The Determination of Selenium in Shampoo by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
Multiple Reflection Diamond ATR Spectroscopy for Analysis of Pastes and Microvolume Samples
Mapping Protein Conformational Stability Using Automated CD
Multicomponent Search and Advanced ATR Correction: Intelligent Tools for Rapid, Accurate Analysis of Kidney Stones with FT-IR
The Orbis Micro-XRF Analyzer Series
Spectroscopy Enters the Mainstream
Analysis of Air Filters According to EPA Method IO-3.3
Call for Application Notes
Real-Time Monitoring of Tablet Film Thickness in a Fluid-Bed Coater Using FT-NIR
Spectroscopic Monitoring of the Enrichment of Chlorin e6 in Tumors of the Skin
3-D Confocal Raman Imaging
Determination of Low Concentration Methanol in Alcohol by an Affordable High Sensitivity Raman Instrument
Hand-Held FTIR Analyzers — A New Capability for At-Site Measurements of Rock and Minerals — Use of FTIR for Elucidating Rock and Mineral Composition
Analysis of Small Molecules with amaZon: Enhanced Sensitivity, Speed, and Dynamic Range
Carbon Nanotube Characterization by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy