RoHS Polyethylene (PE) Rapid Screening by XRF


Application Notebook

Application NotebookApplication Notebook-09-02-2016
Issue 0
Pages: 53

The measurement of Cr, Hg, Pb, Br, and Cd in polyethylene (PE) is demonstrated for RoHS rapid screening by XRF.

The Restriction on Hazardous Substances initiative (RoHS) limits the allowable amounts of the toxic elements chromium, mercury, lead, bromine, and cadmium in plastics and consumer goods. energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) is an accepted analysis technique for the rapid screening by XRF and quantification of the hazardous element according to RoHS norms. To meet the industry needs, Rigaku offers the NEX DE VS analyzer with automatic collimators and camera for sample positioning and sample image, giving QA/QC technicians the means for fast and simple screening and analysis of materials that must conform to RoHS and similar directives.

Experimental Conditions


Model: Rigaku NEX DE VS - Small Spot energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analyzer

X-ray tube: 12 W 60 kV Ag-anode

Detector: High Throughput SDD 500,000+ cps

Collimators: 10, 3, and 1 mm spot size, automatic switching

Camera: High resolution for sample positioning and automatic capture of sample image

Safety Film: Mylar 6 um

Analysis Time: 90–300 s depending on usage

Environment: Air


Empirical calibration was performed using the thin certified standards available from Sumika Chemical Services, Ltd. and thick certified standards from ASI Standards. An automatic correction was used to compensate for variations in sample thickness. In this way separate methods or user input is not required for the measurement of samples having different thicknesses.



Ten repeat measurements of ASI Standards QC check sample were measured to validate the calibration.

Detection limits (LLD – lower limit of detection)


Ten repeat measurements of ERM-680k were measured to validate sensitivity at low levels.


The flexible Rigaku software allows users to design RoHS report field headers to suite specific reporting needs. Headers to report Sample Name and Analyzed By are automatically set by default and the user simply enters up to six additional report memo headers as desired.



RoHS report is automatically generated that includes the user defined fields, sample image, and element judgment.


The NEX DE VS with automatic collimators and camera provides excellent sensitivity and reliable precision for RoHS rapid screening by XRF down to 1 mm spot size. Simple Point Analysis Screen allows operators to easily enter report information as designed using customizable report headers and automatically generates an RoHS report complete with sample image, analysis results and Pass/Unsure/Fail judgment.

Applied Rigaku Technologies, Inc.
9825 Spectrum Drive, Bldg. 4, Suite 475 Austin, TX 78717
tel. (+1) 512-225-1796,