Product Resources



Volume 22
Issue 10

Featured products from the spectroscopy marketplace.

Low-level standards

Inorganic Ventures offers a line of 10-ppm and 100-ppm standards. According to the company, custom multielement blends are available upon request, at levels as low as the part-per-billion range, and most custom standards can be shipped within three days or less. Inorganic Ventures, Lakewood, NJ;

Circle 100

Raman laser

B&W Tek's Cleanlaze lasers for Raman spectroscopy are available in multimode models at 0.2-nm FWHM, while single-mode versions feature a 0.02-nm typical linewidth. According to the company, output power options are from 25 mW to over 1 W at 785 nm, and 980-nm and custom wavelengths are available. B&W Tek, Newark, DE;

Circle 101

Silicon drift detector

Thermo Fisher Scientific's UltraDry silicon drift detector for electron microscopes reportedly enables detection of low-energy X-rays down to beryllium. According to the company, the product's clear peak separations in the low-energy region allow for easier interpretation of spectra and confidence in the analysis. Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA;

Circle 102

Online shop

Ocean Optics introduces an online shop at According to the company, the site features a range of equipment for purchase, including light sources, fibers, patch cords, EviDots, and cuvettes. Ocean Optics, Dunedin, FL;

Circle 103

EDXRF microscope

The XGT-7000 energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) microscope from HORIBA Jobin Yvon includes dual vacuum modes to provide sensitivity to light elements and atmospheric pressure analysis for elements ranging from sodium to uranium. According to the company, the instrument's 10-μm spatial resolution allows fast element characterization of discrete microscopic particles and detailed element imaging. HORIBA Jobin Yvon, Edison, NJ;

Circle 104

LC–MS system

Shimadzu's LCMS-IT-TOF LC-MS system features Formula Predictor software, which reportedly takes advantage of multiple levels of fragmentation, isotope pattern verification, and unique fragment-ion filtering techniques to determine the correct formula for unknown components. According to the company, the system addresses the needs of biomarker discovery, trace amount impurity identification, and natural products research. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD;

Circle 105

Sample manipulation system

Thermo Fisher Scientific introduces an entry-level version of its ARL SMS-2000 sample manipulation system, which is designed to offer foundries and other metals producers a way to automate sample analysis. According to the company, the system provides automatic sample introduction and handling, and analysis and distribution of results are automated with no user intervention required. Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA;

Circle 106


Andor Technology's Shamrock SR-500 and SR-750 spectrographs are designed to offer high resolution for more detail and clarity across a wide range of applications, including Raman. According to the company, features include direct and responsive control of the spectrograph and camera through Andor Solis (s) software allowing users to control wavelength and calibration, grating selection, shutter control, and filter selection as well as a "step and glue" facility to join spectra together. Andor Technology, South Windsor, CT;

Circle 107

Cuvette holder

The FLASH 300 from Quantum is a temperature-controlled cuvette holder for transient absorption, flash photolysis, pulsed-laser photoacoustics, and other laser-based experiments. According to the company, features include a vertical adjustment to match the laser beam height, a horizontal micrometer adjustment to position a laser beam in the sample, and magnetic stirring. Quantum Northwest, Spokane, WA;

Circle 108

NMR spectrometer

Bruker BioSpin introduces the Avance III NanoBay, an NMR spectrometer that reportedly supports a wide range of small molecule applications from high-throughput screening routines for quality control in analytical chemistry and food science to structure verification in drug discovery. According to the company, the product offers a Microsoft Windows–based intuitive routine user interface (LINUX option) and provides a choice of Japanese and Chinese graphical user interfaces and language support. Bruker BioSpin, Billerica, MA;

Circle 109

Raman imaging

WITec introduces the Ultrafast Raman imaging option for the company's alpha300 confocal Raman microscope. According to the company, with this option the acquisition time for a single Raman spectrum can be as low as 1.7 ms, and the total acquisition time for a complete confocal Raman image is reduced to only a few minutes. WITec Instruments Corp, Savoy, IL;

Circle 110

Silicon drift detector

EDAX introduces the Apollo 40 SDD silicon drift detector for qualitative and quantitative EDS X-ray microanalysis. According to the company, the 40-mm2 detector has a large solid angle that provides for higher input count rates at a given beam current with improved speed or precision and processing count rates exceeding 106 cps. The instrument is thermoelectrically cooled. Applications include x-ray mapping, particle analysis, and analysis of beam-sensitive materials. EDAX, Mahwah, NJ;

