The Use of Raman Spectroscopy in Cancer Diagnostics
Highest Spectral and Spatial Resolution for Chemical Imaging
Savillex C400d: A New General Purpose, Inert Nebulizer for ICP-MS
A Rapid FT-IR-Based Method for Monitoring Detergent Removal from Biological Samples
Trends in Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging
Investigating Polymer Orientation with FTIR-ATR
Single Reaction Chamber Microwave Digestion of Highly Organic Matrices
Analysis of Additive Elements in Polymer Using ZSX Primus Series/Application Package
Determination of Low Concentration Methanol in Alcohol by an Affordable High Sensitivity Raman Instrument
Thermally-Induced Structural Changes in Proteins Measured by ATR Spectroscopy
US EPA SW-846 Method 6010C Using the Prodigy7 High-Dispersion ICP Introduction
Moxtek's MXDPP-50: X-ray Detection Performance Characterizations
Characterization of Diesel Fuel Using a Modular Raman System
Elemental Analysis Through a Plastic Barrier
Handheld Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectrometer for In-field Elemental Analysis