Jerome Workman, Jr. is an Executive Editor for Spectroscopy. Direct correspondence about this article to
William F. Meggers: The Dean of American Spectroscopists
Published: April 29th 2024 | Updated: May 10th 2024William Frederick Meggers, honored as the Dean of American Spectroscopists by the US National Bureau of Standards (NBS), dedicated over five decades of his career to NBS, which later became the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 1988 under the United States Department of Commerce. We profile his contributions to spectroscopy here.
Peter Griffiths: Icon of Infrared Spectroscopy
February 1st 2024Spectroscopy is publishing a series of feature articles highlighting the lives and careers of the most influential spectroscopists over the past 100 years. These individuals were selected by our Editorial Advisory Board and team of editors to represent the leading figures in spectroscopy over the century. Our second featured Icon of Spectroscopy is Peter R. Griffiths.
Gary Hieftje: Pioneering Analytical Chemistry and Nurturing Future Scientists
January 1st 2024Spectroscopy is publishing a series of feature articles highlighting the lives and careers of the most influential spectroscopists over the past 100 years. These individuals were selected by our Editorial Advisory Board and the editors to represent the leading figures in spectroscopy over the century. Our first featured Icons of Spectroscopy Laureate is Professor Gary Hieftje.
The 2024 Emerging Leader in Atomic Spectroscopy Award
January 1st 2024This year’s Emerging Leader in Atomic Spectroscopy Award recipient is Eduardo Bolea-Fernández. For the past decade, Bolea-Fernández’s research has focused on the development of a newly introduced technique, termed tandem ICP-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS/MS), for ultra-trace elemental and isotopic analysis. Senior technical editor Jerome Workman discusses Bolea-Fernández’s work here.
Exploring the Spectrum of Analytical Techniques for Material Characterization
November 1st 2023This tutorial illustrates spectroscopic imaging principles, applications, advantages, and limitations for UV-vis, FL, NIR, IR, THz, Raman, XRF, ICP-MS, and LIBS techniques. It provides a guide for understanding spectroscopic imaging for diverse sample types and applications.
Unveiling Exoplanet Secrets: The Near-Infrared Spectrograph on the James Webb Space Telescope
September 22nd 2023The James Webb Space Telescope's near-infrared spectrograph (NIRISS) has introduced the single object slitless spectroscopy (SOSS) mode, enhancing our ability to study exoplanet atmospheres with high resolving power. This innovation holds great promise for advancing our understanding of distant worlds and their compositions.
Ancient History Revealed Using Laser Light: Unraveling the Secrets of Roman Egyptian Blue
August 29th 2023A study published in Scientific Reports has given intricate details into the production and composition of Roman Egyptian blue pigment. Using advanced Raman microspectroscopy, researchers explored pigment balls and murals from ancient Swiss cities, uncovering evidence of raw material provenance, crystal lattice disorder, and the formation of a copper-bearing green glass phase, revealing the sophisticated techniques employed by Roman artisans.
Ultraviolet Resonance Raman Spectra Reveal Distinctive Features of Serum Albumins
July 24th 2023Researchers from Humboldt-Universität in Berlin have utilized ultraviolet resonance Raman (UVRR) spectroscopy to differentiate between bovine serum albumin (BSA) and human serum albumin (HSA) based on their similar structures and amino acid composition. By comparing the UVRR spectra of the proteins with those of specific amino acids, they have identified distinctive features that allow for accurate discrimination and provide insights into the secondary structure and binding sites of serum albumins.
The 2023 Emerging Leader in Atomic Spectroscopy Award
January 1st 2023Andreas Riedo of the Physics Institute at the University of Bern, the 2023 winner of the Emerging Leader in Atomic Spectroscopy Award, is using laser ablation–desorption ionization mass spectrometry (LIMS) to chemically analyze complex mineral surfaces found in space exploration.