Circle 111

UV-vis spectrophotometer

The model U-1900 UV-vis spectrophotometer by Hitachi High Technologies America reportedly includes a four-position cell changer and methods for wavelength scanning, time scanning, and standard curve, method storage. According to the company, the spectrophotometer can be controlled from a PC using the company's UV Solutions software. Hitachi High Technologies America, San Jose, CA;

Circle 112

Mass spectrometer

Bruker Daltonics introduces the apex-ultra FTMS mass spectrometer, which reportedly features a wide dynamic range, high resolving power, high mass accuracy, and fast data acquisition. According to the company, the product is designed for top-down proteomics and the analysis of complex mixtures in applications such as metabolomics or petroleomics. Bruker Daltonics, Billerica, MA;

Circle 113

Nebulizer system

CETAC's Aridus II desolvating low-flow nebulizer system for ICP-MS is designed to enhance sensitivity with the ability to accommodate a higher sample uptake rate, improve signal stability, and lower susceptibility to electrostatic effects. According to the company, applications include the introduction of geological and semiconductor samples for ICP-MS. CETAC, Omaha, NE;

Circle 114

Immersion probe

Hellma's immersion probe features a vertical measuring slit and has an all-quartz probe head mounted in a stainless steel cover. According to the company, the measuring slit of this immersion probe is oriented vertically and is crossed horizontally by the light beam. Hellma GmbH & Co. KG, Müllheim, Germany;

Circle 115

Internal grating single emitter

QPC introduces a 785-nm internal grating single emitter, reportedly with 750-mW output from a 50-μm stripe at an accurate center wavelength of 785 nm +/- 1 nm. According to the company, the product also features a 0.2-nm spectral width (FWHM) and a temperature tuning coefficient of 0.08 nm/°C. QPC Lasers Inc., Sylmar, CA;

Circle 116

Spray chamber

Glass Expansion introduces its IsoMist programmable temperature spray chamber accessory for ICP-OES and ICP-MS. According to the company, its software allows wireless control of temperature from -10 °C to 60 °C in 1 °C increments. Glass Expansion, Inc., Pocasset, MA;

Circle 117

Raman spectrograph

The Acton LS 785 Raman spectrograph from Princeton Instruments was developed and optimized for Raman spectroscopy in the NIR wavelength range and features a refractive, five-element f/2 lens design that reportedly produces high-quality imaging and field flatness for spectroscopic analysis in the 700–1000 nm region. According to the company, an antireflection coating developed by the Acton Optics Coating Laboratory ensures 99.4% transmission per element over the working spectral range. Princeton Instruments/Acton, Trenton, NJ;

Circle 118

Sampling system

PerkinElmer's S10 autosampler is a computer-controlled, multipurpose sampling system for atomic absorption, ICP-OES, and ICP-MS. According to the company, the autosampler automates standard and sample introduction for instrument calibration and sample analysis, extending the spectrometer's capabilities to those of a fully automated analytical workstation. PerkinElmer, Waltham, MA;

Circle 119

Fluorescence filters

Semrock's BrightLine Basic fluorescence filters are hard-coated filter sets that combine the durability of the company's BrightLine research filters with high optical performance. According to the company, the sets are available for a wide range of popular fluorophores, including major fluorescent proteins. Semrock, Inc., Rochester, NY;

Circle 120

Diamond ATR accessory

PIKE Technologies introduces the GladiATR diamond ATR accessory for FTIR analysis. The ATR accessory has a monolithic diamond crystal design and is compatible with pressure applications up to 30,000 psi. According to the company, the product provides a full mid-IR spectral range (4000–400 cm-1 ) and extended far-IR spectral range (400–2 cm-1 ) with compatible FTIR optics. PIKE Technologies, Madison, WI;

Circle 121

Raman microscope

DeltaNu's ExamineR is a Raman microscope that comes with a choice of wavelength modules — 532, 785, or 1064 nm. According to the company, the design puts the Raman module on top of the microscope, making it simple to change wavelengths and giving the product a small footprint. DeltaNu, Laramie, WY;

Circle 122

ICP-MS cones

Spectron offers standard nickel, platinum, and aluminum cones for all ICP-MS instruments with full technical support available. The cones are made to OEM designs, and platinum cones include refurbishing. The company also carries a line of other manufacturers' sample-introduction products, including nebulizers, torches, spray chambers, and multipliers. Spectron, Inc., Ventura, CA;

Circle 123


Smiths Detection introduces their new ChemID software for the IdentifyIR FTIR analysis system, designed to allow software users to search library databases for sample identification. According to the company, modules within the software allow peak picking and functional group analysis of the sample, while pictures from the built-in video capabilities of the IdentifyIR are also maintained with the spectral data for ease of retrieval. Smiths Detection, Danbury, CT;

