Webcasts: Raman Spectroscopy
Emerging Trends in Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Analysis
November 6th 2024Webinar Date/Time: Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 Morning Session: 10:00 am EDT - 12:00 pm EDT Afternoon Session: 1:00 pm EDT - 2:20 pm EDT Thursday December 5th, 2024 Morning Session: 10:00 am EDT - 12:00 pm EDT Afternoon Session: 1:00 pm EDT - 1:40 pm EDT
4th Annual Molecular Spectroscopy in Practice Symposium
June 29th 2023Webinar Date/Time: Tuesday, July 25th, 2023 Morning session: 9:30am EDT|6:30am PST|3:30pm CET|2:30pm GMT Afternoon session: 2pm EDT|11am PST|8pm CET|7pm GMT Wednesday,July 26th, 2023 Morning session: 9:30am EDT|6:30am PST|3:30pm CET|2:30pm GMT Afternoon session: 2pm EDT|11am PST|8pm CET|7pm GMT
Unique Scientific Analysis to Authenticate Fine Art
September 20th 2022Tue, Sep 20, 2022 1:00 PM EDT Jackson Pollock is considered one of the preeminent artists of the 20th century and perhaps the most important US-born painter. The remnants of paint from Pollock’s artwork projects remain on the studio floor and are ripe for scientific analysis using portable and noninvasive spectroscopic techniques, such as Raman and X-ray fluorescence (XRF). It is almost certain that Pollock created paintings with pigments now present on the studio floor, which means they can be used as a reference to help determine the authenticity of any future unknown works.
Introducing Enlightened UV-VisAdvancements in Drug Development and Formulation
September 14th 2022September 14, 2022 10:00 AM EDT – 12:45 PM EDT September 15, 2022 10:00 AM EDT – 11:45 AM EDT Pharma e-symposium: Advancements in Drug Development and Formulation. Attend this special event and gain insights and strategies to help shorten time-to-market, reduce development costs, increase yield, and assure quality and compliance throughout the drug development process.
Molecular Spectroscopy in Practice: Investigating Problems in Industry and Beyond
July 27th 2022Wednesday and Thursday, July 27 and 28, 2022 EDT As we all know, theory is one thing and practice is another. Join us for our third annual two-day virtual symposium, presented jointly by the Society for Applied Spectroscopy (SAS), the Coblentz Society, and Spectroscopy magazine, on molecular spectroscopy in practice. This year’s focus is on investigating problems in industry and beyond. The first day, Wednesday, July 27, will focus the analysis of consumer products, and the second day, Thursday, July 28, will address industrial products.
Allowing You to do More with Less: The TRS100 Transmission Raman System
July 21st 2022Thursday, July 21st, 2022 at 11am EDT|8am PDT|4pm BST|5pm CEST Learn about the use of molecular spectroscopy techniques – transmission Raman spectroscopy (TRS) and laser direct infrared (LDIR) – for solid-state analysis in pharmaceutical formulation development.
Imaging Enhanced II: Today’s Raman Microscopy Applications
June 28th 2022Tuesday, June 28, 2022 at 1pm EDT | 6pm BST | 7pm CEST Confocal Raman imaging microscopy is a powerful, versatile, and increasingly common analytical technique capable of quickly identifying the molecules in a sample and visualizing their physical distribution in three dimensions. The conference will give a comprehensive overview of current technologies and their latest applications.
Compliant Raman Analysis: Efficient Chemical Identity Testing in the Regulated Environment
June 9th 2022Thursday, June 9th, 2022 at 1pm EDT|10am PDT|6pm BST|7pm CEST Identity testing and chemical screening by Raman Analysis: error prevention, data security, and traceability in the regulated environment.
Powerful Solutions from UV/Vis/NIR to FTIR to Raman and All The Applications In Between
March 31st 2022Thursday, March 31st, 2022 at 2pm EST | 11am PST | 8pm CET | 7pm GMT Join us for this webinar to learn about the Agilent family of spectroscopy instruments, including UV-vis, UV-vis-NIR, fluorescence, FTIR, and Raman, with a focus on instruments that are particularly well suited for use in teaching and in core facilities.
Demystifying Fit-for-Purpose for Raman and NIR Instruments
June 9th 2021*Live: Wednesday, June 9, 2021 at 1pm EDT| 12pm CDT| 10am PDT* Join Lucy Botros, the USP Scientific Liason for General Chapters, and Adam J. Hopkins, Spectroscopy Product Manager at Metrohm USA, as they team up to demystify how to comply with USP methods to make an analyzer or method fit for purpose. Lucy will explain the new structure and philosophy of the spectroscopy chapters, and how you qualify an instrument’s fitness for purpose. Adam will then discuss how Metrohm NIR and Raman solutions comply with revised USP guidelines. *On Demand Until June 9, 2022*
Next-Generation Raman Spectroscopy: Automated, Flexible, and Productive
April 13th 2021***Live: Tuesday April 13, 2021, 2pm EDT | 1pm CDT | 11am PDT*** This webcast highlights how to achieve high throughput, flexibility, and ease of use with a Raman spectrometer featuring class 1 laser safety and auto-focusing dual-core lasers. In particular, we will focus on how to carry out fast and easy identification, quantification, or verification of raw materials or finished goods, explaining essential steps to ensure measurement accuracy and safety. We will also introduce the topic with a brief discussion on modern Raman spectroscopy theory. ***On demand available after airing until April 13, 2022***