Product Resources


Special Issues

Spectroscopy SupplementsSpecial Issues-11-01-2007
Volume 0
Issue 0

Product Resources

Mass spectrometer

Thermo Fisher Scientific's LTQ Orbitrap XL mass spectrometer is designed for protein identification and biomarker discovery. The instrument reportedly features high sensitivity in MS and MSn, a rapid scan rate, high mass accuracy, and up to 100K resolution power. According to the company, the product includes an octapole collision cell for increased flexibility in MS-MS fragmentation applications such as peptide quantitation, PTM analysis, de novo sequencing, and metabolomics research. Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA;

Circle 100

GC–MS system

PerkinElmer's Clarus 560 D GC–MS system is designed for lower-volume laboratories' routine application needs. According to the company, the system offers increased productivity through state-of-the-art electronics, the fastest scanning rates to yield the most accurate data, the widest mass range, and the latest in reporting capabilities for easy environmental compliance. The compact system also includes a GC autosampler, a touch-screen interface, and dual channels for additional application work. Perkin Elmer, Inc., Wellesley, MA;

Circle 101


The 4800 Plus MALDI TOF/TOF Analyzer from Applied Biosystems is a time-of-flight MS/MS system that reportedly provides high levels of protein coverage and throughput in quantitative proteomic analysis. According to the company, the product is the only commercially available MALDI TOF/TOF mass spectrometer with on-axis laser irradiation, enabling sensitivity in the attamole range. Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA,

Circle 102

CID MS-MS system

Shimadzu's AXIMA-TOF2 mass spectrometer reportedly features the highest collision energy available for a TOF-TOF instrument. The mass spectrometer is designed to collect both PSD- and CID-generated ions simultaneously. According to the company, the product's ion gating technology affords precursor ion isolation resolution, allowing the successful MS-MS analysis of complex mixtures. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD;

Circle 103


Hitachi's NanoFrontier with TOF MS is designed for preserving posttranslational modifications (PTM) with electron capture dissociation (ECD), which allows definitive PTM site and type determinations. According to the company, the product provides high-throughput intelligent control of combined ECD and CID scans for interrogation of modified proteins. Hitachi High Technologies America, San Jose, CA;

Circle 104

MS system

The Waters Synapt High Definition MS (HDMS) system is designed for researchers working at the limits of conventional MS and who need to further characterize and define complex samples. The system reportedly uses an ion-mobility-based measurement and software to analyze sample ions differentiated by size and shape. According to the company, this additional dimension of separations fidelity leads to improved specificity and sample definition. Waters Corporation, Milford, MA;

Circle 105

Mass spectrometer

Bruker Daltonics introduces the apex-ultra FTMS mass spectrometer, which reportedly features a wide dynamic range, high resolving power, high mass accuracy, and fast data acquisition. According to the company, the product is designed for top-down proteomics and the analysis of complex mixtures in applications such as metabolomics or petroleomics. Bruker Daltonics, Billerica, MA;

Circle 106

Ion sources

Prosolia's Omni Spray Ion sources are a series of ionization sources based on desorption electrospray ionization (DESI). DESI is a simple, sensitive, gentle, and versatile ionization method that allows for the direct and rapid sampling of surfaces without any sample preparation and under ambient temperature and pressure conditions. According to the company, with this source, scientists are able to analyze both large and small molecules from a variety of surfaces. Prosolia, Inc., Indianapolis, IN;

Circle 107

UV-vis spectrophotometer

Hitachi's model U-2900 is a UV-vis local control double-beam spectrophotometer designed for routine as well as research laboratory applications. According to the company, the product is equipped with a 10.4-in. color liquid crystal display, data storage with an external USB flash disk, a validation function that allows users to check performance, and optional PC control using the company's UV Solutions software. Hitachi High Technologies America, San Jose, CA;

Circle 108

Ion mobility spectrometer

The TSI 3980C MacroIMS ion mobility spectrometer is designed for fast separation of macromoles. According to the company, the instrument's software allows overlay of spectra, raw data smoothing, and molecular weight-based controls and statistics. TSI Incorporated, Shoreview, MN;

Circle 109

Mass spectrometers

Agilent's 6100 series single-quadrupole mass spectrometers are designed to obtain high-quality MS data across chromatographic peaks with widths as narrow as 1 s. According to the company, the systems provide maximum spectral information confirming that the correct peaks are being identified and faster POS/NEG mode switching. Agilent Technologies Inc., Wilmington, DE;

Circle 110


Capillary PEEK tubing from Upchurch is designed for use in ultralow-flow, small-particle-column applications. According to the company, the 25-μm i.d. tubing has been tested with water to withstand pressures greater than 7000 psi (482 bar) at room temperature. Upchurch Scientific, Oak Harbor, WA;

Circle 111

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Jeanette Grasselli Brown 
Jeanette Grasselli Brown