Molecular Spectroscopy

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Intact pottery jars labeled in a forgotten script. Generated with AI. | Image Credit: © Natalia -
μ-Raman Spectroscopy Analysis of Ancient Ceramics

August 6th 2024

A recent study from the Center for Research on Archaeometry and Conservation Science demonstrated the value of using μ-Raman spectroscopy to analyze ancient ceramics.

The Story of ESCA: An Interview with Nobel Prize Winner Kai Siegbahn
The Story of ESCA: An Interview with Nobel Prize Winner Kai Siegbahn

July 29th 2024

Science and medical treatment research concept image with microscopy research using a microscope close-up view | Image Credit: © Keitma -
Evaluating a Multilayer Polymer Film by Raman Microscopy

July 1st 2024

Scientist investigating the chemistry of the environment © Michael -
A Brief Review of the Latest Spectroscopic Research in Environmental Analysis

June 18th 2024

Biomedical engineers are working in the laboratory. Generated with AI. | Image Credit: © rizky -
Advancements in Raman Spectroscopy Propel Biomedical Science Forward

June 18th 2024

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