
E.D. Melnik


A Novel Method for Practical Implementation of the Shifted Excitation Raman Difference Spectroscopy (SERDS)

SERDS analysis can be easily and successfully carried out using two high-power laser diodes with a fixed-wavelength separation in the presence of high fluorescence.

Daniel Iverson


Microwave Digestion of Pharmaceutical Finished Products and Ingredients for Upcoming USP Method 233

Current USP Method 231 "Heavy Metals" was introduced in 1905 for determining heavy metal impurities in pharmaceutical drug products. The procedures of the method have several limitations, which produce results that are nondiscriminatory, difficult to reproduce, and qualitative, or at best, semi-quantitative.

Mélanie Bédard


Quick and Easy Dissolution of Chromite Ores, Ferrochromes, and Chromium Slags for ICP-OES without Using HF or HClO4

A new sodium peroxide fusion method is described, as well as the conditions for inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometry, and a list of the accuracy and precision measurements for all prepared samples.

Jungang Lv


Differentiation of Inks Used for Seals by Confocal Raman Microscopy and Fourier Transform Infrared Microscopy

The analysis of seals, mostly via the ink types, can provide evidence to authenticate the related documents and can play a key role in legal cases. In the present study, a method to discriminate red seal inks using Raman microscopy and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy was developed.

Isabel Vandenheede


Peptide Mapping of Monoclonal Antibodies and Antibody–Drug Conjugates Using Micro-Pillar Array Columns Combined with Mass Spectrometry

The structural complexity of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) challenges the capabilities of even the most advanced chromatography and mass spectrometry techniques. This study examines the use of micro-pillar array columns in combination with mass spectrometry for peptide mapping of both mAbs and antibody–drug conjugates (ADCs).

Nancy Lewen


Preparation of Pharmaceutical Samples for Elemental Impurities Analysis: Some Potential Approaches

The use of atomic spectroscopy techniques and sample preparation procedures is something that is not as routine in the pharmaceutical industry as are chromatography-based techniques and sample preparation procedures. With new requirements being implemented regarding elemental impurities by the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) and International Conference on Harmonization (ICH), analysts in the pharmaceutical industry are, in many cases, working to determine how best to analyze their samples. Sample preparation techniques that can be used for pharmaceutical samples are the same ones that have been used by other industries for many years. This paper will provide a brief overview of potential techniques.

Joaquim A. Nóbrega


Determination of Rare Earth Elements in Geological and Agricultural Samples by ICP-OES

This method demonstrates that ICP-OES is a suitable alternative to ICP-MS for the determination of rare earth elements in geological and agricultural samples

Nivedita Bhattacharya


Rapid and Direct Quantitation of Pharmaceutical Drugs from Urine Using MALDI-MS

An application of MALDI-MS in qualitative and quantitative analysis of pharmaceutical compounds spiked in urine is demonstrated.

Jason D. Keith


Microwave Digestion of Pharmaceutical Samples for USP Method

Pharmaceutical samples spiked with several heavy metals were prepared for ICP-MS analysis using microwave digestion following the protocols in proposed USP chapters <232> and <233>. The results of the spike recovery study are discussed.

Bruce Scruggs


Improved Sensitivity with the New Apollo XRF ML-50 Detector on the Orbis Micro-XRF Analyzer

The measurement of trace elements is important across a wide variety of materials characterization problems. When measuring small glass fragments collected from crime and accident scenes, forensics experts analyze trace strontium (Sr) and zirconium (Zr) typically unintentionally incorporated into the glass during manufacturing as one point of identification or comparison.

Turan Erdogan


Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench: Thin-Film Filters for Raman Spectroscopy (PDF)

Recent advances in thin-film filter technology have enabled dramatic improvements in the performance of filters for laser-based analytical instrumentation.

V.S. Ban


A Novel Method for Practical Implementation of the Shifted Excitation Raman Difference Spectroscopy (SERDS)

SERDS analysis can be easily and successfully carried out using two high-power laser diodes with a fixed-wavelength separation in the presence of high fluorescence.

Ronald E. Majors


New Chromatography Columns and accessories

This month's installment of "Column Watch" comprises Part II of our yearly report on new products introduced at Pittcon. Gas chromatography columns, sample preparation products, and hardware, accessories, and small tabletop instruments mainly for sample preparation are covered.

