software: Available as separate product, may be used in other equipment, compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.

Suggested applications: On-line process control, SEM scanning applications, FAST hand-held and benchtop XRF analyzers

Primary benefits: FAST SDD X-ray detectors with over 1,000,000 CPS and 125 eV resolution.

Unique features: FAST SDD X-ray detectors can also be used for EDS use with SEMs when paired with Amptek's new technology "C Series" X-ray windows (Si3N4). The low energy response of the Amptek FAST SDD extends down to carbon (C). With its high intrinsic efficiency the FAST SDD is ideal for EDS XRF.

Manufacturer: EDAX Inc.

Product name: Hikari XP

Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD)

New this year: Upgraded cameras to offer 25% increase in performance.

Used for: Lab analysis

Software: Compatible with other manufacturers' equipment

Suggested applications: Increased speed (up to 1000 patterns per second) and high precision (measuring orientations down to 0.1 degree)

Manufacturer: EDAX Inc.

Product name: Octane Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) Series for TEM

Product type: X-ray detector

New this year: Modules sized from 30 mm2 to 100 mm2, solid angles up to 1.1 steradian.

Used for: Lab analysis

Software: Compatible with other manufacturers' equipment

Suggested applications: All TEM applications

Manufacturer: EDAX Inc.

Product name: Pattern Region of Interest Analysis System (PRIAS) for EBSD

XRF software imaging package

New this year: PRIAS is a ground-breaking imaging tool

Used for: Lab applications

Suggested applications: Metals, ceramics, semiconductors, and geological samples, plastic and glass materials

Manufacturer: EDAX Inc.

Product name: TEAM

WDS analysis system

New this year: Full integration of TEAM WDS software with TEAM EDS

Used for: Lab analysis

Suggested applications: Any application where the deconvolution of peak overlaps is helpful, especially for trace element analysis.

Manufacturer: IXRF Systems

Product name: Compass

Energy-dispersive XRF spectrometer

Used for: Lab analysis

Measurement mode: X-ray fluorescence

Special features: 12 position sample wheel, automated and unattended operation; secondary target system. Include sample storage, battery and 12V power, as well as Windows 8 PC operation with GPS capability.

Suggested applications: Art and archeological, chemical, cosmetic, environmental, food applications, forensics, metal and ore, mining, soils, petroleum EDXRF, pharmaceutical applications, plastics, polymers, and rubber, powders.

Primary benefits: Lab quality analysis in the in field; portability, power of a benchtop lab system.

Unique features: Lab quality analysis in the field. Options include seven-element secondary target system, air or vacuum and Helium flush, multiple excitation spot sizes, 60 kV, 12 W X-ray tube, sample storage, battery and 12 V power, GPS capability.

Product name: Atlas

Manufacturer: IXRF Systems

Micro-XRF spectrometer

Used for: Lab analysis

Measurement mode: X-ray fluorescence

Special features: The largest chamber volume and SDD detection area (150 mm2) as well as the smallest spot size (10 µ) available on the market.

Suggested applications: Mapping, automation, art and archeological, chemical, coatings and thin film, cosmetic, environmental, food applications, forensics, metal and ore, petroleum EDXRF, pharmaceuticals, plastics, polymers, and rubber.

Unique features: Models may be operated under air or vacuum as well as helium flush for liquids and light element analysis. Additionally, the Atlas is complemented by a comprehensive software suite including multipoint analysis, unattended automation, in-depth feature/image analysis, and mapping and reporting.

Manufacturer: PANalytical, Inc.

Product name: Epsilon 1

X-ray spectrometer

New this year: Epsilon 1 is a brand new, fully integrated energy-dispersive XRF analyzer

Used for: Lab analysis

Special features: Consists of a spectrometer, built-in computer and touch screen, designed for dedicated out-of-the-box pre-calibrated application solutions with guaranteed performance. Includes built in drift correction monitor.

Software: 21CFR11 compliant, cGMP compliant

Suggested applications: Sulfur in fuels in (ASTM D4294 and ISO 20847), additives in lubricating oils (ASTM D6481), milk powder, research and education, mining

Primary benefits: Out-of-the-box performance guaranteed, low cost of ownership

Unique features: Latest SDD detector technology, drift correction routine with built in monitor, 50 kV thin window Ag anode X-ray tube, built-in temperature and air pressure sensors, pre-calibrated for applications described.

Manufacturer: PANalytical, Inc.

Product name: Epsilon 3XLE

Benchtop X-ray spectrometer

New this year: New benchtop energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer

Special features: Elemental analysis from carbon (C) to americium (Am) without an evacuated beampath, SDDUltra silicon drift enables ultra light element analysis of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen.

Software: 21CFR11 compliant, cGMP compliant

Suggested applications: Pharma (USP232/233), petro/polymer (ASTM 4294, ASTM 5839, ASTM 2617-08) cement (ISO 29581, ASTM c114), food analysis, metals, coatings, multilayers

Primary benefits: Quantify elements as low as C, better performance for light elements in general Na levels in food

Unique features: The 15-W PANalytical x-ray tube with the high current (3 mA) detector, compact design of the optical path, delivers better performance than even benchtop WDXRF systems. The SDDUltra silicon drift detector enables ultra light element analysis of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen.

Rigaku Americas

Product name: Micro-Z

ULS WDXRF ultra-low sulfur analyzer

New this year: WDXRF that measures both the sulfur peak and the back-ground intensity, giving the ability to measure and correct for changes in background intensity, resulting in enhanced real world precision.

Used for: Lab analysis

Dimensions: Analyzer: 450 x 410 x 440 mm, 36 kg

Measurement mode: WDXRF

Specialty accessories: Pump: (323 x 142 x 189 mm, 10 kg), power supply

Special features: Limit of detection (LOD) of 0.3 ppm sulfur. Fixed optics in a vacuum environment, and doubly curved RX-9 analyzing crystal, LCD display with membrane keypad and navigation. Can be powered by standard wall AC outlet.

Suggested applications: Ultra-low level sulfur analysis of diesel, petrol (gasoline) and other fuels.

Unique features: No He(g) purge required. Complies with ASTM D2622-10, ISO 20884, JIS K2541-7

Manufacturer: Shimadzu

Product name: EDX-7000/8000

Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometers

New this year: New high-performance, state-of-the-art semiconductor detector

Used for: Lab analysis

Suggested applications: Electronics, ceramics, oil and petrochemicals, chemicals, agriculture and foods, metals, pharmaceuticals, and mining

Primary benefits: High fluorescent X-ray count per unit time; electronically cooled detector does not require liquid nitrogen, five primary filters, large sample chamber.

Unique features: New state-of-the-art semiconductor detector (SDD) enables high resolution analysis, no requirement for liquid nitrogen reduces operating costs and maintenance requirements; accommodates samples up to 300 x 275 x approx. 100 mm (W x D x H).

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Jeanette Grasselli Brown 
Jeanette Grasselli Brown