FACSS 2009 Preview



Volume 24
Issue 10

Spectroscopy previews the 36th FACSS, to be held October 18–22, 2009, in Louisville, Kentucky.

The 36th FACSS conference, sponsored by the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies, will be held October 18–22, 2009, at the Marriott Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky.

Plenary Sessions
The conference program will open with a plenary lecture by Carina Alles, DuPont Engineering Research & Technology (Wilmington, Delaware). Her lecture is titled Sustainable Growth Through Sustainable Solutions and will be presented on Monday morning, October 19. Monday afternoon’s plenary lecture, Quantitative Analysis Based on Imaging and Counting Single Molecules, will be delivered by Joel Harris, University of Utah (Salt Lake City).

During the remainder of the conference, each day will begin with a plenary session by internationally recognized speakers and FACSS award winners. After the daily plenary lectures, there will be eight concurrent sessions. Each of those sessions will be composed of poster and oral presentations. Prizes will be awarded daily for outstanding poster presentations.

AwardsStudent Awards
This year’s Tomas A. Hirschfeld Scholar Award will be presented to Matthew Lockett, University of Wisconsin, Madison (Madison, Wisconsin). The FACSS Student Award will be presented to Yuze Sun, University of Missouri (Columbia, Missouri).

Professional Awards
Among the professional awards being presented this year, the Charles Mann Award for Applied Raman Spectroscopy is given to an individual who has demonstrated advancements presented at FACSS in the field of applied Raman spectroscopy. This year’s recipient is Pavel Matousek of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (Oxfordshire, UK).

The Anachem Award is presented annually to an outstanding analytical chemist based on activities in teaching, research, administration, or other activity that has advanced the art and science of the field. Earning the honor for 2009 is E. Neil Lewis, Malvern Instruments (Worcestershire, UK).

Additional award listings and recipient biographies can be found at www.facss.org.

More than 50 companies will showcase their products in the exhibit hall during the week. As in the past, the exhibit will open on Monday evening with a reception. Tuesday and Wednesday breaks and posters sessions will also be held in the exhibit hall.

For more information and to register online, visit the FACSS website at www.facss.org.

FACSS International Office
PO Box 24379
Santa Fe, NM 87502
Phone: (505) 820-1648
Fax: (505) 989-1073
Email: facss@facss.org

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