W. R. Premasiri


Rapid Bacterial Diagnostics Via Surface-Enhanced Raman Microscopy

SERS of bacterial cells can be a useful technique for clinical diagnostics, as illustrated by the analysis of a human urine sample spiked with urinary tract infection bacteria.

Esen Efeoglu


Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering for Biofilm Characterization

A summary of the efforts to study microorganism biofilms using surface-enhanced Raman scattering, a powerful technique for in situ analysis of biological molecules and biomolecular organizations

C. Kozma


Observing the Solar Spectrum at House of Science

Analysis of the temperature of the photosphere and determine the temperature by students using CCD spectrometers.

Jeff Forsberg


Mercury Determination in Tuna, CRM 463 by USDA Method CLG-MERC1.01 Using the QuickTrace® M-7600 CVAAS Mercury Analyzer

Teledyne Leeman Labs QuickTrace® M7600 was used to analyze and determine total elemental mercury (Hg0) concentration in Tuna (CRM 463) following the guidance in USDA Method CLG-MERC1.01 and the operating conditions.

George L. Donati


Sulfur Determination in Fuels by ICP-OES and ICP-MS to Meet Increasingly Stricter Legislation Requirements

A critical review of the main developments in instrument technology, calibration, and sample preparation that have made it possible to determine low sulfur concentrations in fuels followed by a discussion of strategies to minimize spectral interferences related to sulfur determination by ICP-MS, such as collision–reaction cells, high-resolution mass analyzers, and the interference standard method.

Katsu Kawabata


Reduction of Carbon-Based Interferences in Organic Compound Analysis by Dynamic Reaction Cell ICP MS (PDF)

The authors show that dynamic reaction cell ICP MS can eliminate a number of argon- and carbon-based polyatomic interferences, allowing the determination of many critical elements in problematic organic compounds found in the semiconductor industry.

Ch. Nilsson


Observing the Solar Spectrum at House of Science

Analysis of the temperature of the photosphere and determine the temperature by students using CCD spectrometers.

Bruce Scruggs, PhD


Using the Orbis Micro-XRF Spectrometer to Study the Microstructure of Ancient Roman Seawater Concrete

Ancient Roman builders designed maritime concrete harbor structures to remain intact in the aggressive seawater environment for very long periods of time.

Robert C. Tisdale


Benchtop WDXRF for Cement Analysis

Cement is one of the most important materials in the construction industry. Traditionally, WDXRF spectrometers used in cement plants have been large, floor-standing models with substantial installation requirements and ownership expenses. This application note demonstrates the capabilities of the Rigaku Supermini - a new low-cost, benchtop wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) spectrometer - for the rapid quantitative elemental analysis of cement raw meal.

Cindy Delonas


Highlights of Our 2022 Review of Spectroscopic Instrumentation

Here, we offer highlights of the 2022 Review of Spectroscopic Instrumentation, which appeared in our May issue.

Steve Wilbur


Accurate Measurement of Ultrafine Silica Nanoparticles Using ICP-MS/MS

A method to measure ultrafine silica nanoparticles using ICP-MS/MS to control the elemental and polyatomic ion backgrounds is described here.

Yves Danthez


A Dedicated Spectra Database for Multiline Selection in ICP-AES

Acquisition and interpretation of a spectra database for ICP-AES analysis are described. The aim is the selection of nanometer-wide spectral windows containing several elements and several lines per element, so as to perform multiline analysis. An automatic line assignment procedure has been used. Information such as wavelength, sensitivity, line width, limit of detection, and level of detector saturation are stored. Filtering procedures are used for line selection, taking into account concentrations and possible spectral interferences.

Don Potter


Savillex PFA Cyclonic Spray Chamber for ICP-OES and ICP-MS

The new Savillex PFA Cyclonic Spray Chamber is the first inert chamber with the traditional shape of a glass cyclonic, and is also the first translucent inert chamber.

B.L. Volodin


A Novel Method for Practical Implementation of the Shifted Excitation Raman Difference Spectroscopy (SERDS)

SERDS analysis can be easily and successfully carried out using two high-power laser diodes with a fixed-wavelength separation in the presence of high fluorescence.