Circle 124

NIR spectrometers

The Near Infrared Digital Transform Spectrometer (DTS) product family offers an alternative to conventional spectroscopy methods, using a MEMS spatial light modulator in a portable form factor, featuring a single InGaAs detector and no moving parts. The devices also feature low power consumption, utilizing a standard USB connection for both communications and power interfaces. The DTS product family can be configured to operate in various scanning modes, including a monochromator mode, NDIR mode, chemometric mode, and digital transform mode. Polychromix, Wilmington, MA;

Circle 125

Dual readhead encoding

The DSi dual SiGNUM interface encoder from Renishaw combines two SiGNUM SR readheads for high accuracy with an angularly repeatable and customer located propoZ reference position, which is unaffected by bearing wander or switch-off. According to the company, the encoder combined with the REXM ring offers better than +/–1 arc second total installed accuracy. The encoder reportedly can operate at speeds as high as 4500 rpm and temperatures as high as 85 °C. Renishaw, Hoffman Estates, IL;

Circle 126

NIR analyzers

Foss NIRSystems' XDS MasterLab and XDS MultiVial NIR analyzers are designed for rapid nondestructive measurements of tablets, liquids, and solids. The MasterLab analyzer can be used for automated reflectance or transmission analysis of a tray of multiple tablets or vials. An integrated variable spot-size feature enables adjustment of the sample illumination based on the diameter of the tablets and vials being used. The MultiVial analyzer can be used for automated sampling without transmission for tablets. For more information, e-mail FOSS NIRSystems, Inc., Laurel, MD;

Circle 127

X-ray detector

PANalytical introduces the PIXcel solid-state detector designed for XRD applications. According to the company, the detector contains more than 65,000 pixels, each 55 μm × 55 μm in size. The detector can be mounted as one of the company's PreFIX interchangeable X-ray modules or positioned behind conventional point detector optics. PANalytical, Almelo, The Netherlands;

Circle 128

Application note

Teledyne Leeman Labs announces the release of a new application note for the Determination of Mercury in Sediments, Soils and Sludge using the Hydra-C Mercury Analyzer. According to the company, the Hydra Series of products cover a range of techniques including cold vapor atomic absorption, cold vapor atomic fluorescence, and automated sample preparation, and the Hydra-C extends the capabilities of the Hydra Series by permitting the direct analysis of solid samples by combustion. Teledyne Leeman Labs, Hudson, NH;

Circle 129

Accessories catalog

New Era Enterprises has updated its UV-Vis-FL accessories catalog to include valve and flow cells, CD cells, more special application cells, UV-Vis reference standards, and replacement source lamps. New Era Enterprises, Inc., Vineland, NJ;

Circle 130


ReactionSleuth software from Remspec is designed for postprocessing of reaction monitoring datasets. The software works with multifiles in the spc format and offers PCA/Target transformation, peak-fitting capability, and 3D displays of real and synthetic datasets. Remspec Corporation, Sturbridge, MA;

Circle 131

Immunosuppressant kit

Waters' MassTrak immunosuppressant kit is designed to be used with the company's LC-MS-MS systems to monitor tacrolimus levels in kidney and liver transplant patients. According to the company, the kit combines quality controls, calibrators, an internal standard, and an HPLC column together with methodology to perform tacrolimus measurements. Waters Corporation, Milford, MA;

Circle 132

XRF detector

Amptek offers its XR-100CR XRF detectors, featuring 149-eV resolution, thermoelectric cooler, small size, and solid-state design, as both complete systems and to OEMs. According to the company, it does not use liquid nitrogen and is suitable for portable applications such as measuring plating thickness; lead detection; RoHS/WEEE verification; semiconductor processing, and sulfur in oil and coal. Amptek, Inc., Bedford, MA;

Circle 133

Light source

The AvaLight deuterium/halogen light source from Avantes is designed to extend the dynamic range of the company's AvaSpec spectrometers. According to the company, the product includes a shutter that can be operated manually or via TTL signal from the company's spectrometer platform. Avantes Inc., Broomfield, CO;

Circle 134

ICP-OES spectrometer

The Spectro Genesis from Spectro Analytical is reportedly the first and only ICP-OES spectrometer available with a complete set of factory calibrated methods for environmental and industrial applications, ready for use out of the box with an application package that includes the sample introductions system, sample preparation instructions, and method documentation. Spectro Analytical Instruments, Kleve, Germany;

Circle 135

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